
Friday, 15 October 2010

Brief report from ISD Memorial - England 2010

On the early afternoon of the 25th of september our crew has „landed” on the place of the gig. The event was on a big rest-station sorrounded with nice fields close to the highway towards Northampton. As usual the gig took a place in an event-tent. As we heard the Friday night ballad-event brought more then 400 attenders so we waited big numbers of people on the main day of the event.

The gig started at 18:20 with Stevie’s ballads. He brought his young and powerful style so it was enjoyable. Then the newbie’s of March or Die played in traditional british oi music what made the public to sing and move a little bit. The next band was Section 88 then the Legion of St George played almost an hour for the public. After so much classical British Oi! music it was good to change the style a little bit.

This kind of change was made by Woden. Good odinist metal with nice show as well. After them the highlight of the night arrived: Brutal Attack. They hammered down the public as usual. The only foreign band was the german Sturmtrupp with their „street-rock” songs. The last band was White Law. At the end of the gig we could hear a nice ISD memorial speech from the singer of White Law. The gig ended at 2:30.

At the end lets make a special score about the bad and good sides:

Bad points: expensive entrance fee (20 pounds) and the drinks were also expensive. All together one toilet for girls and four for mans. Not enough for 800 people. The sound engineering was awful. Thee guitar was too low and the singer was all the time overdrived. We barely could hear the bass. We could hear mostly oi music.

Good points: More then 800 attenders, lot of sellers, we could hear the elite of the british NS music scene. Nice memorial speech for ISD. No problems with police. Nice weather.

by Dani

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