Kolovrat hardly needs presentation. The Russian are on scene more than 10 years now, having numerous albums and concerts behind their back. The Moscow-based WP/NS band is one of the most popular both in Bulgaria and in the whole world and is regarded not without a reason as the ‘Skrewdriver of Eastern Europe’. That’s why we were very glad when the band agreed to be interviewed especially for our internet magazine. Although the blog’s crew does not share the idea of the “Slavic Bulgarian folk”, included in the introductory and final words of the interview, that is definitely the best interview that we have done (up to now!!!). Enjoy reading it.
1.When did you become NS and what influenced you to do so?
I salute all our Slavic brothers in blood and faith! I became NS in the beginning of the 90s, as I have already thought nationally and always had a cute scence for justice. I also have always been interested in politics and after a searching I have chosen ‘a third way’ for me – against the capitalism and communism as well, for a nationally-based socialism.
At the very beginning I had ultra nationalist viewsq being under the influence (like many others during these years) of the ideology of organizations such as the Russian national uniry (RNE in Russian), led by A.P.Barkashov, but soon I realized that the ultra-nationalism is counter-productive. All of us should be racialistis, thinking in the light of the interests of our common family – the white European race. The survival and prosperity of the race – that is the absolute priority to all of us, the right-wing activists of today.
2. Why is the situation like that in Russia? How did you transform from slaves of bolshevism into the most serious and aggressive patriots, nationalistis and NS in Europe?
My personal opinion is that the national-liberation movement in Russia is not that serious and influential. Although that our domestic movement is practically developed enough, it also has some objective defects, for the elimination of which we have to keep a long and a hard work.. I think that the movement in separate Western European countries (Germany for example) is much more organized and structured, compared to the right-wing activists in Russia, and that’s an impartial fact.
In reality since the start of the so-called ‘perestroyka’ in 1985 throughout our whole country nationalist attitudes started to grow rapidly, amd that can be explained with the fact that during the communist dictatorship nationalist trends were persecuted and smashed severely, as it’s well-known the internationalism is the main idea of Marxism. It’s also necessary to mention that at the same time one of the tipical features of Russian mentality have always been the durable “antisemitism” and nationalsim, whichhave never vanished despite all actions of the communist regime. After the fall of that regime the nationalist ideas conquered the minds of hundreds of thousands of people throughout our country. Of course, we can not skip all those social , political and economical conditions which helped the renaissance of the right-wing movement in Russia – the total economic and social crisis as well as the total discreditation of the communist ideology let us attract in our ranks lots of new comrades.
3. What do you think of the Hammerskins and Blood & Honour?
These are two leading organizations of the white resistance, which act steadily and effectively at international level for the last 20 years. We have very good friends from lots of countries in different divisions of these two organizations. I think that Blood & Honour has far more perspectives for development in Eatersn Europe, compared to Hammerskin Nation, because the latter organization at the moment is not interested to enlarge in Slavic countries. B & H does not have such limitations and that is very positive
4. Is it necessary to act together with other NS in Europe? What is your attitude towards the chauvignism?
No doubt about that! We all need to act in a common union. Simply we don’t have another way to achieve our goals. The experience and the faults from the past obliges us not to repeat them, but to learn the lessons needed and this time to act as an united front. It’s deeply sad that even in our circles today not all of us realize that! But I believe that the situation will change for the good.
I have a sharply negative attitude towards chauvignism! The chauvignism and blind nationalism are phenomenons which we must fight with. People with such prejudices do not have place in our movement ! In order to win we need to think through the principles of White nationalism and racial solidarity, to act internationally.
5. How do you regard the war in Chechenia and the undeclared war that the Chechen terrorist wage on Russian territory?
As a whole I have a positive opinion for the so-called "war in Chechenia". In fact it wasn’t a war , but simply an anti-terrorist operation, aimed against the Islamic extremism and separatism, which wanted to seclude part of our land. Like you probably know the so-called "Chechenia" is nothing more but a Russian military trophy, concuered by our forefathers in 19th century. But I think that this operation in Chechenia lasted for so long due to the financial interests of our corrupt politicians who got rich out of that war, having made it a very profitable business for themselves, a profit from blood. As for the terrorist acts chich the chechenian terrorists and other bigots – Muslim fundamentalists waged on Russian territory , I can only say tha all we deeply mourn all the innocent victims of terrorism and that is reflected in our works. But I must say as well that the military action in Chechenia was a sharp necessity, they were simpley inevitable. The guerilla war and terrorism of the radical Muslims are an inevitable part of such a conflict.
