The 9th of May is one of the biggest nationalist event that happen every year in Paris since 1994.Why ? Because the 9 may 1994 a young comrade got killed by the cops during a demo called "Welcome to Europe's enemies" (demo who was against American imperialism and capitalism)The Mayor banned the demo and the police attacked the comrades, Sebastien tried to escaped few cops who ran behind him until the last level of a building, then the policeman pushed him from the top.
Since then , this day is a day where every young nationalist has to come to show their anger against this sick government and his Zionists dogs who are calling themselves "policeman" protector our the people...But also the day of commemoration for all nationalists who died for their believes and never let it in Silence."when the mind remembers, the flame remains".
This year more than 1000 comrades walked in the center of Paris under different banners : French reborn ; Land&People(pagan association) ; GUD (group of union and defense) ; National Autonome of Lorraine(region in east of France) JNR (national revolutionary youth)and C9M(the committee of the memorial).The demonstration ended front off the statue of "Jeanne d'Arc" , the symbol of french resistance against Britain invasion , but also against't every kind of alien invasion.
Please note that 400 anti-Fascists – useless idiots of the capitalist system - have dumped their hatred of France and white people (4 hours after our demonstration...) in the other side of Paris.
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