The second band of the program was locals from Jogos Önvédelem (Rightful self-defence). This band started as a one man project a while ago, but afterwards they got a full line up, so it was just their third live performances. Before the begging of their set the singer warned all the people in the hall NOT to make any photos or videos shootings, because of security reasons, so that’s why I’ll post here a video clip of a song from their first album. I really enjoyed their heavy RAC sound and the throaty voice of the singer. The subjects of their lyrics are 100 % anti Zionistic, very direct message to the listeners.
They played for about 50 minutes followed on the stage by the surprise band of the evening. For all those who expected the serial RAC band from Germany may be it was a disappointment, when on stage appeared Conflict 88 from Czech Republic. They are long time playing band which become better and better through the years. The music was quite melodic and energetic and this made around 250 (!!!) followers of the band from Czech and Slovakia dance all around the place. After ah hour of rocking they finished their part with “ Krásné časy ” (Wonderful hours), a “party song” who was so catchy, that even now few days after, it still can’t gone from my mind. Cheers to Conflict for keeping the good traditions of the Eastern European RAC still alive!

The break after was used by the organizers to make a speech hailing the memory of Rudolf Hess and heroic deed and martyrdom in the name of peace between White European nations. The speeches were held both in Hungarian and English and deserved a big applause from the crowd.
So the event came to the moment on climax…on the stage were the living legends of the R.A.C. – famous Brutal Attack from England. They got a special introduction from the organizers, cheering them for the 30th years anniversary rocking for race nation. Ken and the boys started with their ballad anthem “Ocean of warriors” which made hundreds of pairs hands clap in the air.

Next on the schedule were Germans from Blitzkrieg. They played their usual set of own songs of rock heavily influenced by metal. I think the crowd was a lit bit tired from the enthusiastic attitude from the previous band and they didn’t show so much energy during the time comrades from Deutschland played.
After a short break they were followed by Italians from Stato Asociale. This band was born in 2003, but it took several years until they set a regular line up. Their first recording was in april 2008, a demo entitled „Proud Nationalist Oi! Music”, containing five tracks self-produced CD, limited to 300 copies. In 2009 their full length album Grezzo, stupido & cattivo"("Raw, stupid & bad") was released by local label Barracuda Records. As many Italian bands they played typical RAC/Oi from the 80’s and most of their songs were covers of bands like “The 4 skins”, Combat 84, English rose and Plastic Surgery. I can say this is a promising new band, but they still have a lot to learn.
Around two o’clock at the night the last band of the program forced the stage. It was the youngsters from Utolsó Védvonal (Last Defending Line). I saw them once on live performance last year and their sound is quite good for so young band. They already have a demo cd and they also took part in the compilation “100 & Magyar” vol. 2. What I can suggest to them (and all other Hungarian bands) is to sing also in English…don’t force the sweet little girl to sing on stage with you :).
So finally after more then 10 hours of excellent music the gig ended. To summarize in few words my feelings on this event I can say just: BEST GIG IN YEARS!!! There were no troubles at all, even not one policemen showed on the place, and the atmosphere of comradeship thru different nationalities of White Europe was felt by everyone. In additions of the representatives of most of the European Folks, there were even comrades from Australia and Chile attended the event. Hail to Norbert for (once again) perfectly organized festival, thanks to Dani for the warm hospitality and cheers to Zozo, Mitja, Enrique and Petja for the great time we had together. Hope next year I’ll have the chance to participate to this event again, until then best wishes to all the comrades I’ve met, the fight for Europe goes on!!!
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