6. How can we come into power? Through parliamentary elections or through some other pattern in the lights of the recent riots in Hungary?
I think that coming into power is possible both through legal political means (legal elections), and through coup d’ etat as well. But the last method , in my opinion, is practically impossible in recent time in any of the European states. That is more typical and possible in Third world countries. I think all we nee to a great extent to follow the german way of establishing and developing a right-wing political party, like NPD, participation in elections and coing into power in constitutional way. At the same time we realize that this method is effective only in a lawful state. This method practically does not work in countries like Russia.
Concerning our fatherland, I feel soory to admit that at the time I don’t see any possible ways of coming into power in Russia The existing situation makes impossible both the first and the second ways of achieving that goal. It’s possible in the future the conditions will change in a better dirtection. Today a lot of right-minded Russians apply to participate in the presidential elections in 2008, but I regard such hopes as illusive. It’s not worth deluding ourselves.
7. What is the level of ‘political correctness’ in Russia? Can a man criticize the zionism and ZOG without fears of repressions?
As a whole the level of ‘political correctness’ in Russia fortunately is still low compared to Western Europe. In spite of that any kind of critic of the Zionist system is strictly prohibited in Russia and the political repressions today are in their height. The system actively uses against the right-wing dissidents Article 282 from the Russian Penal code ("Stirring up national, racial and religious hatred") and the Bill of Fighintg Extremist activity. At the time being in our country there are hundreds of lawsuits against right-wing activists, mainly in the province. As a rule all verdicts announced are mainly verdicts of conviction. So, like worldwide the system tends to criminalize the Russian nationalist movement in order to justify its acts of punishment against the other-minded people. Thanks to the media propaganda an intensively negative image of marginals, maniacs fighting for more violence and extremists is being attributed to us, which has nothing to do with realities of modern right-wing political activism in fact.
1.When did you become NS and what influenced you to do so?
I salute all our Slavic brothers in blood and faith! I became NS in the beginning of the 90s, as I have already thought nationally and always had a cute scence for justice. I also have always been interested in politics and after a searching I have chosen ‘a third way’ for me – against the capitalism and communism as well, for a nationally-based socialism.
At the very beginning I had ultra nationalist viewsq being under the influence (like many others during these years) of the ideology of organizations such as the Russian national uniry (RNE in Russian), led by A.P.Barkashov, but soon I realized that the ultra-nationalism is counter-productive. All of us should be racialistis, thinking in the light of the interests of our common family – the white European race. The survival and prosperity of the race – that is the absolute priority to all of us, the right-wing activists of today.
2. Why is the situation like that in Russia? How did you transform from slaves of bolshevism into the most serious and aggressive patriots, nationalistis and NS in Europe?
My personal opinion is that the national-liberation movement in Russia is not that serious and influential. Although that our domestic movement is practically developed enough, it also has some objective defects, for the elimination of which we have to keep a long and a hard work.. I think that the movement in separate Western European countries (Germany for example) is much more organized and structured, compared to the right-wing activists in Russia, and that’s an impartial fact.
In reality since the start of the so-called ‘perestroyka’ in 1985 throughout our whole country nationalist attitudes started to grow rapidly, amd that can be explained with the fact that during the communist dictatorship nationalist trends were persecuted and smashed severely, as it’s well-known the internationalism is the main idea of Marxism. It’s also necessary to mention that at the same time one of the tipical features of Russian mentality have always been the durable “antisemitism” and nationalsim, whichhave never vanished despite all actions of the communist regime. After the fall of that regime the nationalist ideas conquered the minds of hundreds of thousands of people throughout our country. Of course, we can not skip all those social , political and economical conditions which helped the renaissance of the right-wing movement in Russia – the total economic and social crisis as well as the total discreditation of the communist ideology let us attract in our ranks lots of new comrades.
