
Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Attack on nationalist booktore

Last 29th of september there was a General Strike in Spain against the reforms made by the socialist government.

In the city of Barcelona, after a demonstration and taking advantage of the confussion produced by actions of the "Informative Pickets" a group of about 20 leftist had assaulted the nationalist bookshop Libreria Europa (Europa Bookstore) where at that moment (12:00) there was only one girl that works there.

The antifasicists had eggs with red paint and tar, stones and sticks and had destroyed the bookshelves, the computers, a photocopier and many books, cds and dvds that were thrown to the street, as well as making offensive paintings next to the door.

A library employee, who was inside at the time of the incident, told that the attackers order him to go to the bottom of the facility before "start to smash everything," and threatening. him. "I said I would call the police, and they just told me: go inside," she explained.

The assault did not last more than ten minutes and the cowards were wearing dark clothing and most to them were masked.

After that they have flee and with more antifascist they have provoked riots in the city centre, burning one police car, attacking the regional police, stealing shops, burning containers, with tactic of urban warfare and using as centre to regroup a building that was squatted the previous Saturday and that was cleared by the police after they realised it was being used by the rioters. There were 60 person arrested, some of them foreigners and half of the arrested had previous criminal records.

The owner of the shop, Pedro Varela, has condemmed this attack, masked as an action of the strike when it is really a terrorist attack and an act of policial hostility.

This men has been condemened several times for “revisionism propaganda” and “nationalsocialism propaganda” although the Constitutional Court reduced his condemm later. The last sentece agaisnt him is 2 years and 9 months in jail and later the Court of Barcelona lowered the sentence to 1 year and 3 months imprisonment.

In that bookstore almost all the Saturdays are organized conferences, and they have had foreing speakers like David Irving, Manfred Roeder, David Duke, Gerd Honsik, Claude Nancy, Günther Deckert or Israel Shamir.

This is the third attack in their history and the last attack caused dammages estimated in 300.000 €.

Some videos of the bookstore and the chaoten actions during the day.

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