Monday, 28 June 2010

Police attack in Catalonia

Hello everybody,

Last Saturday 12th of June there was a private party planned in the Boxroom House – Skinhouse in the south of Catalonia (region in Spain), with different activities during the day.

At 15:30 just before we started the barbecue lunch, the regional police of Catalonia assaulted the compound and the building like the SWAT, with tactics of an antiterrorist command, all entered in anti-riot vans and were equipped with helmets, 9mm submachine guns, guns, batons, bullet proof vest, tasers, anti cut gloves...

All the people outside the house were told to rest in the floor and don’t move, and the people inside the house was put in the floor and handcuffed with bridles.

The people inside the house was moved to the outside, still with the brides, and put apart. All the people have to give their ID and mobile phone. Then started the register of the house with the owner of the property They confiscated the knifes of the kitchen, and also the flags that were in the tents of the camping zone, and material from people from abroad, as they would look nice in the photo of all the material confiscated.

Then the police started to take out boxes with t-shirts, cd’s and different material that was inside the house.

All the people were told that they must go out as the festival was cancelled, and after their luggage, tent and car were registered they could go out.

Meanwhile the police was with metal detectors around the property looking for who knows what, and make some big holes finding only sand.

Around 20:00 a lawyer went to the property to help the owner, but he was not allowed to enter.

By night the owner was transferred to the police station jail, accused of “promoting racial hatred” where he could be assisted by his lawyer.

In Sunday morning he had to declare in the police station, but he made no declaration. On Monday morning he is going to declare in the court with his lawyer, and then he wait two days in police station about Court conditions, he paid 3000 euro for freedom and then will be free.

The only arrested is the owner, the rest of the people were allowed to go our free. About the foreigners, some of them have returned to their countries and others without car were allowed to stay in Boxroom house until the day they have to take their flights.

This new act of repression of the separatist regional police of Cataluña against nationalists. They assaulted a property like they make when they look for a terrorist commando or dangerous drug dealers, in a place were there was only pacific persons without weapons.

Regards from Spain to European brothers, fight to be continue!!!

Saturday, 19 June 2010

Democratic dictatorship – made in Bulgaria

On 6th June in Bulgarian capital Sofia four persons, members of the anarchist organization “23 September” was attacked in a tramp on their way to a demonstration in support of illegal immigrants in Bulgaria. All the papers, radio and TV immediately blamed an unknown neo-nazi gang for the attack, which was made be metal sticks and iron boxing gloves. The day after eight people were arrested, most of them in their homes, houses were raided and personal computers were confiscated. Six of these people were charged as potential committers of the crime. The only proof against them is the evidence of the witness. All of them have alibi for the day of the accident, but the prosecutors didn’t care because the media hysteria increased day by day. The branch of the Helsinki committee (defender of “human rights” for faggots, gypsies, immigrants and all other kind of non white scum) sent an “open letter” to the President of Bulgaria, The Parliament and all the newspapers claiming that there is a growing wave of neo nazi violence, which must be stopped and yelling that the arrested people must be punished with all the law’s force. Few days after the Jewish organization “B’nai Brit” made a public statement that this neo-nazi attack must be punished as a attempted murder!!! They also asked organizations like B&H, National Resistance and Bulgarian national alliance to be punished for spreading racial hatred.
At the present moment six young man (age between 18 and 32) are behind the bars after the decision of the Court. We must notice that most of the people don’t know each other, and never ever met each other!!! One of guys has a PALESTINIAN father!!! Of course the cops and the court didn’t care about the FACTS when they masters are pushing them to prosecute the “evil Nazis”.

Friday, 11 June 2010

South America's Skinheads

The first skinheads were born in São Paulo (Brazil) in the year 1981. "Carecas Do Suburbio" called themselves. They were nationalist skinheads and come from the punk background, they were fed up with the drug, gay and communist degeneration of the movement. Years later are formed the "Carecas do ABC." The skinheads youth begun to extend to other cities of Brazil like Rio de Janeiro, Parana, Porto Alegre, Brasilia, etc. In 1985 in Brazil was carried out a gig with bands Oi!, punk and hardcore that finished with several deaths, wounded and 120 detainees. It was known as "black December." The skinheads get quick a reputation of violents thanks to their fights with gays, punks and commies.
In 1984 was formed the first Skinhead band in Argentina, called "Comando Suicida". At the end of the 80 in Brazil had around 1.000 skinheads and in Argentina 150.