3. What do you think of the Hammerskins and Blood & Honour?
These are two leading organizations of the white resistance, which act steadily and effectively at international level for the last 20 years. We have very good friends from lots of countries in different divisions of these two organizations. I think that Blood & Honour has far more perspectives for development in Eatersn Europe, compared to Hammerskin Nation, because the latter organization at the moment is not interested to enlarge in Slavic countries. B & H does not have such limitations and that is very positive
4. Is it necessary to act together with other NS in Europe? What is your attitude towards the chauvignism?
No doubt about that! We all need to act in a common union. Simply we don’t have another way to achieve our goals. The experience and the faults from the past obliges us not to repeat them, but to learn the lessons needed and this time to act as an united front. It’s deeply sad that even in our circles today not all of us realize that! But I believe that the situation will change for the good.
I have a sharply negative attitude towards chauvignism! The chauvignism and blind nationalism are phenomenons which we must fight with. People with such prejudices do not have place in our movement ! In order to win we need to think through the principles of White nationalism and racial solidarity, to act internationally.
5. How do you regard the war in Chechenia and the undeclared war that the Chechen terrorist wage on Russian territory?
As a whole I have a positive opinion for the so-called "war in Chechenia". In fact it wasn’t a war , but simply an anti-terrorist operation, aimed against the Islamic extremism and separatism, which wanted to seclude part of our land. Like you probably know the so-called "Chechenia" is nothing more but a Russian military trophy, concuered by our forefathers in 19th century. But I think that this operation in Chechenia lasted for so long due to the financial interests of our corrupt politicians who got rich out of that war, having made it a very profitable business for themselves, a profit from blood. As for the terrorist acts chich the chechenian terrorists and other bigots – Muslim fundamentalists waged on Russian territory , I can only say tha all we deeply mourn all the innocent victims of terrorism and that is reflected in our works. But I must say as well that the military action in Chechenia was a sharp necessity, they were simpley inevitable. The guerilla war and terrorism of the radical Muslims are an inevitable part of such a conflict.
6. How can we come into power? Through parliamentary elections or through some other pattern in the lights of the recent riots in Hungary?
I think that coming into power is possible both through legal political means (legal elections), and through coup d’ etat as well. But the last method , in my opinion, is practically impossible in recent time in any of the European states. That is more typical and possible in Third world countries. I think all we nee to a great extent to follow the german way of establishing and developing a right-wing political party, like NPD, participation in elections and coing into power in constitutional way. At the same time we realize that this method is effective only in a lawful state. This method practically does not work in countries like Russia.
Concerning our fatherland, I feel soory to admit that at the time I don’t see any possible ways of coming into power in Russia The existing situation makes impossible both the first and the second ways of achieving that goal. It’s possible in the future the conditions will change in a better dirtection. Today a lot of right-minded Russians apply to participate in the presidential elections in 2008, but I regard such hopes as illusive. It’s not worth deluding ourselves.
7. What is the level of ‘political correctness’ in Russia? Can a man criticize the zionism and ZOG without fears of repressions?
As a whole the level of ‘political correctness’ in Russia fortunately is still low compared to Western Europe. In spite of that any kind of critic of the Zionist system is strictly prohibited in Russia and the political repressions today are in their height. The system actively uses against the right-wing dissidents Article 282 from the Russian Penal code ("Stirring up national, racial and religious hatred") and the Bill of Fighintg Extremist activity. At the time being in our country there are hundreds of lawsuits against right-wing activists, mainly in the province. As a rule all verdicts announced are mainly verdicts of conviction. So, like worldwide the system tends to criminalize the Russian nationalist movement in order to justify its acts of punishment against the other-minded people. Thanks to the media propaganda an intensively negative image of marginals, maniacs fighting for more violence and extremists is being attributed to us, which has nothing to do with realities of modern right-wing political activism in fact.

