Veneto Fronte Skinheads was founded in 1986, several years after the appearance of active skinhead movement in Venice; different skinhead groups from the city and the provinces wanted to unite in a common organization.
For the first time united VFS mob appeared in Suffolk (England), where the second big RAC festival was held.
Initially VFS was considered just as local organization from Venice, but after several months of outstanding activity and increase in number in 1987 (50 persons), the organization starts to cooperate with White Noise and National Front
By the end of the summer VFS – active reality of the Italian movement, they hold big RAC festivals with perfect level of organization, such famous European bands as Brutal Combat, No Remorse performed there, and also Italian ones – Nomina Dresda, Hope & Glory, Plastic Surgery….
In may 1989 VFS mob had a serious fight with French cops in Brest (France).
In 1989 the organization was under investigation of magistracy of Vicenza for the first time.
VFS was officially registered as Cultural Organization - Veneto Fronte Skinheads with their own regulations approved by the Court of Rome, where the copy is kept. By this year VFS civil and cultural activity started fully, it takes part in various national initiatives, such as rallies, meetings and providing of security during events.
In September 1991, in Monte Grappa, province of Vicenza, VFS organized 3-days meeting – Return to Camelot (Ritorno a Camelot), where comrades discussed perspectives of political cooperation and took part in a good skinfest. About 700 comrades visited the event. Those days Skredriver performed in Italy for the first time.
The march of 1993 brought repressions which lasted 8 months against President of association, initiated by the magistracy of Milan.
In May of 1994 VFS is on the pages of Italian and international newspapers, when someone tried to plant bombs to activists of organization and magistracy again started investigation, which makes indignant members of VFS.

Magistracy of Rome investigates activity of VFS President considering it justification of genocide.
Court repressions put obstacles for activity of VFS, breaking many events, but in July 1996 in Monteviale, Vicenza, celebrations of 10th anniversary of VFS is held.
A great number of cops attended the event under hot sun, in the evening in the center of Vicenza communists and other opponents organize protest against fascism and nazi skinheads.
12 October 1996 Verona public prosecution issues 4 arrest warrant for members of Verona VFS section.
14 February 1997 Verona police department issues ordinance according to which 47 VFS members are under investigation.
In 1997 leaders of organization meet in Vittorio-Veneto and start reorganization of VFS, weakened by judicial proceedings and police repressions. VFS magazine L’Inferocito is printed again, political actions continue.
23 April 1998 in Verona judicial proceeding starts against 47 VFS members. In the same year after confirmation of EURO by the heads of EU, Fronte starts campaign against all-European currency.
In 1999 VFS cooperates strongly with Movimento Sociale Fiamma Tricolore (Civil Movement – Tricolour) In March thanks to common efforts 2 big actions against immigration in Italy are held – 6th March in Verona and 27th in Treviso.
In May in Vicenza VFS organizes big protest against capitalistic globalism, which is supported by Associazione Uomo Libero (Association of Free Person) and 2 MP’s from North League (Lega Nord)
In July the first Veneto Summer Fest is held, where Swedish band Ultima Thule performed.
5 November judicial proceeding against VFS members in Verona is suspended, because of changes in panel of judges.
13 November in Vicenza VFS organized protest meeting against US aggression in Serbia, among speakers was Serbian representative – Dragan Kalaich
16 January in Treviso meeting was held, under motto – To defend the identity and against globalization, initiated by MSFT and VFS. Speech of the president had a great success and was published in newspapers.
27 February MSFT, Fascism and Freedom (Fascismo e Libertà) together with VFS organized protest against Maastricht treaty.
11 March in Vicenza VFS held a meeting against new world order. Hall is full of people.
22 March a group of comrades from Trentino lands in front of Cini Palace (S. Giorgio island) and protest against members of secret meeting in Aspen Institute – Madeleine Albright ( US State Secretary), Lamberto Dini (Italian minister of foreign affairs), Richard Holbrooke (member of tripartite commission of Bilderberg group) and other famous personalities who supports globalism. The boys demonstrate banner. Security service goes off into hysterics.
1 April 2000 – VFS organized a grand gig RAC 2000 – Rock Anti Comunismo; Mass Media again discusses activity of the Association.
20 May – members of VSF visit student meetings and have an argue with members of Amnesty International expressed their point of view about practice and theory of some aspects of justice.
