1. Hello Karlito, please introduce your band in a few words.
Hello to all readers, we’re Antisystem from Moscow; our project was started in July 2005. We did some recordings; we did some gigs; our line up changed many times.
2. How did the band name come into your head? Is there any special meaning behind the name Antisystem?
The name was born in natural way, such name just came in my head, I even didn’t think about how our band should be named. Meaning is very easy – Antisystem is White anti-totalitarian band that stands against all kind of tyranny and oppression, we deny any systems that force free individuals to be slaves. I think no need to mention that we speak only about White individuals; and it is freedom for Whites that we care about.
3. You have very different line up when you started the band. You even have two vocalists and you played very various styles of music. Can you get this situation clear?
The band was started by me as singer and lyrics writer and Max as guitarist and author of all music. In such line up we recorded our first songs, with help of a friend on bass. Some months later Sadko joined us as keyboards player and solo-performer of ballads.
In 2006, Max has left our project, but turned back some months later. During this time, we asked our friend Slava from hooligan band Clockwork Times to help us to record songs for split CD with Swedish band Titania. Slava was into punk/hardcore music and composed the songs exactly in this style.
In 2007, we formed full line up with session musicians and played 2 gigs, but then we understood that we need to have the band filled with same minded guys, just as we are.
In 2008, Lev joined us as guitarist, to replace Max who lost all interest in the band.
Some later, Kraft joined as drummer, and Lutovid as second-guitarist.
Finally, our live line up today is following: Karlito on vocals, Sadko on bass and vocals, Lev and Lutovid on guitars, and Kraft on drums.
Our style now is not so much techno-thrash-metal as it was with Max, we sound today much more “traditional”.
Except from full line up, Sadko plays many ballad evenings all over the country, sometimes with help of Lev. Also Sadko supports as guitarist the band Sokyra Peruna on their ballad evenings.
4. In your first full length album “Worse is better” you have covered two songs of legendary Polish band Honor sang in Polish? You also sing in German. Does Antisystem is a Multilanguage band?
Definitely, we sing our own songs in Russian and English, but we do cover-versions also in Ukrainian, Polish and German. Sadko also can sing in French, so maybe we'll record something in French in future?
5. Can you give us some information about the project SGA (Slavonic Germanic Army) which your band is part of?
GSA is the right name, Germanic Slavonic Army. Originally it was just a project for couple of gigs on Romania and Hungary in 2005; we wanted to play some well known songs, to underline the idea of European Unity and Solidarity. Back-up band was Brigade M from Holland, singers were me and Arseni of Sokyra Peruna. As a final result, in end of 2007, we gathered in Kiev with guys of Brigade M, and also Big Ed of Bound for Glory joined us, we did an album there, we played a gig for almost 400 people and we hope to meet altogether again one day to make a second album.
6. There are many young bands in Russian/Ukrainian scene, can you point any promising of them?
Hello to all readers, we’re Antisystem from Moscow; our project was started in July 2005. We did some recordings; we did some gigs; our line up changed many times.
2. How did the band name come into your head? Is there any special meaning behind the name Antisystem?
The name was born in natural way, such name just came in my head, I even didn’t think about how our band should be named. Meaning is very easy – Antisystem is White anti-totalitarian band that stands against all kind of tyranny and oppression, we deny any systems that force free individuals to be slaves. I think no need to mention that we speak only about White individuals; and it is freedom for Whites that we care about.
3. You have very different line up when you started the band. You even have two vocalists and you played very various styles of music. Can you get this situation clear?
The band was started by me as singer and lyrics writer and Max as guitarist and author of all music. In such line up we recorded our first songs, with help of a friend on bass. Some months later Sadko joined us as keyboards player and solo-performer of ballads.
In 2006, Max has left our project, but turned back some months later. During this time, we asked our friend Slava from hooligan band Clockwork Times to help us to record songs for split CD with Swedish band Titania. Slava was into punk/hardcore music and composed the songs exactly in this style.
In 2007, we formed full line up with session musicians and played 2 gigs, but then we understood that we need to have the band filled with same minded guys, just as we are.
In 2008, Lev joined us as guitarist, to replace Max who lost all interest in the band.
Some later, Kraft joined as drummer, and Lutovid as second-guitarist.
Finally, our live line up today is following: Karlito on vocals, Sadko on bass and vocals, Lev and Lutovid on guitars, and Kraft on drums.
Our style now is not so much techno-thrash-metal as it was with Max, we sound today much more “traditional”.
Except from full line up, Sadko plays many ballad evenings all over the country, sometimes with help of Lev. Also Sadko supports as guitarist the band Sokyra Peruna on their ballad evenings.
4. In your first full length album “Worse is better” you have covered two songs of legendary Polish band Honor sang in Polish? You also sing in German. Does Antisystem is a Multilanguage band?
Definitely, we sing our own songs in Russian and English, but we do cover-versions also in Ukrainian, Polish and German. Sadko also can sing in French, so maybe we'll record something in French in future?
5. Can you give us some information about the project SGA (Slavonic Germanic Army) which your band is part of?
GSA is the right name, Germanic Slavonic Army. Originally it was just a project for couple of gigs on Romania and Hungary in 2005; we wanted to play some well known songs, to underline the idea of European Unity and Solidarity. Back-up band was Brigade M from Holland, singers were me and Arseni of Sokyra Peruna. As a final result, in end of 2007, we gathered in Kiev with guys of Brigade M, and also Big Ed of Bound for Glory joined us, we did an album there, we played a gig for almost 400 people and we hope to meet altogether again one day to make a second album.
6. There are many young bands in Russian/Ukrainian scene, can you point any promising of them?

All in all, here're many new bands appeared, time will show what they will achieve.
7. What is the situation with the labels in Russia?
Definitely, no big labels here, that's the fact. Some labels work without the name, in case not to attract any attention from those above us. As for RAC scene, B&H Russia Records is active label, RAC-Shop is nice internet distro. In NSBM side of things, I could recommend Stellar Winter Records and Othal Productions.
Really serious label Pure Hate Records stopped its activity, they were most known Russian label in the rest of the world since they released good international bands.
8. What do you think about the mp3 downloading, there is a Russian forum in the Net, which uploads albums just few days after they have been pressed?
I personally don’t download much music, maybe only something that I really want to listen to as soon as possible. But if I like any band and recording – I always try to find their original CD. You can’t do anything with downloading, since people have technical possibility to grab the tracks and upload it to public access in Internet – they will do it. It’s about persons – those who really support the bands – they will buy a CD.
9. What’s the current political situation in Russia nowadays, as far as I know it’s like an updated version of the USSR, but even worse about some oppressions of the Putinist state machine against the civil rights.
Too long story to describe it in 100th time, sorry… Situation here is total ass, if I can characterize it in few words. We live in real Asia despotic, it's just nice tales for idiots that "Russian Federation is European"…
10. Please, tell us about your song “You will be with us once again” which original English version still doesn’t see a light of a day in some cd?
It was one of our first songs, lyrics were written by our friend from Sofia. We recorded it and sent to German label to be featured on some compilation that still isn’t out. Actually, three and a half years already passed, and label always tells that sampler will be out soon, so we wait.
11. You are now in studio recording some songs for your next album, what the listeners can expect from it?
Yes, we record some stuff now, but not for full length album, we did a track for German solidarity compilation, we made two songs for a vinyl EP to be out in England, and we did a song for Tribute Brigade M project.
12. Your final words?
Thanks for your interest in our band, thanks for your friendship. Stay honest, follow your heart!
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