
Saturday, 14 December 2013

New project

Hello everyone,
May be you are wondering why the blog activity stopped in the last months? The reason is that I'm currently working on a book dedicated to Ian Stuart and Skrewdriver under the working name of "Legend lives on". The main aim of the book is to collect the memories of the people who knew Ian back in the days, no matter from which organization or political Party. If any of you is able the help anyhow (personal memories, contacts, photos, etc) please don't hesitate to get a contact with me at: Thanks in advance to all who would like to be involved!


Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Jon Hill Interview

We are pleased to interview one of the veterans of the English nationalist scene – Jon “Benny” Hill. Can you please introduce yourself to our readers in few brief words?

Veteran... well, I have started to recede slightly and I have got a couple of grey hairs so I might qualify!
I first got involved in the scene 25 years ago, and in that long winding bumpy road I've been linked with several White interest groups, been in and out of prison for the cause, traveled to various corners of the White world and met friends and comrades I now regard as family.
Today, I try to be on friendly terms with all the rank and file kinsfolk of our various 14 Words organisations, and consider myself an Aryan Conservationist.

How did you get involved into Nationalist/ Skinhead scene and what has influenced you mostly?

When I was at school I started listening to Punk/OI! music, from there I progressed to the sounds of White racial rock and RAC. I loved the music and the message what Skrewdriver and Brutal Attack sang was something I could really relate to, especially living in Northern England and witnessing the miscegenation and the demographics of my home town alter around me. I was soon shaving my head, polishing my boots and meeting up with like-minded friends who thought the same as me. I began to read and learn more about our racial struggle, and basically have never looked back.

You are the author of “Live the Dream” pamphlet ( Can you please describe its conception to our readers?

In a nutshell the Live The Dream philosophy is about developing White community and creating a self-sustaining legacy for future White generations.
I examined essentially what the 3 main 14 Words organisations in Britain wanted -  National Front governmental power, British Movement for the shires to awake to the NS credo, and the Blood & Honour movement for their music to be heard. I then searched for a way these basic desires could be molded into a workable concept. The result was a slim, A6 32 page booklet entitled Live The Dream - A Call For Racial Rebirth & White Resurgence.
Copies of the booklet are available from at a cost of just 50p plus post and packing.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but the ideas are quite similar to those of the founder of American National Alliance Dr. William Pierce. Do you think that “White Homeland” idea could be workable for UK and Europe, where we don’t have such a huge free territories to settle down?

The Live The Dream philosophy is slightly different to other White Homeland concepts. Live The Dream is not about creating a hippie type commune or having people relocate to some remote outpost. Live The Dream offers a more practical approach by having our racially aware kinsfolk settle in an already establish White community, then slowly interweaving into that fabric until our numbers and credo are enough to excert the social, political and economic influence that will dominate the region.

“I have been to London and I don’t need to go to Pakistan anymore” I always tell this joke, when meet English comrades around Europe…but what is the current racial situation not only in your capital city, but also around England at the present days?

 The Daily Mail reported on 11/01/2013 that more than 50 percent of people living in Leicester, Luton and Slough have joined London in having a minority White British population, and that Birmingham is expected to have a similar makeup by the year 2020.
As the sands of time slip away further china towns, paki lands, black ghettos and gay enclaves are going to spring up and more and more towns and cities are going to be took over by our foes. That is why we need to look at viable alternative solutions like Live The Dream now before its too late. Our nations our under siege, and history has taught us that when your nation is under siege one of the first steps a people must do is to form a castra or defensive position were they can rest, regroup and take stock of the situation.

What is your opinion about Islam in Europe, and especially in England where you have one of the largest Muslim populations, most of which unfortunately are British passport holders?
Britain's top judge says the nation should allow Islamic Sharia law. The head of the Church of England said something similar. Consequently, police dogs might have to wear booties when they search Muslim homes to avoid offending Muslims who believe dogs are unclean. And Britain's Home Secretary has decided Islamic terrorism should be re-named "anti-Islamic activity."
I'm a tad like Nicolas Sarkozy when it comes to Islam who said "When you live in France, you respect her republican rules, you don't practice polygamy, circumcise your daughters or slaughter sheep in your bathroom".

How the nowadays British Nationalist scene looks like? Are the major groups such as National front, BNP, British Movement and B&H cooperating to each other or not?

The BNP has done a lot to destroy Nationalist morale in the UK, and no real White racial group would want to work with the BNP. The BNP is not a 14 Words organisation, although legally they have to accept ethnic members, there is no excuse for them actively recruiting them and Nick Griffin encouraging it.
The rank and file of the BM, NF and B&H do go on demos and events together, however they could practice more White Racial Teamwork and do more to share resources as outlined in Live The Dream with the use of the One Voice Council.

