PC records need no introduction. This is the biggest and most active label in Germany. It was originally started around 2000 year, but after some changes “kamerad” Yves became the owner and the main person behind the label and the distro. While other labels are producing just a 2-3 cd’s per year Yves and the team behind the label is doing this just for few weeks time!!! The owner of the label was kind to answer the questions of Revolt NS web zine.

How your normal working day is passing? Please tell us details about the label, the shop and your everyday work.
Starting a little bit later than most of other working people at 8 or 9 with first Post Office visit. Than open the shop, start replying the Mails and working all the orders of the people. Also finally some guys in shop want something ;-) Shop is closed 18.00 and than second time to post office....and that day by day.
Do you often have problems with the authorities, and what is the legal base for their prosecuting when your label is according by the law and you even pay VAT tax?
I had more than 10 raids the last years including the full observation. But nothing big happen till now. I wait for most of trails. I had normal company here, so all is official and I pay tax and all other stuff, which other companies had to do. Most of the stuff I sell is looked by some lawyers also.
Many of PC records cd’s are forbidden by the German state, why is this happening when as far as I know you are using a lawyer who checks the contents of the albums for politically incorrect lyrics?
Yes, but there are 2 styles of that. Most of my CDs are „indiziert“, that’s Censorship for Youth. So I cant sell it official, so mostly the selling is stopped so totally. The second thing is, that the CDs are complete forbidden, which I can go to jail for. That’s the thing, I wait for trials and see what will happen than. I had good lawyers and of course, checked all before. For the „indiziert“ CDs I cant go to jail, just the selling is stopped, which brings many costs with it...
Do you think that the music our scene produce can recruit people for the movement or it’s mostly to entertain people who are already converted into politics?

Please tell us some details around one of your latest productions – Gigi und die Braunen stadtmusikanten – Braun ist triumpfand the idea of front cover?
It was build by the layouter. They managed all with the band, I had nothing to do with that, but like that also, haha..
How many copies of a cd you normally press?
Since a few months now only 6-800 copies, cause most of the people download the music... sad but true. Finally one day, they will see what will happen, when no one can finance music....
What do you thing about the crowing hate core scene in Germany and in contrary about the classical skinhead RAC scene which numbers are getting smaller?
No, it just looks so, for people from abroad. The RAC Scene is still the biggest and the HC just in some areas is big. But not mainly everywhere. I listen booth styles, and be mainly a political activist, than member of a subculture.
Your label have just published second book of Mark Green dedicated to ISD and Skrewdriver. What could you tell us about those books and their author? When the English version of “Ian Stuart Donaldson - Rock'n Roll Patriot" will be available?
No plans or dates for that now, cause first I had to get costs in ;-)
Cd’s produced of your label are one of the must downloaded in the net. What do you think about the free mp3 downloading of music from our underground scene?
If people download forbidden stuff, or sold out stuff, absolutely no problem.... but if they upload and download new CDs, they are just wankers for me.... They will see in years, what they had done with that. But I think the most of that people will not be there than....out of scene!

Rock for Germany (Gera – 5500 people this year!), DS Presse Fest, Fest der Völker & Sachsentag I think. All organized by the NPD. I help a few people there. Good actions I think.
Are there any labels you don’t cooperate with and why?
V7 & H8store / Totenkopfversand – capitalists and ripp offers....
A PC record is based in the city of Chemnitz, which was part of ex DDR under the name of Karl Marx statt. Twenty years after the reunification of Germany, are there still differences between East and West part of the country?
Yes, but who cares....we are one folk, that’s it. Nothing we cant change over the years.
What is your personal opinion about the problems between German and Polish nationalist? Do you think about a possible end of this conflict in nearest future?
I personal had no problem, but finally 85% of the scene has. I think there will be no changes, every one think the other is crap and will still think that in 200 years, when the Muslims or others are Masters of Europe. Thanks for that...

Many times, and still interest to see more. I had many friends over there and soon we will meet more and more and more... ;-) I really like the folks etc. Most of the people are not so west European influenced which make them much warmer to each other. More comradeship and being there for each other. That’s sadly missed here...
Your final words…what you will like to say to the readers of our web zine?
Thanks a lot for the interest in me and my label. Hope to see you soon somewhere!
Europe awake!
Thanks for the interview, all best wishes to you and your great label!!!
*For all intersted - PC records site is - http://pc-records.de/
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