
Saturday, 2 October 2010

Gig report from Spain

On 25th September after more then 10 hours of driving around 18.00 h. we arrived in the Spanish city Valladolid. There should take place a small gig, organized by the local skinhead club “Ovni”.

Gig kick off was planned for 20.00 h, but on that time most of the people had not arrived, so the actual start was at 22.00

First on stage appeared our friends from "Mas Que Palabras" (More then Words).They fire up the crowd with powerful sound and the pogo started from the first song called “Kamisias Perdas” . Following was my favourite and well known tracks "Lobos", "Skinheadgirl", "Gloria y honor". After two years absence from the scene the band had come back this year with partly changed line up. Their performance raised adrenaline and heated to the maximum the audience for the next band.

Next on stage were Germans from “Non Plus Ultra”. Their set included mostly cover versions. They did brilliant the classic “Commie scum” by Fortress, followed by “Pulling on the boots” which made crowd dancing like crazy and also "Cock Sparrer"- "Because you`re young", as well as "Bad Manners" - "Skinhead Girl" – which of course was greetings to all the ladies in the hall. After all this these old favorites and classics that our German comrades played for us I began to like this band a lot. They delivered a great party atmosphere to everyone. However it was disappointing when they finished their performance with "Polacken Tango" by Landser. We must state clearly that our web blog crew is against chauvinism and does not endorse this attitude in any aspect. When the band went off the stage I drank a beer with them and we hand a brief talk. I shared my good impressions of their live performance, but also noticed that the topic of their last song was disappointing for me.

Third band for the night was long awaited from me band "Iberian Wolves" from Madrid. They share same singer and drummer with "Mas Que Parablas". It was the second time I see them live. They did some of their own songs like "Tierra de Lobos", "William Wallace", "Rosa de Hierro".

The last band of the planned program was "Repudiados" which line up was formed my musicians from various Spanish bands. They played covers from well known local bands, their performance brought joy to everybody and the crowd was singing along together with them.

After them guys from Non Plus Ultra got back on stage for few more songs and the gig came to it’s end.

On the road near by the gig place the bastards in blue (traffic police) was waiting for us and they stopped all the cars passing along the road. I wondered if those checking’s are not directed against the people who tried to reach their homes after the gig. Of course some of the drivers had alcohol promile over the limit which leaded to some problems. Nevertheless after almost two hours of “negotiations” with the cops we reach our hotel. After just a few hours sleep we headed back to France.

Back home I felt relieve that this tiring weekend was over, because for one reason or another this gig wasn’t the best I’ve visited.

The concert was attended by around 70 people, there were comrades from Spain, France, Germany and Bulgaria. Thanks to the organizers, who did they very best and were attentive to the all the gig guests. Cheers for the Spanish comrades for the time we spend together. Hope the next gig I’ll visit in Spain will fulfill my expectations.

Exclusive report for NS Revolt by S.

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