Your opinion on EDL?

The EDL fly star of David flags, have a homosexual division, as well as proclaiming “Black and White Unite”. The EDL are not a 14 Words organisation and just like UKIP are a pressure valve the state opens and shuts when needed.

Mentioning B&H, in just couple of days the 20th annual ISD Memorial gig will took place somewhere in England. What are your personal memories from Ian Stuart, have you ever had the chance to meet him live on personal level or visit Skrewdriver gig?

I saw Skrewdriver play many times. At one point I remember them playing to such an extent in the Midlands that a lot of our Krew were getting sick of traveling down to watch them every week!
I remember the first time I met Ian, I was only 17 and was a little star-struck, I looked upon Ian as a pop idol. He came over to the bar and started chatting to me, sipping his pint, just like one of the lads, then he just climbed on stage and did his thing. He was a really likeable bloke with no airs or graces.

To be honest to our readers I didn’t asked the previous question accidentallyJ. You are the author of the “Diamond in the dust” ( published by RVF in 2002, which is kinda brief ISD Biography. Please, tell us a bit about the process of writing the book, which were your major sources of information? Why so large parts of the book are occupied by song lyrics and quotes from Ian Stuart’s statements?

I moved to Blackpool in 1998, and got in with the Blackpool Krew. We use to go drinking in Ian's old haunts - The Old Town hall in Poulton and The Tash nightclub in Blackpool, and I met Ian's brother Tony, and got to know his dad Arthur who would show me baby photos of Ian and even gave me an old diary of Ian's from 1976 which mentioned the forming of Tumbling Dice.
I just started writing Ian's biography for fun, I had a large collection of Skinzines and would read through the Skrewdriver interviews and put in quotes Ian had said, and then pad it out with relevent lyrics from his repertoire.
The only other Skrewdriver book available back then was The First Ten Years, by Joe Pearce, so my mates asked me if I would put my writings into a book format, which I did. I got 50 made which were spiral bound, A4 size with photos on every other page, it was first published in May 2000, I believe they are quite rare now and sell for over £50.

As far as I know you are the writer (it seems that you are really smart guy) of a pretty new book on the same topic called “Birch Street Echoes - Skrewdriver The First 88 Weeks ”. Let us know about its contents and where people can buy it or order it? What made you write another book dedicated to ISD& Skrewdriver a decade after “Diamond in the dust”?

Birch Street Echoes - Skrewdriver The First 88 Weeks, came about because in the gap between DITD I met people who grew up with Ian and they told me stories from the early days. Quite a few books appeared about Ian and Skrewdriver, but none of them spoke about the early days, like Skrewdriver playing in Holland in 1978, and Ian going shopping with Steve Strange. So, I thought our kinsfolk might be interested to read about these times.
The book is available from

Going back in the days 20 years ago…when and how you received the information of Ian’s death? Do you believe it was a car accident?

Jay (one of the Oldham Skins) told me of Ian's death over the phone. I'd only spoken to Ian about a week earlier, so for awhile it didn't sink in.
I traveled to South Africa just a few days later, and the worse thing was telling the Skins and AWB lads over there the bad news.
To begin with I thought Ian's death was an accident, and the rumors of murder were just propaganda to give the cause publicity, but, now I'm not too sure. The coroner at the inquest concluded "There must have been some other factor which contributed to the crash".
Very recently Red Action were linked to the Warrington bombing in March 1993, which shows the reds were capable of carrying out a hit, and just a couple of weeks ago the SAS were quizzed about the assassination of Princess Diana. One things for sure, the marxist left and the state saw Ian as a threat.

What did happen in the years after his death? What are the main reasons for the inner wars and separations in the B&H movement?

I think it's well documented that C18 took over the reins following Ian's death, ISD Records was set up and things looked positive for awhile.
Blood & Honour is a worldwide movement and suffers from the same problems that beset all conglomerates and large numbers of people united in common aim, it's very difficult to keep all the people happy all of the time.
The thing we should all focus on now is the future. A lot of our rank and file who attend B&H gigs weren't even about when the problems occurred, and several people who were key players in the problems have now left the movement. Ian had to overcome difficulties with B&H and Unity Productions, but he managed to resolve the situation. I'm sure if Ian was still alive B&H would be one united movement, as the great man said himself "Together we are strong, divided we are weak".