In 1989, in Brazil the movement skinhead was divided among the integrationalist skins and also nationalists that accept blacks and half-breeds in to their orgs (Carecas do ABC, Carecas do Suburbio, carecas do Brazil) and the Skinheads White Power. The first NS skinhead band in Brazil was GSB (Grupo Separatista Branco). The WP skins are separatist, because they consider the San Pablo state as a White region and are against the immigrants of the north and north east because most of them are blacks and delinquents. In Buenos Aires (Argentina) some skins joined the MSN (Movimiento Social Nacionalista) of Federico Rivanera Carles.
In the 90's there was a big prosecution from the ZOG and the WP skin movement was temporally dismantled. In Argentina the violence provoke a fall of the number of skin heads, and till the formation of the MNO (Movimiento Nuevo Orden) they do not emerge again
In these years appear the first skins in Chile and was born the first RAC band called ROCKANOi!, most of the chilean skins follows the doctrine of the NS writer and philosophic Miguel Serrano. In Colombia also arise Skins in the cites of Cali and Bogota, they started to publish the zine HAZ REBELDIA OI!. In 1996 in Argentina happened a tragic event inside the Ns movement, that was the murder of the comrade Marcelo Scalera at the hand of an anarchist - bolshevik mob. This happened in the environs of Rivadavia Park where the MNO had a book stand, and the skinheads and patriots used to go there. In the environs of that zone the anarchist punks made a festival against the police repression, in a determinate moment they decide to attack the book stand, in which were skinheads and young Ns, in total 20 persons more or less; the scum was a mob of more than 100 persons, and in this attack was cowardly murdered the comrade Marcelo Scalera.

In Argentina have existed the following bands: "Comando Suicida" (the most popular) "Razon y Fuerza", " Ultrasur ", "Accion Radical" ,"Reaccion Violenta", "Legión Argentina", "Producto Nacional" and "Krisis Nerviosa" . The following fanzines has been published " Volksturm ", " Phoenix ", Odalan Skinheads", Victoria o Valhalla", "Guerrero Suburbano.". Nowadays only rehearse Ultrasur, Nuremberg and Vinland.
In Urugay the skinheads didn't appear till the last years of the 90's, in a small number, but they managed to publish the zine and website 'Orgullo skinhead' and form a RAC band called Escuadron 88. This website had many information about the skinhead scene in southamerica as well as pagan and Ns texts. The band Escuadron 88 only recorded a demo - rehearshal. In 1999 the ZOG decide to prosecute and arrest the components of Orgullo Skinhead, under the charges of promoting racial hatred and violence and subversive association. 5 young man went to prision, including the leader Sebastian.
In Brazil there are several WP music bands like "D.A" (called before Defensa Armada) , 'Locomotiva88' and 'Frente Nacional'; 'The Skulls' are just a bunch of mixed with good relations with the Sharps... There is an important org called IMPERIUM, There are a great quantity of publications like '20/04', ' Vitória ', ' Verlauf ', 'Povo do Senhores', ' The Horde of the Wolves ', etc. At the moment in Brazil there is around 200 WP Skinheads The nationalist skinhead movement, is bigger in the cities like São Paulo and Niteroi. There are 1.500 nationalist skinheads in all Brazil. There are also nationalist music bands like 'Bandeira de Combate" or 'Cruzada Patriotica', etc. The main skin'zine is Nação Forte Skinheads.

Other South American countries with presence of skinheads is Chile,In Chile there is around 100 skinheads, and the main organization in the past was "Accion Chilena". There is a skin'zine called 'Rayo Surdico'. In the past had music bands like 'Rockanoi!' and 'División Gamada'. Now there are "Odal Sieg", "Tropa SS" and " Sieg'88 ". The main skinhead org now is 'Santiago Skins' that edit the zine 'Batalla'
In Colombia nowadays there are some skinheads in Medellin and Bogotá. They continue publishing the magazine "Haz Rebeldia Oi!" and they have two RAC groups "Orgullo nacional" and "Huetramannaland."
The 20 April of 1999, was formed the first skinhead organization at South American level called " IMPERIUM " with skinheads White Power of Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Mexico.

This is a list of all the bands of South America that had relations with the skinhead movement
· Argentina: Comando Suicida, Doble Fuerssa, Tropas de la Noche, Batallon, Producto Nacional, Legion Argentina, Real Victoria, Reaccion Violenta, Ultrasur, Nuremberg, Razon & Fuerza, Accion Radical and Vinland.
· Brasil: GSB, Brigada NS, Nazi Combat, Nova Nação, Defesa Armada, D.A., Frente Nacional, Resistencia 88, Locomotiva 88, Zurzir, Resistencia 1945 and Pit-Bull.
· Colombia: Sociedad Violenta, Destacamento de Asalto, Orgullo Nacional y Huetrammanaland
· Chile: RockanOi!, Division Gamada, Odal Sieg, Tropa SS, Sieg'88
· Uruguay: Escuadron 88.

