
Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Sons of Europe gig report

For a third year in a row Hungary was a host of “Sons of Europe” – one of the biggest festivals for WP music worldwide. A record number of bands were on the gig flayer so I was looking forward to visit this gig and the beautiful city of Budapest. My journey started in the very early hours of Friday, 28 August from the Sofia Airport with a one hour direct flight to Budapest. My Magyar hosts were waiting for me there so after a short rest in a comrade’s house we went downtown to meet other people from all across Europe, who were already in Budapest. After a lunch break, our very international crew of people (Bulgaria, Russia, Croatia, Spain, France and of course Hungary) went for a sightseeing the heart of Pest. Despite the hot weather we were glad to see the Parliament, The white bridge across Danube, and tons of other monuments. At the beginning of the evening we were invited to attend a small private gig, which took place in a pub near by city centre. The gig should “warm us” for the festival next day, the bands which played (Feher Torveny, Voice of Justice and Utolsó Védvonal) did their very best. My attention was hold by the last band (the name in English means Last Defending Line) with their harder RAC (with some metal/HC influence) will become one of the top bands in the huge local scene very soon. After their performance guys from the “special guest” band Kolovrat did some songs, lately joined by me on vocals, but my voice was fucked up of the many beers I’ve drank, so it was totally shit performance, thanks God all the audience were drunken so nobody (I hope) will remember this shame – hahaha.
The gig ended around midnight, we were very tired and just went back to the house of our host (Zozo, thanks for the hospitality brother) to have sleep before the big day.

The next day after just few hours of sleep we went to the gig place in the very early afternoon. The location was chosen smartly, gig venue was in a kind of a warehouse building with few big halls inside. The building was surrounded by other similar ones, totally invisible for the eyes of ZOG and their puppets from police. After a check from the security guards of the gig, we entered the hall and around 16.30 the kick off was given by a ballad performance of the singer of Kolovrat.

I have waited to hear this for years!!! Being a Slavonic language speaking guy, I have listen Kolovrat since their very first years and I can tell you comrades this band is a legend not only for me, but for whole Bulgaria and East Europe as well. The set was sadly very short due to the delay of the gig, and even the second ballad player (Stivie from Section 88) didn’t appear at all. So the second band was Vendetta from Hungary. They played about an hour for the pleasure of the local Hungarian fans. They were followed by Unit 28, a young band from England which played some own songs as well as Skrewdriver covers, but to be honest this band didn’t impressed me too much, they need to practice much more to reach good level. Guarda de Honra from Portugal was announced on the gig flayer but they didn’t even come to Budapest due to some personal obligations of the singer.

So after a short break in which I bought some T-shirts and cd’s from the hall where all the tables with stuff were located the gig continued with Germany finest Hate core band Moshpit. Someone from the crowed told me… “ Ohh Moshpit will play, it will be a massacre” and he was god damn right. “Die Jungs” showed no mercy and made excellent show, really power rampant wave of “hate fucking core” which made the crowd slamming like mental bastards in front of the stage!!! Well done by the lads, and top of the cream for the HC fans!!!

Next band in the schedule was Faustrecht - the band an old school cunt like me was waiting for…. And they didn’t disappoint me. I can describe their show just like – totally professional and full of passion and energy. For me they were the very TOP BAND of the night. Hail to you lads – because of bands like yours skinhead Rock’n’roll is still alive!!! I had a short conversation with Michi – their bass player right before the gig, asking for a repress copy of their greatest album “Klassenkampf”. He just let me know that if I need this cd I must ask… their local police department which raided comrade’s house and confiscated all the cd’s. That’s how “democratic authorities” in Germany are dealing with the so called freedom of speech.

Next two bands were local – Voice of Justice (I heard them previous night) and veterans from Archivum. I was already very tired ( it was around midnight), and just went outside gig hall for some fresh air, beer and talk to comrades from all across Europe, some of which were already fallen from the battle with alcohol( hahaha), and had a nap on the ground around the gig hall. I went back to see the performance of Ultima Frontiera from Italy and I like it so much, it was a class one. They were supported by around 100 Italians which made a warm atmosphere during their set, dancing and hailing on every of their songs. Bellissimo ragazzi!!!

After more then hour, they were replaced on stage by Kolovrat, this time with a full line up for their rock set. The band played set of 25 songs both old and new, a lot of covers (Skrewdriver, Landser, Brutal attack, etc.) in few languages – German, English and even Czech, for the pleasure of the lads from “Narodny otpor”. Very passionate performance by the Russian band, but I think they need more live gigs to improve their sound, so it can sound so great like in studio. And when it was almost five o’clock at morning and 90 % of the people were gone home, the last band of this WP music marathon took their place on stage. Feher Torveny rocked the small crowed of security guards of the gig like they were rocking for 1000 fans. What an awesome band, what an awesome performance… even it was almost morning and didn’t have any strength left I hailed their music sitting on a chair near by the stage – hahaha. It was a perfect end of this great concert. For sure it will be a night to remember for all those 500-600 man and woman who came from almost every white European country. Hail to all of you, all the bands that performed on this 14 HOURS GIG!!! Special thanks to Norbert for inviting so many great bands, to Spanish, French, Dutch, Russian, Croatian, Magyar comrades for the great time we spend together. And at last but not the least to Lena and Anton for the photos. Hope to see you all very soon. Hail Europe of the Fatherlands!!!


  1. guerra ai nemici della mia terra!

  2. Very nice way to leave the Sildenafil knowledge, and the imagines about the concerts. So. dude, thanks for the information on this blog! I find it very interesting and entertaining! hopefully soon have updates.