To what extend did Ian Stuart influence your own attitude and live? After all this years what do you nowadays think of Ian’s lifework and legacy?

There's an old saying "Show me the boy at 7 and I will show you the man". I think there might be a ring of truth in that. When I first heard Ian's voice come growling out of my speakers telling me of our racial struggle, it must have lit a spark, a spark of hope, and that spark of hope has stayed with me all these years. Everyday our enemies chip away at our freedom, trying to destroy our bloodline and heritage. But, everyday, so does our resolve and hope grow. Our foes need to fear that hope, they know a small spark of hope is ok, but when it grows into an inferno then they are in danger.

From what I have been witnessed with my own eyes the vast majority of the people inside British Skinhead scene are aged 40 plus years. Why you have almost no need blood in the movement?

I don't agree that the vast majority of our kinsfolk are old timers. We do have new blood in the movement, just not enough of it.
The solution (again) can be found in White community building. If several hundred racially aware families are living in close proximity to each other, this will manifest into a strong sense of camaraderie. Our children will go to school together and grow up in a community that shares our credo, philosophy and belief system. They will then become the future and from small acorns mighty oaks do grow.

Many people see Eastern Europe as the last fortress of the White Race. Do you agree with them? What is your vision about whole Europe and UK in 20 years? Do our nations and race have a chance to survive?

Eastern Europe will only become the last fortress of Europe if we don't change tactics.
At the recent G20 summit Hungary repaid its loads and told the Rothchilds and the IMF to close its office in Budapest, saying it was no longer needed. If they can do it so can our nations.
Things in Northern Europe seem to be going from bad to worse. The Swedish government announced on September 3rd that it would be granting permanent residency to any Syrian refugees seeking asylum, great news for the 2 million Syrian refugees displaced by violence and war I'm sure, not so for the blonde haired, blue eyed vikings who muslims have earned Sweden the title of rape capital of the world.
People say there must be a serious economic crisis in their lands before Nationalist politics can rise. Hitler's Germany, and the recent success of Golden Dawn is testiment to this. However, if there is a serious economic emergency in your land would you and your racial organisation be prepared? There should be at least a national meeting point where all Aryan Conservationists can congregate and unite in times of strife. And AGAIN this comes back to the Live The Dream White Homeland concept.
We all know Germany suffers from the harshest racial laws in Europe, but even in the Motherland their is a spark of hope with the town of Jamel and its growing White racial enclave.
Today, Europe is at a crossroads. If we keep just plodding away hoping for a new Fuhrer to emerge to save us from dispear then in 20 years things will be very black. It is down to us to make things change, so there is always a chance of survival.

Thanks a lot for the interview! Any final comments or massage to the readers of Revolt NS?
I would like to ask all readers of this blog to take the time to read the Live The Dream booklet. Absorb what it has to say, and if you agree with just 80% of its philosophy please lobby your racial leaders to support the concept.
Also, a big thanks to the staff at NSREVOLT for this interview.

Cheers Benny

Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Nordic Summer Fest in Finland

Nordic Summer fest 9-10 August  2013

Nordic Summer fest was held in the second time in Finland, at Orivesi which is 40 km north of Tampere. This year the gig place was closer to the city and the the weather was good, also many improvements was being made, there were cabins which could be rented to the comrades, also good toilets and washing facilities as including a sauna, little over 200 comrades arrived at the gig place from, Sweden, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, Spain and of course Finland.
Friday's first band was Pagan Skull, RAC from Jyväskylä band was founded in 2006, latest cd – In the hands of the Fatherland published in 2012. The second band at Friday was Marder from Helsinki, they have played since May 2012, but they have been very active in gig front. Last band at Friday night was the Street sweepers from Kouvola, they played some covers from the famous Finnish RAC band Mistreat and also they new material at they cd whits is almost ready and out.

Saturday began with small problems, beginning of playing would have been Civic Duty, but one band member's car had broken down, so there was some changes to the band playing order. So, first at Saturday was Irminsul from Spain, they have played since 2006 and they second full length album is soon out, at the gig they played very energetic gig which they received a lot of positive feedback.

Second was Endless Pride from Sweden, band was born in September 2002, and plays metal with glimpses of old school rock'n'roll and oi. They had their sixth CD-Decade of pride” released by Midgard records in 2012. Endless Pride played a good gig and the crowd liked what they saw.

Third band was Goatmoon from Lappeenranta. This Finnish black metal band was established in spring of 2002, the lyrics are mostly about white supremacy and hate. This band was expected a lot and there was a lots of fans in the crowd, and they were not disappointed.