Gig in Argentina

Perhaps one of the most waited and most boycotted gigs ever took place in May, on Saturday 15th. However, there were no problems and furthermore, many comrades attended the show. It is worth mentioning that several comrades traveled from various cities of the country to be present at the gig.
This gig’s distinguishing note was that, for the first time, it was organized in memory of Marcelo Scalera, who lost his life on May 8, 1996, after a brutal fight planned beforehand by left-wing groups.
It was a concert where true comradeship reigned. And what does this mean? It means that, notwithstanding the personal differences that always exist among some comrades, there was an atmosphere of respect and thoughtfulness, which shows everybody's intention to help our movement to continue growing.
The first band to perform on the stage was the debuting band "BATTAGLIONE", who played 8 songs from their demo, “El fuego de la revuelta”, featuring songs like "Traidor", "Joven revolucionario", and "Malvinas argentinas"; they also covered "Ragnarok”, of the Spanish band Sección de Asalto.
Despite some problems with the drums, they debuted with a fast sound that is unfamiliar to the Argentine public and with very “incorrect” lyrics that left many comrades craving for more of this young and promising band.
Next, there was a short break during which the comrades continued sharing beers and conversation. It was very gratifying to see long-lost comrades chatting and remembering good old times.
The second band on stage to upset the attendance with their straightforward, catchy lyrics was BORCEGASSO; it was their 4th gig, but they proved to be at the same level than more seasoned bands.
They played songs from their first demo, such as “Falso socialismo", "Skinheads patriotas”, “Camisas pardas”, “Unidos somos más”, and also played a new song, “Camaradas y amigos”, plus several covers: "Unica solución”, from the already dissolved Argentine band Acción Radical, “Ultimo Recurso” (Comado Suicida), and the legendary hymn of all skinheads worldwide, “Chaos” (4 Skins).
The special note of their show was that they asked a comrade who was present in Marcelo Scalera's final battle to say some words about it to the public. This kind of request was very unusual in previous gigs and impregnated the atmosphere with respect and emotion for all the comrades who did not get to meet this great man who gave his life for our ideals.
The last band to perform was MUERTE Y CALAVERAS; they played many songs from their first CD "Noches de furia", including “Nacional revolución”, “La revuelta va”, and “Canción de Trinchera”. Additionally, they played several songs from their soon-coming-out second CD, “Una vida sin igual”, “Nuestra convicción”, “Enemigos del capital”, among others which, despite being new to the public, were highly accepted.
The set list also included covers such as Mentiras (Batallón de Castigo) and “Guerrero Skinhead” (Torquemada), that unleashed all the power of the pogo, and the party continued until late in the night.
When the gig was reaching its end, some members of the 3 bands got together to play some covers, including "Revuelta" (División 250), "NS" (Ultrasur), and "Es por tu nación" (Klan).
And such was the end of an evening that will be pleasantly remembered by all comrades.

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Back in the Days - Hess March 1997 in Denmark

Gig in Northern Spain

On the 22th of May, after the acts of memory to the heroes of the Battle of Clavijo, in village near by, a concert was held organized by the comrades of the area in cooperation with organizations “Boxroom House” and “Free nationalists”.

Around 20.00h we arrived at the place of the gig. There we find a small venue but fully conditioned and with a professional PA system. In a room next to the hall there were some tables where you could find books, CDs, shirts, badges, patches, stickers… merchandising of Boxroom House Productions.

The band which opened the night was Invictos, who performed only a few songs, but was enough to start warming the crowd. They played songs of their first CD released as “Banderas al Viento” (Flags in the Wind), “Valiente Combatiente” (Brave Fighter) ","Invictos” (Undefeated)... a breath of fresh air for the scene that gives us Jessy, the female singer, as she has an extraordinary voice and a powerful singing ability.

Next band to play was the band Asedio, from Madrid. A group who is improving themselves from concert to concert. The band has a new singer, who gives more aggressiveness and emphasis to the songs, coupled with the incredible guitarist that has joined the band. They have become a band that can stand out in not a long time. Topics such as “Despierta” (Awake), “Putos Bastardos” (Fucking Bastards) and "A. H." originated the first pogo dancing of the night.

Then went to the stage Más que Palabras. With a few changes in their line-up , they still show that the attitude and the quality of the group are indisputable in them. The powerful singer thrilled the audience in the room. They started with their usual sing “Lobos” (Wolves), playing songs of their first cd. They also made some covers of Brigada Totenkopf and Rienzi, from which we must highlight “Uno de los Nuestros” (One of us). A great band that delighted the audience, and caused the biggest pogo of the night and who regretted to having to stop playing despite the requests from the audience.

Next to play was the band from the Catalonia region Hijos del Odio. They have an impressive musical quality. They have also some new faces in their line up, but following the original style of the group. They played all the songs of their first album, with a very powerful voice and guitar solos that caused great sensations among the audience. Best song in our opinion was a cover of the band 7 Muelles, awesome!

To end the night and despite the evident fatigue among the audience after a long day, Iberian Wolves went up for the last rounds. This bands is one of the promises of the National RAC. They played own songs as “Tierra de Lobos”, "Willian Wallace”, “Rosa de Hierro” (Land of Wolves, William Wallace, Rose of Iron)... All of them accompanied by an extraordinary voice and melodic guitar solos that reminded to the legendary Estirpe Imperial band.

It was nearly 4 o'clock in the morning but the audience wanted more, so different members of the bands went to play changing frequently their positions, to play all kind of covers for the delight of the audience.

After all this we left to the camping to continue partying until well into the morning.

Regards to International readers and special greeting to Bulgarian brothers and sisters!!!

See you again next year again!

BXRH Staff!!!