3 June – In Treviso an manifestation is held against politics of globalization; action is organized together with MSFT, Fascismo e Libertàю. President of the Association had a flaming speech. Mass Media criticizes the act.
17 June - VFS took part in Vicenza congress of Movimento Sociale Fiamma Tricolore/
15 July – 2nd Veneto Summer Fest is held. More than 700 comrades attended.
23 July – In the very center of Padova, in a coffee house “Pedrocchi” VFS members had a civil meeting, they dressed in austere white shirts.
2 September – VFS is on the pages of all national newspapers because of protest against meeting of international globalists – “Ambrosetti”. Italian Parliament went off into hysterics.
4 November in Verona near Estravagario theatre a concert of Victory is held. Gesta Bellica performed.
9 November – a meeting is organized in Verona, dedicated to financial problems and Central Bank of Italy. Professor Giacinto Auriti had a speech.
16 December – in Verona at the concert dedicated to the Day of Winter Solstice English Oi-band Condemed 84 performed for the first time in Italy. About 800 comrades attended.
4 February – in the suburbs of Bolcano, 7 members of VFS were arrested after the fight with some drunkards. Scandal in Italian and European press.
13 February - local court of Verona imposed a sentence for the fight in Bolcano.
14 February – VFS made an official announcement at the press-conference dedicated to arrested in Bolcano comrades. Mass media caviled at every episode, comrades serve their term. 4 comrades were released after 15 days in prison, 3 others passed in prison 2 months. During all the term comrades were supported by organization. Events to collect money (gigs, meetings, conferences) and to protest were held in Northern Italy.
21 July coalition march of VFS with Coordination against Globalization (Coordinamento Antimondialista), dedicated to the famous meeting of Group of Eight (G8) in Genoa.
26 August searches at the Venetian Front supporters in connection with a bomb threat at the Palace of Justice in Venice, to which was annexed a note with the symbol VFS. Case was closed for lack of evidence.
31 August and 1-2 September, a traditional gathering on the shore of Lake Revin, in honor of "Ritorno a Camelot"; 1200 visitors, and the loud buzz of Italian media.
November 4 - police detained activists for several hours of VFS section of Piacenza: the reason - the guys went to honor the memory of those who died for their homeland (Victory Day). The association said a press official protest.
That same month, the Front formally adjoins Honor Guard of Benito Mussolini (Guardia d'Onore Benito Mussolini).
24 November in Valdagno, Vicenza, VFS suits public conference in Sala Pubblica, dedicated to Alessandro Pavolini - "Courage of fascist thought." Left-wing activists demand the resignation of Sala Pubblica manager.
November 24-25, delegates participated in the Front Constituent Assembly of the National Public resistance in Rome (all'Assemblea Costituente del Fronte Sociale Nazionale a Roma).
29 November in the province of Reggio Emilia skinhead concert took place, changed the course upside down local authorities, then they blamed the police.
In November and December VFS actively opposed the introduction of the Euro, by posting numerous leaflets and organizing street rallies.
15 January , in Bolzano, cops arrested for a couple of hours several fighters of VFS on their way to protest against the military US court verdict in the case Chermis.
23 February, in Bolzano Front arranges conference at which it formally protested the media for slander against the Association, in particular, journalists lies about the involvement of the Front for the drug trade, with gladly supported local left-wing media.
23 March in Pordenone VFS presents a meeting "Giustizialisti, forcaioli, persecutori del pensiero: la Psico Polizia e la repressione nel Triveneto" (against the reactionary repression and persecution). Later repressive authoritirs will present the meeting as an example of "subversion activity of Front".
After years of struggle, 25 April the Association finally allowed to hold a mourning ceremony in memory of the Martyrs (Martiri delle Foibe presso la Foiba di Basovizza) in the province of Trieste.
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Commemoration in Basovizza |
May 18 and June 7, Vicenza Reggio Emilia in front holds two conferences against the abominations of the banking system.
1-2June, in the province of Kalyani first concert of local skinheads, arranged by VFS.
8 June in Padua VFS together with the movement - New Force (Forza Nuova) takes street march to protest against the gay parade.
June 20 Moriadzho del Vattadzhlia, province of Treviso, Venice Front skinheads organized right-wing meeting in the Bay of Piave dedicated to the day of Solstice, in memory of the fallen in battle. Starting this year, the meeting is an annual tradition.