8. What part must take in the NS ideology the idea for "direct action" of the Format 18 type?
This way is exceptionally personal and to a supreme extent responsible choice. These people who decide to act using such methods must realize that standing on this way they sacrifice themselves and that their own life doesn’t belong to them anymore. I suppose that in the future such tendencies will grow in number because in a situation when nationalist opposition de facto is deprived of a right to voice itself then its most radical parts won’t have any other way to express themselves than to act with the respective method.
9. What is the part of Straight edge amongst the NS supporters? What is your personal attitude towards that phenomenon?
I feel that the ‘healthy way of life’ suits better the the right-wing activists compared to ‘straight-edge’.I personally stick to SE starting from the moddle of the 90s and thin that SEcan help a lot for greater creativity and effectiveness of our movement. We need to be always sober-minded, prepared and thoroughly concentrated not only to survive the today’s harsh reality but also to go on forward.In that sense the SE can be quite helpful without any condition. Despite the fact that our band has never been a “straight-edge” band, I actively agitate the idea of SE among the right-wing activists of pur country and today we can reasomably say that the right-wing SE movements is developing fast in Russia. In my opinion that is a positive thing. Keep your blood clean ! /note: a slogan of NS straight-edge worldwide/.
10. Do you regard Russia as the last White coutry with a chance for white revolution because lot of the NS abroad look at things exactly this way, having in mind the large Russian movement?
No, I wouldn’t put the question that way. I think that one of the main problems of our movement on aninternational scale is the tendency to idealize needlessly the situation. In order to have an effective and creative activity we simply need to be realists, who think at the highest degree concretely and objectively.
In fact the right-wing movement in Russia is large enough, which is easy to explain with the enormous territory of our fatherland and the severe, I would say even catastrophic situation in Russia, which are the reasons for the constant growth and development of the nationalist resistance. But at the same time it’s worth mentioning that as a whole our domestic movement is to a great extent loosely organized, divided and lacking information.In most cases there aren’t solid bonds between the particular regions. Lots of our comrades have a wrong view about the real aims, priorities and metods of our struggle. We don’t possess distinctive and charismatic leaders, neither an integrated leadership which to be recognized by all different factions in our movement,which still lack coordination.
As racial situation in Russia is concerned we are still a lot Whiter state compared to France or Germany, but in that direction situation worsens as every day passes. It’s evitable that a political will coming from the current government is needed to solve the problem. But it’s naïve abd groundless to expect that. The basic problem that the movement in Russia (sadly that problem is characteristic of the right-wing movent in all countries) faces up with is the lack of concern and the lack of will in the society to alter the existing status quo despite our appeals to society through agitation, propaganda and education. The majority of people are apathetic, indifferent, lazy and cowardly. Regretfully it’s unclear how can such a grey mass be awakened.
11. Tell us about your arrest in Prague and about your stay in prison? Was the funds-raising campaign started by different European comrades helpful to you?
I was detained on 30 January 2004 at the Prague’s international airport on my return from the Czech republic to Russia..The whole case was fabricated from start to end by the Czech ‘anti-extremist’ police , based on untrustworthy information that was deliberately transmitted to the police by a local ‘human rights’ organization. called ‘ Tolerance and civil society’.. I was indicted with Article 280, paragraphs 1 and 2, letters а) and b) "Support and agitation of a movement aimed at oppressing human rights and freedoms As a bail I was detained in prison that lasted for a 15 months and a half. In case of a verdict of conviction I was facing a prison time from 3 to 8 years.
As a result of the fact that the whole indictment was made up, and the evidence - falsified, by the end of the first trial at autumn of 2004, nearly all indictments were drawn off, a thoroughly not guilty verdict was issued and I was ordered out of jail. However the prosecutor appealed against the verdict and I had to wait for the sessions of the Court of appeal again in prison. At the beginning of 2005 the ‘not guilty’ verdict was abolished by the Court of appeal and the case was returned back to the first Court for a re-trial. The natural result of the re-trial was another ‘not guilty’ verdict.q which unfortunately was again appealed against from the prosecutor’s office and 2 months after I was released from prison. It’s important to mention that the two ‘not guilty’ verdicts were issued not because a ‘lack of evidence’ , but due to ‘the deed described in the indictment act is not a crime’. Consequently , all actions starting from the moment of my arrest, have been also thoroughly illegal
The international money-raising campaign by my comrades for the pay-off of my lawyer and for the support of my family that was left without a source of incomewas by no doubt very effective, one can only appraise as its true merit such a help and moral backing. Using the opportunity I would like to thank with the bottom of my heart to all comrades , that have given me their support in a hard time. You are the best! I want also to mention that the support of the right-wing POWs, of the ‘prisoners of conscience’ and their own beliefs is a irreversible duty of every comrade in our movement. They are there for us, we are here for them!