 Fourth band was Civic Duty from Helsinki, the band was founded in 2007. They are also very active at the the gig front, they have a very aggressive sound and Joonas have a good voice, they played a good set in the darkening evening.

The fifth and  the event's headliner was Blitzkrieg from Sachsen/Germany, founded in 1999. Their latest cd is called Das letzte Bollwerk(The last bastion) released in 2011. Blitzkrieg is very famous and popular band all across Europe, this was second time they were playing in Finland, and time after time the band succeed to exceed expectations of crowd. Even before Blitzkrieg finished their set the crowd wanted to see Irminsul back on stage,   so the band played few more songs on encore and the Spanish boys did their best to pleased the crowd which went mad. It was a great final of this second edition of Nordic Summer Fest. See you next year in Finland!!!

Special Thanks to: Blood and Honour Finland, Luopio Band members, all bands, all crew who supported the gig, Alex, Niko, Jaana, Suvi, Kristiina, Kaisa.

Report by: Jope
Photos by:  White Rebels Finland

Anti communist rally in Bulgaria

   On the evening of 9th September a rally remembering the victims of Communists regime in Bulgaria, took place in country's capital Sofia. On the 8th September 1944 the Bolshevik Red Army invaded Bulgarian territory and occupied several big cities such as Varna, Dobrich, Russe, Silistra, Burgas. On the next day all lousy so called "partisans" came down from the mountains.... afterwards a wave of massive violence broke up and in term of just 40 days tens of thousands innocent Bulgarian were either killed without a trail and sentence or imprisoned and thrown in Communist concentration camps.The main target were political and personal opponents, high ranked army officers, Orthodox priests, teachers and basically all intellectuals and aristocrats.This was the worst and most bloody moment in the our modern history, which still reflects on nowadays, because the sons and grandsons of this red criminal gang are still at high positions of the Government.
   The rally was organized by "National Resistance" and attended by 150 comrades. After the demonstration the commemoration continued in front of the Monument of the victims of Communists regime located in downtown Sofia.

Monday, 9 September 2013

Caio - R.I.P.

Caio, Peggior Amico lead singer and Italian VFS co-founder.

Today we left a Man and a Friend.

He who with his life gave us an example of loyalty , consistency and courage that have inspired generations of Lions.

He wanted to be at the front until his last breath going forward, to assault of last frontier.

He will remain forever in the hearts of those who, thanks to him, keep alive the ideals that in an auspicious day our paths joined.

R.I.P. Comrade!!! 

Monday, 26 August 2013

"The Sound of the street" Skinzine

"The Sound of the street" is a new Italian Skinzine started from October 2012.  The publishing crew manage to produce new issues on every 4-5 months. For the moment they printed 3 issues full of band interviews, cd reviews, gig reports plus comics and other stuff. Anyone interested in distributing or just to get a copy for his collection, don't hesitate to write to:

Friday, 5 July 2013

B&H Hexagone Summer Solstice

22nd of June was long awaited day for me. It was the date of summer Solstice organized by the French BH Division-Hexagone. The other very important reason that I was so exited about was the special guest of the event - the living legend Stigger!!! As soon as I was told about the event, I have done my very best to be there, no matter it was really hard to take day off from work. I’ve visited summer Solstice in 2012, so I had great memories from this event.
   The celebration was at the same place as last year-very nice and big botanic garden, near by the city of Marseille. We arrived around 17 h., when everything was already prepared. So it was the right time for a bottle of rose wine :) !!! I was happy to see there some old faces, almost all the guys from B&H crew and many of my mates.

 In such so nice and friendly atmosphere time ran out very fast. Between the wine, beers and all the friends there, somehow the night was already fallen down. So here came the moment I have been waiting for years. Finally I had the chance to see Stigger on a live ballad performance! Of course a musician like him needs no representation, I really don’t believe, there is someone in that movement, who don’t feel respect and comradeship, when he hears his name.

So, for the first part of his set, he has played some very famous Skrewdriver ballads like "Old Albion" and "Green fields of France", few of his own band “Warlord”, plus covers of “Sweet home Alabama”, "Tuesdays Gone" and "Devil's right hand". I have expected really a lot, but his performance was even more than I expected!

Right after him, Michel (singer of “Frakass” and guitarist of “Brutal Attack”) took the guitar. It’s not necessary even to say, how all the people was happy to see him on the stage, as his band “Frakass” is one of the most loved and active from the French RAC scene. He has started his acoustic performance with “Runes de pouvoir”, ”Un chemin pour la liberte”, ”Hymne a la gloire” and “LVF”.  Right after his set, it was time for the Solstice ceremony.