6 July III ° Venice Summer Festival is held, dedicated to the football match Italy - Germany.
7 July Shio Front participates in a funeral march in memory of victims killed during the massacre in Shio prison, made by Red partisans on the night of July 6 and 7, 1945.
17 August VFS went by several buses to commemorate Rudolf Hess inBavaria, Wunsiedel. Participation in the funeral march with banners.
7September, Vicenza Festival in Vichinghi with participation of Swedish groups: "Ultima Thule" and "Hel".
26 October – common marsh of VFS and the New Forces in Treviso, against gays and immigrants.
30 November march of new coalition with the New Power of Verona, against immigrants and homosexuals.
7 December series of legal mischief on the part of the city executive council and the police department, the reason for them - not to let the Front to rent space for meetings.
December 28 the first final of Torneo di Calcetto, involving eight teams. - Friuli Venezia Giulia won.
In 2003, the front starts election campaign "STOP 205", leaflets and posters are all over the streets, and the media publishes outraged articles. Events held in Venice, Friuli-Venezia, Giulia and some neighbor regions. The campaign continues for several months, and ends with collection of signatures from persons who support this initiative. Due to propaganda public opinion is directed toward the problems of limiting the freedom of Italian thought and expression.
March 28, 2003 in Pavia Front supporters organize rally against Saverio Ferrari, at the conference "sul pericolo della nuova destra", initiated by the CSO "il Barattolo". Some problems with the police, the announcement of the Statement consisted of 11 points and PR in the media.
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March in Pavia - 17 May 2003 |
April 25, memorial of victims of the massacre in Basovizza (Foiba di Basovizza), and again the excessive attention of media.
31 May, nationalist meeting is held together with friendly Cultural Association "Lo Scudo", functionary of the Northern League also attends the meeting.
June 17 in Padua funeral ceremony in honor of Giuseppe Mazzola and Gratsano Dzhraluchchi, comrades from Italian Social Movement, murdered by Red Brigades in 1974. Clashes with police and anti-fascists.
June 20 rally in memory of Moriadzho del Vattadzhlia.
July 7 mourning in Shio: homage to the martyrs killed by the Reds in prison.
July 26 IV ° Venice Summer Fest, dedicated to the football match Vicenza - Verona.
August 15 the Front visits march of the memory of Rudolf Hess in Wunsiedel.

August 30 VFS held demostrarion in the area of Trentino against the informal meeting of Foreign Ministry, where the global economic conspiracy was discussed.
In September and October, the Front holds campaign aimed at disproving the lies created by journalists around the Association at the background of the processes in Verona and Vicenza.
In September 2003, the date of death of Ian Stuart, founder and herald of the European skinhead movement. Comrades from many European countries attended the memorial.
November 22 a public lecture, "The idea is encased in a cage" in which criticized "legal" monster - "a mandate to arrest"; Carlo Taormina the famous criminal lawyer performs. More than 300 people in the hall, and a broad response in the media.
December 6 Front members participated in the European March of Memory of Daniel Wretström (Sweden), who was killed by immigrants.
February 21 and April 17, in the cities of Vicenza and Brescia respectively, the Association arranges two conferences "Banca: la tua amica ladra". Numerous speakers and presenters perform, criticizing banking system, listing the names associated with certain dealings. Local press, of course, ignore the event: the truth is dangerous.
The annual memorials - April 25, in Trieste, April 29 in Verona (in honor of Sergio Ramel), June 20 in Moriadzho del Vattadzhlia, August 21 in Wunsiedel (Rudolf Hess march).
May 1 Members of VSF attended march organized by the National Democratic Party of Germany in Berlin.
On June 25, protests in Pavia against communist extremist Saverio Ferrari: a couple of incidents.
July 24 V ° Venice Summer Festival, coincided with the match Italy - Germany. Large pan-European fest.
In September, President at a meeting of members of the Frente officially proclaims the accession to the Tricolour Movement (MSFT).
February - Association officially took part in the Dresden funeral procession in memory of victims of the bombing in 1945. Approximately 8,000 of patriots march on the streets, remembering the innocent victims of extermination! Our delegation of 10 people are under the banner of the Front, and a representative delivers a speech at the rally.