12. What do you think of the musical scene in Eastern Europe, Bulgaria – in particular? What do you lnow about our country?
I observe the development of the scene in Eastern Europe during the last 15 years and can say confidently that it is really progressing at the right direction. The quality of the albums produced, the musicianship, the seriousness of the attitude towards the lyrics-writing and the composing of songs are growing steadily. That is an undoubtedly easy-to-spot and solid tendency.
In my opinion the best scenes of Eastern Europe are the Czecho-Slovak and the Polish ones. In these countries there are plenty of really respectable bands – both lyrically and musically. For the Bulgarian musical scene I understood in connection to the appearance of the band ‘Brannik’. I later heard a studio-recorded album abd a videoclip from a gig of the band. I liked them a lot because I like the R.A.C. , up to the standard of the Eastern European scene..
We also know something about the right-wing movement in Bulgaria, about the activities of your B& H division and about the right-wing hooligans of CSKA Sofia. Due to understandable reasons I am restricted to further comment on that topic.
13. The last studio albums of ‘Kolovrat’ have a very heavy sound, your band’s style approaches the ‘hatecore’ , and your fans like more your style form the ‘Blood of Patriots’ times. Do you intend to return again to your R.A.C. style or you shall employ more metallized sound?
It’s true. Our last 3 albums (‘Era of the right hand’ (2002), ‘Punching the road to victory with a hammer’ (2003) and ‘Prisoner of conscience’ (2005) follow a clear and distinct tendency of hardening the sound and ‘metallization’, which reached its peak in ‘Prisoner of conscience’. In the future we plan to go this way. Listen to our 2 new English-language songs ( ‘Adrenaline factory’ and ‘Clockwork army’) , that are included in the german hools-compilation ‘No one like us , we don't care’ of the label Streetfight Records - that is the hard music of really hard times ! At the same time we will always stay true to our R.A.C. roots as well, and one can easily hear that in every single of our songs , nevertheless how ‘metallized’ it is.
In lots of people’s opinion that are interested in our works the album, ‘Blood of patriots’ was the most successful studio album of Kolovrat of all time. That in a snesethat the album was the easiest to listen, melodic and understood for the broad audience. I thoroughly agree with that. To what extent that album was the best forus? As for me, I love everyone of our songs, every single song to me is precious and unigue in its way, behind everyone there is an enormous effort, sincere emotions and lots of memories.. Today it’s not an actual task for us to ‘self-imitate’ ourselves and to try to record another ‘Blood of patriots’-like album. We wouldn’t like to copy ourselves. That is a wrong way that leads to nowhere. The situation in and around the movement is a sompletely different today. We grew up older and it’s not a surprise that our songs became harder,darker and more aggressive. That’s because our works reflct the surrounding realities. Despite that, in my opinion, we are still a R.A.C. band, that simply uses in its works various ‘hatecore’ and ‘metal’ elements. I’d also want to add that I know lots of people in Russia and abroad as well that like better our songs namely after the ‘Blood of patriots’ album. The more people, the more opinions and we don’t try to be liked by everyone and by all. We just continue our deed – honestly, sincerely, believing in the things we sing of. That is the most important and the most significant thing.
14. Your closing words, maybe - some wishes to the site and its readers?
I sincerely thank you for the interest at the works of ‘ Kolovrat’ and for the opportunity to voice my opinion before the audience of our White slavic brothers and sisters in Bulgaria ! I hope that one day we could visit your remarkable country and to personally meet live most of you.. From the bottom of my heart I wish to you not to stop after the achieved, constantly to develop and to go forward, whatever it takes!
All the best wishes from your Russian brothers and comrades!
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