Sunday, 13 February 2011

Day of Honour Breakeout Excursion

12th February, Hungary

The government of Hungary prohibits and will attempt everything to prevent young people to remember ONE of the most heroic undertaking in the II. World War the Breakout! On 11th February 1945 the Hungarian – German allies – encircled by the Bolshevik army – with other units and with a lot of civilians they attempted the Breakout because they were not willing to surrender. True to their principles, military oaths they fought till death showing an example to the world what the oath, honor and given word of a soldier is worth.

Hundreds if young people were scanned, picked out of their cars by the police. Civilians were checked and prescribed for no reason but they couldn’t prevent that many hundreds of people commemorate this heroic action.
Away from Budapest among those hills where those who were successful with the breakout had been shot down en masse by the chasing Bolshevik soldiers, on this sanctified land the memorial service was held.

And then hundreds of them had a 40 km tour in the icy -5 Degrees wind to pay their tribute to the memory of the heroes.

Glory to the heroes!


Anonymous said...

Glory to the heroes, greetings from Finland!

Andreas J. Voigt said...

Glory and Honor to these heros!!!

Anonymous said...

Dicsoseg es becsulet, hogy ezeket a heros!88!
Heil from Russia!