
Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Statement from Croatia

„Neonazis, fascists, ultra right-wingers and extremists“, this are just some of the labels given by the media to guys arrested on 20th february. Visitors who came to watch german band Blue Max experienced pointless represion by the croatian police. They were detained up to 13 hours without any explanation why they were arrested and why are they under criminal investigation. This same visitors are being forced to strip naked so police can take photos of them under the explanation that they can be indentified if they will ever cause problems somewhere naked. This same people were trated like animals, and they were forced to fight they right for food in prison.

These same people photos were published in medias and on the web (without their premission) with labels like „nazis“. Some of them are still in prison, and they will stay there for next 10-15 days under ridicoulus accusations for possesion of illegal materials (like skinhead badge) which promote hate and racism, this is just show so croatian police and goverment proove to EU that our country is full of tollerance and understanding for other people. We ask you now, where did tolerance and understandig disapear in this case? How is possible that 37 people is arrested for nothing? Because they wanted to watch band who is legal in Germany, who plays around EU, in whos songs you can´t find anything illegal? And how is possible that police show up on the private party, especialy if this same police told to organizer that they don´t need special premission from police because it´s a private party.
We also ask you where is democracy and freedom of speech, about which we hear every day in papers and TV, for which you claim to fight for, gone? We will be very gratefull if you can answer us on this questions.

We are also asking ourselves, where did all thoose croatian intelectuals suddenly dissapear? Especialy if we know that they were the ones who stood in defence of Belgrade´s anarchists who attacked greek embassy in Belgrade with molotov coctails, their point for defending thoose people were based upon the fact that damage on embassy was only 18 euros. Why didn´t you stood in defence of nationalists who just wanted to listen r´n´r, who didn´t done any damage, who didn´t make any violent acts?

Why state tolerate and give financial support organizations like Young antifascist of Zagreb, Red action, Network of anarho-syndicalists which goals are to crush the current state system (which is illegal by the Croatian constitution by the way) and to cause so called Red revolution in our country? Do you really think that violent anarchist demonstrations under name of antifascism in Greece and Germany will not move to our streets too? Or you just don´t care?


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