Hello Gigi, welcome on the pages of
Revolt NS. My first question should be quite typical…how and when you get
involved into the skinhead scene? What or who influenced you mostly to join the
Before to become a
skinhead I was a typical street gangster… I was a member of a gang named
Criminality Commune, then when I was 18 years old I decided to start to be a
nice boy…. So in 1993 I became Skinhead! I thought to go out from the troubles
but I was wrong, the troubles have changed but I never gone out!
Your band is famous enough, but please gives us a brief
presentation of it – history, band members, discography, etc?
My band has born in
1998, members have changed many times during the years, only I remeined as the
only original member. We had recorded a lot of songs during the years ,
throughout we have: 1 demo, 4 CDs albums, 2 mini albums on vinyl and 4 singles
out on various compilations. To get knowledge of our history I invite you to
visit our website where you can to find many interesting facts: www.legittimaoffesa.com
Legitima Offesa played in Bulgaria
at 2010. What are your most striking memories from your visit to my Motherland?
We had so much fun
and has been much better than I expected, we made new great friendships and I
have been fascinated by Sofia and the great hospitality from my Bulgarian
Tell us about you home city –
Bologna, the scene there (both political and music)? It’s well known left wing
city, if I’m not wrong.
Bologna it’s a city
with a grat skinhead tradition, there been few skinhead generations (we can count
three generations at least), I’m belong to the second generation, the most
politically and the most musically active, there is (or there has been) many famous
bands in Bologna, since time of “Nabat” and “Rip Off” till nowadays. This city
it’s famous to be a leftist, but I can garantee that there are many young
patriots, comrades, anticommunist or streets friends that are with us. To be a
skinhead in Bologna isn’t easy, you need to have balls! If you aren’t dare to
do it’s useless to be a skinhead (in my opinion…)
Who is the guy getting arrested on
the front cover of your album “Skinheads a passeggio”? Is there any special
story behind this photo?
In this picture
there are two skinheads with handcuffs, one is close-up and the other is below.
The first one guy in close-up with Legittima Offesa’s t-shirt is our old
drummer, the guy below is one of our best friends, one of our crew.
They’re transfered
from police station to the jail where they’ll spend one month cause of a big fight
with antifa. They was with other 5 guys in the pub while outside there was 30
antifa who waiting them to attack them with bottles, knives and belts. When our
guys went outside a big fight broke up but luckily they were a fucking
motherfuckers which grew up on the street and in few seconds they got on the
heads of antifa… in the end, 8 antifa went to the hospital with serious wounds
and our guys was sent to the jail. Of course journalist wrote thai it was our
fault, the same old story…
Who are the “White Kriminals”and why you have decided to
entitle your album from 2006 with this name?
White Kriminals
it’s a title of our song and one of our albums. White Kriminals are all those people
who identify themselfs with this song, this isn’t just a song but it’s an attitude,
a way of life, there are skins, punks, rockers, hooligans and crazy
revolutionaries… rebels! Exept this there is a “White Kriminals Crew”,
supporters who follow our band on gigs and they are our best friends who we
have same problems, street life, we share same beleives and dreams. We’re a
Your future split with Brutal Attack will be released
only on vinyl. What is the reason for this?
I love vinyls, the
split will be just by one song of each band,so it doesn’t make any sense to do
a CD, vinyl is eternal… the CD is not!
Are you a music collector yourself? What are the rarest
items in your collection?
Yes and I’m a
fanatic. Above all I love vinyls, I can feel a different emotions than CD. I’ve
a great vinyls collection with some rarities as Skrewdriver, Cockney Rejects,
4-Skins, The Cramps, Peggior Amico, Caterina Caselli, ADL 122, Plastic Surgery
and many Oi!, Punk, Beat, Rock’a’billy,….
In what other music
projects are you involved? Tell us a bit about your cooperation with Antoanella (Klasse Kriminale)?
Actually I’m
playing in Legittima Offesa and The Kriminals. With Antonellina we played together
two times, the best Klasse Kriminale’s songs was (in my opinion) written by
her. I grew up listening her songs. I’m very happy about about the fact he’s
coming back to skin and punk scene, and I’m really happy to contributed in her comeback
to Italy after many years of absence! My ex-bassist played with them in their
two italian gigs and in their first gig in London, but we don’t have a common
project for the future….
While skins around Europe changed their outlook, Italians
kept the “original image” from the 80’s. Do you have some special reason to do
I don’t agree with
you. There are many skins around all Europe whoo keep to dress like a skinhead,
and there are gigs with more than 1000 people where they’re dressed in old
school style. I remember my last gig in Germany with Endstufe, Faustrecht, Les
Vilains, Brassic Oi! and Legittima Offesa, there was around 1500 people,
everyone old school skinhead and some punks not red… this is for all Europe, I
played everywhere and I found traditional skinhead in Germany, Spain, Belgium,
France, Finland, Estonia,… Everywhere! Nowadays in gigs you can to find guys
who don’t dress like a skinhead but they joined the skin scene. Mixing
skinhead’s culture with politic, sometimes happens that there are bands who
play hardcore or metal and you find boys dressed in different way, they aren’t
skinheads, I don’t want to offend no one but if you’re skinhead you must dress like a
skinhead, if you don’t to dress like a skinhead you aren’t skinhead,it’s

ZetaZeroAlfa and SPQR played a gig in Bankok at 2011.This
is very untypical for a band from our scene. Please, comment?
I know they had to
play there but I don’t know if they are really played did, in other hands it’s
not a big matter to me, so, I’m happy for them if their music reached till
there! One of major aims of musicians is to their music to be heared by much
people as possible! Each one does his choice and decides to play whenever he
wants, where he want to reach and to spread his messages.
They chosen to play
there, they have their good reasons!
You play often home and abroad. I had the chance to see Legitima
Offesa live at “European Skinhead Party” in Germany last May when you shared
stage with top bands like Endstufe, Faustrecht and Les Vilians. What are your
impressions from this great concert?
This is the gig who
I meaned above, it was a great event, great organization, nice bands and nice
Do you have a lot of girls involved in the skinhead scene
in Italy? I bet you have a ladies “fan club”?
Ha ha ha… Nice
question… Luckily there are a girls in our scene, will be sad if they aren’t!
Legittima Offesa’s female fun club exists! Around hundred beautiful girls who are
in love with me, we are doing a big parties but i can not go into details, can
be an underage people who can read this interview, but believe me, we have a
big fun… unfortunatly this fan club is private and very secret, and you can not
come!!! I’m sorry… ah ah ah ah ah
Italy is famous with big ultra’s scene. Do you follow any
football team? What is your opinion about football violence between skins?
Once a time I
followed ultras scene, I followed Bologna. Nowadays I haven’t much time to go
to the stadium and I’m tired to get punishments, I have a son and I need to be
a nice guy, if I must to go to the stadium just to watch the game I can do that
from home on sofa and with a cold beer in hand!
Please tell us a few words about your last album “Spacca
Tutto”. Are you satisfied with result? You have also made few professional
video clips of the songs, which I like a lot. Is it easy to create such a
I’m very satisfied with
our last album, I’ve done what I wanted to do and worked hard on the audio
quality without to be far away from our old Oi! Style.
Video are a lust
who I wanted to satisfy, I think a band after 15 years of activity deserves a few
nice videos and our supporters as well! I would like to make other videos in
future, better and professional (I hope).
Thanks for the interview mate, what are your final words?
Your massage to the readers of our blog?
Thank you for
giving us oportunity to speak and for your patience, (you have waited for our
answers a long time)... keep following us and listen our music! We are playing
for you!
See you at the next