    The “head” of BH Hexagone, delivered a great speech about the nature, the mission in our life, comradeship and family. He said really good things which touched the heart of everyone. After that we burn the fire, and for respect the tradition we drink “Hydromel” (the oldest alcohol ever known), which Stigger brought from England especially for the ceremony. After that, everyone had the chance to put in the fire stick of wood for the memory of someone important for their lifes, which is not anymore among us…
   Great ceremony, not to short, not to long-just perfect! There was something magic in the air and we really become one with the nature and we felt the spirit of our ancestors.

   After that was time for the real party! Michel took again the guitar, he made very professional and the same time funny presentation, and as always when he plays - all the people was singing along and dancing with him. The second part of his set contained songs as “Pour la France et l’Europe”, after “Solstice d’hiver” and he finished with “Dernier Hommage”. Michel was perfect, as usual. I really believe, that at the moment, he is the most popular French RAC singer, as we can see, he really loves what he does and he do it well.
   So once again it was time for my favorite singer in present days – Stigger. For the second part of his set, he has choose more dynamic and rock’n’roll songs. It was the climax of the party, everyone, absolutely everyone was singing and dancing. The youngest fan of his music was very little girl, which has been there with her parents.

 The moment I will never forget, was when Stigger played “Get yourself tattooed” specially for me J. He also played “Blood and Honour”, which were specially for the guys from B&H and for finish, as he always do, he played “Sleep well my brother”. Now he really touched my heart, was breath stopping moment to stay and watch this amazing acoustic concert with the big fire under the moon light!!! A moment of my life, which for sure I will never forget!!!
   The concert was over, but the party wasn’t. All the people were sitting around the fire, we had nice and interesting conversations and I’m sure that all of us will remember this evening until the end of our days.
  Here as usual I want to thank first B&H Hexagone’s members for the hard work and great organization, Stigger and Michel for the great concert they did for us, to Nadia, Helene and Aurelie for the great “wine time” we had togetherJ!!! I honestly confess this was one of the best weekends in my life.

 Exclusive report by S.

Monday, 24 June 2013

Gig in Milan

Ciao ragazzi… I bet you all are waiting to read the report from the big gig in Milan! Well, let me started… after the gig in Poland I was quite sure I’ll not have any gigs around Europe at least till the fall, because of eternal money problem plus family obligations. But the situation changed for just a couple of hours when I find out a low cost flight and a place to stay in Milano. So despite the moaning wife and the small amount in my pockets I flew to Italy on 14th June in perfect condition of spirits. After almost 2 hours flight I landed in Bergamo, from where in went to downtown Milan. I had some free time for sightseeing before a mighty crew of Russians comrades joined me in the hotel. As you may know Russian and Bulgarian languages are very similar, so there was not any language barrier or even a need to communicate in English. It was a bit late so we decided to go to downtown of the city, instead of visiting Skinhouse Milano, which was far away from us. Unfortunately the whole city centre was empty, no people on the streets, pubs closed down, not even stores were open where you can get cold and cheap beer L In moments like this I realize how much I love Eastern Europe where you can have drinks on reasonable prices 24/7 J  So finally we find out a place where we had some beers (0.66 ml, just to notice) the good mood was back, so we’ve spend the night till 4 o’clock drinking and singing on the streets.
           So at Saturday after an early beer start and lunch we headed to the edge of the city where the meeting point of the gig was. On the metro station we met some beautiful Canadian skingirl which couldn’t stand the charm of our gentleman crew and joined our ranks.  Just a few meters before the gig venue we were stopped by civil police who took away and pictured our passports. Fuck you “Old bill” it’s not illegal to visit skinhead gigs…still!
   The gig venue appeared to be a big store - house with well sized open air area in front of it. Right on the moments when we’ve entered, Brutal attack was having their sound check. Nevertheless the acting of Ken on stage was emotional as always, so we had a few songs in advance before the real start of the gig. We used this time to buy some T-shirts and cd’s from the numerous tacles with merchandise and to put the Russian (Imperial) and Bulgarian national flags on the stage.
     The gig has started around 7.30 p.m. with the first band for the evening – Wolfsfront,   totally new and unknown band from Germany. They played the typical for their country aggressive R.A.C. with metal influences mixing own songs with covers of Hassgesang and The Oppressed (Ultra Violence). Not bad performance at all, but in Germany there is too many bands who sound quite the same and this one makes no difference.  The sound of the vocal was a bit down, but the sound technicians fixed this problem for the next bands.

