19th September 2009
We arrived only to the second (main) day of this famous event around 3PM. It was not so easy to find the place of the gig, becouse it was in the agricultural area of Rushden close to Northampton. After we payed the 15 pounds for the ticket we were allowed to drive in the large territory behind the pub-house. There was a big event-tent and a place for parking and camping-area as well. Everything looked well organised. The weather was kind to us it was just cloudy there without any rain.
We arrived only to the second (main) day of this famous event around 3PM. It was not so easy to find the place of the gig, becouse it was in the agricultural area of Rushden close to Northampton. After we payed the 15 pounds for the ticket we were allowed to drive in the large territory behind the pub-house. There was a big event-tent and a place for parking and camping-area as well. Everything looked well organised. The weather was kind to us it was just cloudy there without any rain.

During our first hour we looked around the territory and of course speaking a little bit with friends all across Europe. The conversions become too long with our friends than we entered into the tent when the SNIPER from Finland started to checking the sounds. Inside the tent there were many seller-stands as well, it was good to look around till the begining of Sniper. It was very nice to see this band live after listening their albums so much. We could hear their best songs.

The next memorable band was for me the the Bully Boys. They played excellent with their original guitarist Big Ed. The crowd liked their music very much. I was able to watch the Blackout as well, and they did excellent show, their songs were make the crowd to move a lot, and so on :)

The Brutal Attack made an outstanding gig, the people were all dancing, shouting etc. They were the highlight of this night. After them the White Law played, and at the end of the gig there was around two minutes of silence for the memory of Ian Stuart Donaldson. I wasnt able to get the exact numbers of the attenders, but I think at least 400 people were there or little bit more.

It was a little bit surprise than most of the people were older than 30. Maybe becouse most of the english bands are playing variations of RAC music and this is not so catchy for the younger generation of NS youth of today.
Yee ha, and I can see me there excellent gig.
Rock Against Communism is GREAT. Maybe old fashion, but still good.
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