March 19 first Venetian Front Skinheads - United Skinhead Girls Italian Festival "VFS - U.S.G.I. Fest ", and almost 1,000 visitors. Beck's Street Oi!, Nemesis, Ultima Frontiera, Max Resist, Final War and ZetaZeroAlfa participated
April 16 meeting in Verona, "Dal petrolio all'acqua: le guerre del XXI ° secolo" / «oil wars of twenty-first century", with Dr. Karl Terrachchiano and Aldo Bracci.
Homage to the victims of April 25 and April 29 and June 19. Rudolf Hess Memorial march in Germany is prohibited.
Night from Saturday 16 to Sunday July 17 fights with leftists in Verona, Front members are undcer house arrest for a period of several months.
July 30 in Udine VI ° Venice Summer Festival.
September 15 after the dastardly attack on the historian of the Front a march was organized: 300 supporters marched through the streets of Verona
September 17, Ian Stuart Donaldson Memorial in Treviso
October 29 column of buses go to Rome, to rally with Tricolour Movement at the march designated as "Identity - Sovereignty - Socialism."
20, our delegation visited Madrid to honor the memory of Italians who died in the Spanish Civil War in the Valley of the Fallen / "Valle de los caidos".
VFS supports Tricolour Movement in the campaigns conducted in the north-eastern Italy.
January 7 Bus with youth from Venice goes to Rome to honor the memory of Akka Larentia.
February 11 Association honors the martyrs of the national struggle in Trieste: a joint demonstration with the One Union of Defense (Gruppo Unione Difesa).
March 4 conference of Professor Paolo Sinoreli "Combining people and globalization."
March 11 march of VFS and MSFT in Milan, the hysteria in the media
April 15, Second "VFS and USGI Fest" in Verona, and 2,000 visitors. Gesta Bellica, Evil Church, Blitzkrieg, Armco and Bully Boys perform
April 25 traditional memorial of victims of the massacre in stock Basovizza, and April 29 in commemoration of Sergio Ramel in Verona.
June 9 Matteo di Lignano, young member of the Front died in a car crash
June 25 visiting of Piave, commemoration of the Battle of the Heroes Solstizio / "Battaglia del Solstizio".
July 1 concert in Rieti in order to draw public opinion to the unjust prosecution of Luigi Chavardini.
July 9 Police tried to ban the annual rally in memory of victims of the massacre in the Shio prison: After the march 60 people were arrested, one third of them is our youth.
August 4 Piero Puskiavo President of the Association retires. Francesco Mancini Guglielmo was appointed as Interim President.
After a five-year break on the shore of Lake Revine from 1 to 3 September "Return to Camelot," is held in three days of concerts, speaking engagements for 2000 people, and a grand fireworks in honor of the 20th anniversary of VFS which stands despite the repression and problems
September 30 annual Ian Stuart Memorial in Treviso.
October 28 Giordano Karachino was elected as the President of the Association
November 4 The Association participates in a demonstration in Padova, organized by Tricolour Movement (MSFT). Mass is indignant.
January 7 delegation goes to Rome to commemorate Akka Larenzia
January 20 Pino De Rosa presents his book "Vivere ne cuore di chi resta significa non morire mai (the heart which survived, will not die)."
February 10 March of the Association in Bolzano and Trieste.
February 24th Front takes part, in a demonstration of Tricolour Movement in Turin and in anniversary of Blood and Honor Spain in Madrid.
April 7, Third "VFS & UGI Fest" in Verona, held in collaboration with the German organization "Fest der Völker"; 2,000 people from all over the world. Gesta Bellica, White Knuckle Driver, Stahlgewitter, ADL 122, Armco and H8 Machine perform
Traditional Memorial on April 25 (Basovizza), and April 29 (Verona, memory of Sergio Ramel), and April 29 (Milan).
July 7th VSF travels to Frankfurt to anti-capitalist march of NPD: 50 of our boys, tensions with police, and speech from the speaker of Front at the rally. As a result - Italian media is indignanant. The contacts with German organization "Fest der Völker" strengthen
July 14 VII ° Venice Summer Festival in Vicenza, more than 1,500 comrades, and the gig - Gesta Bellica, Blackout, Sleipnir, Fear Rains Down, Endstufe, Estirpe Imperial and ZetaZeroAlfa.
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