Second on stage appeared Garrota from Varese . The band has been around for a couple of years, producing a demo cd entitled “Fuori dai nostri quartieri” in 2008 and full length album Dalla Parte Sbagliata in 2011. They have played a dozen of own songs plus a cover of Plastic surgery – “Rivolta”.

Next on the row was Linea Ostile - a brand new band from Bolzano/Trento. Apart from being rookies, I give my credits to them because their sound is melodic with rough vocals, quite similar to an old and famous Italian band "Peggior Amico". They have a five songs demo cd self - released just a few weeks ago.

Corona Ferrera was fourth band for the night. They are formed in 1993. They have produced a demo in 1993, with 4 songs and split EP with Gesta Bellica from Verona named "Tempi Moderni" produced by Tuono Records. This split features three songs by Corona Ferrera. In 1996 Tuono Records produced the first and only album by CF named "Skinhead Action" with 10 tracks. They have also appeared in 6 compilations among which "Fuori dal Ghetto", "Tributo a Janus" "I Ragazzi Sono Colpevoli" "Keep It White" "Tribute To Legion 88" "Best Of Tuono Records".  It was great to listen live and sing together old songs like "Nessuna Resa", "Combatti", "Uno di noi", "Giustizia" and others. Italian and Spanish guys went totally crazy! Another top performance was also the song "Non ho tradito" ("I have not betrayed"), the lyrics are from a poem from an Italian soldier parachutist from Folgore Division written while he was in prison after the II World war.

Brutal attack was the next on the schedule. They started with their usual set with tracks  “Tales of glory”, “Healing hands” and “Always near”. As always there was a fantastic stage performance of “good old” Ken who was jumping on big PA system columns like a mental teenager J  In the middle of their set the electricity in the hall went off for a couple of minutes, so it was time for the crowd to sing a song, which was Aurora’s evergreen “Avanti Ragazzi (di Buda)”. Right after the electricity was back on the band waste no time and we got “Rock against communism” which led to massive pogo in front of the stage. Sadly Ken didn’t want to perform any Skrewdriver covers, despite that crowd was yelling for “Free my land” so after few more songs the set was ended with encore of  “Tales of Glory”.

ADL 122 is a veteran Skinhead Italian band formed in Milan over 1993. Their name is chosen in opposition to the Decree Law 122 issued on April 26, 1993, involving “emergency measures in the material of racial, national, ethnic and religious“, from there the acronym A.D.L. 122 which gives the name to the band. They have play an energy set of 14 songs such as “I ragazzi sono coplevoli”, “Anni Passati”, “Skinhead 88” and of course their most know hit “Off”.

Guys from Bully Boys came on the gig place at the late hours of the day, coming directly from Slovenia, where they had a small local gig the previous evening. We had time to have some brief conversation and took some pics with their fans on the open air area. They started their performance after midnight with songs from their last two albums such as “Superstar’s back”, “Nobody’s Hero”, “Dead man tale no tales” and “Hate me please”.

  For some reason Scott sang without the needed for such gigs passion( I guess he waste it all previous night in Ljubljana) , which was felt by the crowd. The other negative thing was that the long awaited “promotion” of their brand new album “From Amerika with Love” did not happened at all. Scott apologized for this from the stage, no matter that I doubt it was his fault. Anyways their performance and the whole gig ended with the top classic “Skinhead Superstar”. For this song the band invited few girls to join them on stage. But they were too shy to sing on microphone, so it was time for yours truly Revolt NS editor to invade the stage and sang the song from the top of his awful voice J What an unexpected end of the show, isn’t it J

So unfortunately it was time to say “goodbye” to all the comrades across Europe. Concert was attended by around 900 people from countries like Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Germany, Poland, Czech Rep., Sweden, Hungary, Slovakia, Russia, USA, Canada and of course me from Bulgaria. May be because of the too many drinks, but I had the feeling the gig finished too fast. To be honest the concert was pretty good, but I’ve expected much more from some of the bands (especially from Bully boys) and from the show atmosphere in general. The whole event passed without any incidents between the attenders from the different European nations in a really friendly and joyful atmosphere. I would like to thank the boys and girls from Italia Hammerskins and Crew 38 for the job well done! Regards to my comrades from Germany (Joanna, Massimo, Yves& PC rec. crew), Kris, Tomasz and Polish skinhead gang, Gery (HS Hungary), Pigi (SPQR Skins Rome) and at last but not the least Kirill, Vlad and the rest of the Russian crew!!!

