Chilean skinheads are divided in two big sections: nationalist with NS tendencies and the most hardcore - the group of white racialist skinheads. This division give to the nationalist parties an oportunity to make his sections bigger. Parties like “National Order Front” and “National Socialist Action”.

In the beginning of 2006, came the end of the inner fights in the movement and the beginning of the real union between Chilean skinheads. New breeds of people join us and soon after a new band called Marcha Violenta appeared. The band belongs to Blood and Honour Chile. Thanks to all the efforts of people with a lot to loose and not too much to win and that makes the Chilean scene bigger than ever.
With the bands and the new organization the scene takes a new face, more strong and more powerfull with gigs every 3 months. In the future our idea is to invite more bands from abroad.
Thanks for the reading, and thanks for support
It(He,She) hurts that the band already does not exist like it(he,she) was former, the vocalist I patent the name of the band to his(her,your) name and it(he,she) went away to españa to continue there, on the other hand the broke guitarist skin he(she) is nowadays a simple microdealer of cocaine and throws(launches) internationally.
On the other hand with the last facts happened in chili the skin head of here are not mas that simple drunkards and ingorantes ... for ende really whites(targets) and loyalists to the reason only share in small cores(nucleuses) and without reunirce with the shit of blacks and alcoholic that believe whites(targets) ... a sorrow(sentence), but lamentably broke skin I stain the general image with all, beside TONY forms(trains) a band of name MOUNTAINOUS, where it(he,she) him(her) produces honors to the above mentioned delinquent and where the mask shows lines of cocaine ... and does he(she) say to be a Nazi nowadays? ... in chili gentlemen the white power is mas secret and fort that never.
Me gustaria they to inform mas about the truth that it happens in chili, but this way it(he,she) is, through the fault of the awkward(stubborn) one everything went away to the shit, but ahun stay that we take the ideology in our blood ... regards.
88 for ever!!!!!!!!!!
grande todas las bandas q destruyen al maldito zionismo y a los malditos extranjeros q ensucian el pais
soy chileno hasta la muerte
viva el RAC OI y el BMNS
Esos maricones de odal sieg son mas negros ke mi culo.
siempre que se aspire al mejoramiento etnico y cultural de las naciones,esos idealistas,demostraran su orgullo al no estar acomplejados por nada ni por nadie,y esos habladores,de izquierda son los verdaderos ignorantes ,que no distingen entre blancos de un nordico a un dinarico,y no saben lo que la raza aria comprende.
atte.ahzyklonb88,de mexico.
raza aria? poravor imbécil no te mientas mas, si el regimen nazi discriminaba hasta a los eslavos, reconociendolo como blancos pero de menor categoría por su condicion étnica, y me vas a venir a decir que tu , siendo moreno y de sangre mestiza te vienes a creer de esa raza imaginaria?
pfffff, pesquen libros cabros, en serio, pero no de esas mierdas basura que escriben los mismos weones con los que se juntan, libros de verdad.
Chilenos negros
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