
Monday, 29 March 2010

Skinhead Magazine (in english) # 6

Another piece of great work from the Spaniards. Inside you can find the second part of the interview with Flemmish finest „Lions pride“, touching some very intersting topics about religion, history, literature, etc...The next on the content are Sassem bootboys from The Netherlands – not the typical skin band, but still good enough for listening, haveing in mind that Tim from Brigade M is their vocalist. Big space of the zine pages are dedicated to Sons of Europe Fest, a report about an event you have read in our web blog just few days after the show. It was nice personal memories for me to remember those great moments in Hungary.
In addition you a brief interview with young Italian band Nessura Resa and article presenting the history of Primera Linea from Spain. On the back cover of the zine you can see a wonderfull pic telling us the simple rule of the zine...“Made by Skinheads...for skinheads!“

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