The morning after we find out that our photo is already in Italian newspapers  which you can see HERE Having in mind that now the main political party in Milan is leftwing, these news was like a bomb for them, 900 skinheads in the center of Milan!
To summarize it with just few words - it was a perfect weekend in Milan, those who have miss it can only regret!!!

Exclusive report by Editor
Photos by Fabio

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Article about B&H

Let them hate, as lons as they fear...

Thursday, 25 April 2013

In Review - I.C.1

Name: “Loud and Proud”
Label: PC Records
Style: Rock’n’Oi
Tracks: 13

After their great debut cd “Out of Control” from 2009 the English/German RAC combo is back with a bang. A great pack of 13 brand new songs in the very same spirit of catchy and fast rock tunes with even a touch of saxophone in the intro of one of the songs. The lyrics are dealing with everyday life in the modern sick society, corrupt medias and politicians, football violence, booze and glory and the memories of the good old times “when skinheads rule OK”. Compared to the first album the sound of this one is not that rough, but I can still nominate songs such as "Rule O.K.”, Best of our Times", “No beer Here” and “Skinhead girl” for a future everyone favorite’s anthems.
What I can state as a minus is the booklet of the cd – both from the bad quality of the printing paper and low pixelization of the images displayed inside as well. Despite this you can find all the songs lyrics plus a Statement from the band concerning some important issues which need to be clarified. 

The information in advance to all the IC 1 supporters is that the bands 3rd album is starting to take shape and has a working title of 'We are the Boise'. For all of you who like to be up-to-date with the band’s activity you can follow them on IC1 FaceBook page at: IC 1 Fanpage
At last but not the least - don’t hesitate to buy this cd and support one of the last bands who stick to the true skinhead sound!!!

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Legittima Offesa Interview

Hello Gigi, welcome on the pages of Revolt NS. My first question should be quite typical…how and when you get involved into the skinhead scene? What or who influenced you mostly to join the movement?

Before to become a skinhead I was a typical street gangster… I was a member of a gang named Criminality Commune, then when I was 18 years old I decided to start to be a nice boy…. So in 1993 I became Skinhead! I thought to go out from the troubles but I was wrong, the troubles have changed but I never gone out!

Your band is famous enough, but please gives us a brief presentation of it – history, band members, discography, etc?

My band has born in 1998, members have changed many times during the years, only I remeined as the only original member. We had recorded a lot of songs during the years , throughout we have: 1 demo, 4 CDs albums, 2 mini albums on vinyl and 4 singles out on various compilations. To get knowledge of our history I invite you to visit our website where you can to find many interesting facts:

Legitima Offesa played in Bulgaria at 2010. What are your most striking memories from your visit to my Motherland?

We had so much fun and has been much better than I expected, we made new great friendships and I have been fascinated by Sofia and the great hospitality from my Bulgarian friends!

Tell us about you home city – Bologna, the scene there (both political and music)? It’s well known left wing city, if I’m not wrong.

Bologna it’s a city with a grat skinhead tradition, there been few skinhead generations (we can count three generations at least), I’m belong to the second generation, the most politically and the most musically active, there is (or there has been) many famous bands in Bologna, since time of “Nabat” and “Rip Off” till nowadays. This city it’s famous to be a leftist, but I can garantee that there are many young patriots, comrades, anticommunist or streets friends that are with us. To be a skinhead in Bologna isn’t easy, you need to have balls! If you aren’t dare to do it’s useless to be a skinhead (in my opinion…)

Who is the guy getting arrested on the front cover of your album “Skinheads a passeggio”? Is there any special story behind this photo?

In this picture there are two skinheads with handcuffs, one is close-up and the other is below. The first one guy in close-up with Legittima Offesa’s t-shirt is our old drummer, the guy below is one of our best friends, one of our crew.
They’re transfered from police station to the jail where they’ll spend one month cause of a big fight with antifa. They was with other 5 guys in the pub while outside there was 30 antifa who waiting them to attack them with bottles, knives and belts. When our guys went outside a big fight broke up but luckily they were a fucking motherfuckers which grew up on the street and in few seconds they got on the heads of antifa… in the end, 8 antifa went to the hospital with serious wounds and our guys was sent to the jail. Of course journalist wrote thai it was our fault, the same old story…

Who are the “White Kriminals”and why you have decided to entitle your album from 2006 with this name?
White Kriminals it’s a title of our song and one of our albums. White Kriminals are all those people who identify themselfs with this song, this isn’t just a song but it’s an attitude, a way of life, there are skins, punks, rockers, hooligans and crazy revolutionaries… rebels! Exept this there is a “White Kriminals Crew”, supporters who follow our band on gigs and they are our best friends who we have same problems, street life, we share same beleives and dreams. We’re a Crew!

Your future split with Brutal Attack will be released only on vinyl. What is the reason for this?
I love vinyls, the split will be just by one song of each band,so it doesn’t make any sense to do a CD, vinyl is eternal… the CD is not!

Are you a music collector yourself? What are the rarest items in your collection?

Yes and I’m a fanatic. Above all I love vinyls, I can feel a different emotions than CD. I’ve a great vinyls collection with some rarities as Skrewdriver, Cockney Rejects, 4-Skins, The Cramps, Peggior Amico, Caterina Caselli, ADL 122, Plastic Surgery and many Oi!, Punk, Beat, Rock’a’billy,….

In what other music projects are you involved? Tell us a bit about your cooperation with Antoanella (Klasse Kriminale)?

Actually I’m playing in Legittima Offesa and The Kriminals. With Antonellina we played together two times, the best Klasse Kriminale’s songs was (in my opinion) written by her. I grew up listening her songs. I’m very happy about about the fact he’s coming back to skin and punk scene, and I’m really happy to contributed in her comeback to Italy after many years of absence! My ex-bassist played with them in their two italian gigs and in their first gig in London, but we don’t have a common project for the future….

While skins around Europe changed their outlook, Italians kept the “original image” from the 80’s. Do you have some special reason to do this?

I don’t agree with you. There are many skins around all Europe whoo keep to dress like a skinhead, and there are gigs with more than 1000 people where they’re dressed in old school style. I remember my last gig in Germany with Endstufe, Faustrecht, Les Vilains, Brassic Oi! and Legittima Offesa, there was around 1500 people, everyone old school skinhead and some punks not red… this is for all Europe, I played everywhere and I found traditional skinhead in Germany, Spain, Belgium, France, Finland, Estonia,… Everywhere! Nowadays in gigs you can to find guys who don’t dress like a skinhead but they joined the skin scene. Mixing skinhead’s culture with politic, sometimes happens that there are bands who play hardcore or metal and you find boys dressed in different way, they aren’t skinheads, I don’t want to offend no one but  if you’re skinhead you must dress like a skinhead, if you don’t to dress like a skinhead you aren’t skinhead,it’s simple!

ZetaZeroAlfa and SPQR played a gig in Bankok at 2011.This is very untypical for a band from our scene. Please, comment?

I know they had to play there but I don’t know if they are really played did, in other hands it’s not a big matter to me, so, I’m happy for them if their music reached till there! One of major aims of musicians is to their music to be heared by much people as possible! Each one does his choice and decides to play whenever he wants, where he want to reach and to spread his messages.
They chosen to play there, they have their good reasons!

You play often home and abroad. I had the chance to see Legitima Offesa live at “European Skinhead Party” in Germany last May when you shared stage with top bands like Endstufe, Faustrecht and Les Vilians. What are your impressions from this great concert?

This is the gig who I meaned above, it was a great event, great organization, nice bands and nice people!

Do you have a lot of girls involved in the skinhead scene in Italy? I bet you have a ladies “fan  club”?

Ha ha ha… Nice question… Luckily there are a girls in our scene, will be sad if they aren’t! Legittima Offesa’s female fun club exists! Around hundred beautiful girls who are in love with me, we are doing a big parties but i can not go into details, can be an underage people who can read this interview, but believe me, we have a big fun… unfortunatly this fan club is private and very secret, and you can not come!!! I’m sorry… ah ah ah ah ah

Italy is famous with big ultra’s scene. Do you follow any football team? What is your opinion about football violence between skins?

Once a time I followed ultras scene, I followed Bologna. Nowadays I haven’t much time to go to the stadium and I’m tired to get punishments, I have a son and I need to be a nice guy, if I must to go to the stadium just to watch the game I can do that from home on sofa and with a cold beer in hand!

Please tell us a few words about your last album “Spacca Tutto”. Are you satisfied with result? You have also made few professional video clips of the songs, which I like a lot. Is it easy to create such a video?

I’m very satisfied with our last album, I’ve done what I wanted to do and worked hard on the audio quality without to be far away from our old Oi! Style.
Video are a lust who I wanted to satisfy, I think a band after 15 years of activity deserves a few nice videos and our supporters as well! I would like to make other videos in future, better and professional (I hope).

Thanks for the interview mate, what are your final words? Your massage to the readers of our blog?

Thank you for giving us oportunity to speak and for your patience, (you have waited for our answers a long time)... keep following us and listen our music! We are playing for you!
See you at the next gig!!!
