Hello Andreas! Please introduce yourself to our readers.
I greet you and your readers and thank you for this opportunity to address them. My name is Andreas J. Voigt, I am a freelance writer and nationalist book author from Stuttgart, Germany, although I have been living in our capital Berlin since 1998. At present I lead the semi-secret society “Deutschherrenklub” along with its think tank “IZAN” (Institut für Zeitgeschichte, Agitation & Nationalpatriotismus). I was an officer of the German Military Special Forces for four years, and I spent four years behind German bars because of my political beliefs and the actions associated with them, which are considered “criminal” in this post-war republic which occupies my beloved German Fatherland.
On the 22nd of May in 1993 my organisation, the “Kreuzritter für Deutschland” (Crusaders for Germany) organized a musical barbeque in the “Heimerdinger Forest” close to Eberdingen by Stuttgart. Once again we wanted to use this event to unite skinheads with hooligans with patriotic students with nationalistic comrades and so on from our State of Baden Württemberg—one of the main objectives of the Kreuzritter in a time, where various patriotic tendencies within the szene led to more quarrel than to a much needed solidarity. I had invited Ian Stuart to come, but not really awaiting him to fly over for a steak and some great German beer and wine. To my surprise, he landed in Germany, Alexander from the German section of Skrewdriver Services (later he played in the bands Noie Werte and Ultima Ratio) picked him up and brought him along. After a short greeting, he told me he had brought along his guitar, he asked, if he could play a few songs for the many guests from Germany, France, Scotland, USA, Croatia and so on—an offer, I gladly accepted. It became one of the most personal and intimate gigs I have ever witnessed an incomparable, unique experience for all who had the great luck to attend.
You had the chance to know Ian Stuart on personal level. What were your striking memories of him?

Ian Stuart was a man of calm and soft-spoken words, never loud, never superficial, always patient in giving answers, even though he felt very uncomfortable at times with a crowd around him and he despised any type of personal idolization. Only through his music you saw and heard the fire in his heart and the purity of his ideology. Even visiting me at home, he hardly managed to ask for tee instead of coffee—a man of politeness and modesty.
What is the reason the videos to appear so long after this event?
Well, the reason is, I had everything on VHS, and the video was damaged severely in the years past. Finally last year I found an expert who was willing to clean up the tapes as far as possible, convert them and burn the material on DVDs—an expensive task, but I am more than glad that it was successful.
Some words about the"Kreuzritter für Deutschland” organization? What were its main activities in the 90’s? Does it still exist nowadays?
Unity, Solidarity and political agitation were our goals—the love to our Fatherland was our dutiful commitment. Towards the end we had a few hundred members in Stuttgart and Berlin and a women’s section. 1993 German secret services placed an undercover agent in our midst, although he could never proof any type of criminal behavior. He was exposed on the 1st of December 1993, questioned harshly by some of us and banned from Stuttgart. On the 2nd of December 1993 the apartments of those involved were stormed by SEKs (SWAT teams), my deputy, my security chief and I were arrested and incarcerated. At court I took the complete “guilt” upon myself, I was convicted to 6 years of prison for allegedly torturing, kidnapping and sending the federal agent to the Foreign Legion office in Marseille, my collaborators’ sentences were suspended. In midst of 1994 the organization was disbanded, although various organizations used the term “Kreuzritter” afterwards and nourished fittingly on our experiences.
Did you attend/or organize some of the other ISD/Skrewdriver gigs in Germany in those years? What was the reason of so many gigs in Stuttgart area?
Yes, I attended and organized various concerts, not just for Ian or Skrewdriver. Especially the Skrewdriver concert on the 10th of July 1993 in Waiblingen by Stuttgart on behalf of the second anniversary of the “Kreuzritter für Deutschland” with up to 1500 visitors, not knowing at this time, that this would be Ian’s last gig before his tragic death.
What was the story around the events in Cottbus in 1991? What was the support given to the imprisoned “Cottbus six” in their 3 mounts stay in German prisons?
The rumors were probably more dramatic than the dealings, but I am sure, others can give better and more founded information about the true sequence of events. Of course everyone within the national scene heard of the “Cottbuser sechs/Cottbus six” and were shocked, angry and defiant against leftist media coverage, also we took part in the concerts that showed solidarity and support.
Why you have copyrighted both the videos and photos from this ballad gig?
These videos and photos are my personal property and it is my wish, that they may not be misused—the context is important, and I would like to control that. It has become preposterous how “comrades“ just copy and use anything they find in the Internet without having the natural decency of asking for permission. I have seen some of my pictures used for selling CDs, DVDs and so on. I know those, who produced them. They earn very much money, and that is definitely legitimate, but if they want to use copyrighted material, then they should just ASK. I must say though, when I write them, they understand and accept my objections. They always send me a free copy of whatever it is, because I turn down offers of payment. This week, for example, I received “Skrewdriver Video Tour Compilation(1977-1993)”, it now makes me happy to see one of my pictures on the cover and even more seeing Ian Stuart do that, what he does best—making and playing great music!

Talking about copyrights, what happened with the sales of Skrewdriver albums after Ian’s death? Did Herbert Egoldt (owner of Rock-o-Rama records) send some loyalties to Ian’s family?
Those are internal matters, that can only be answered by those involved. I can and will not judge the rumors.
Have you ever been in England for a Skrewdriver gig? Did you ever meet German war veteran Magnus Waggeg who was in touch with the English Skinhead scene?
Yes, I have been to England, but never for a Skrewdriver gig—to my great regret. Magnus was well known and honored of course, but we never had personal contact.
Do you recall how and when you were informed about the death of Ian Stuart, what was your reaction? Do you believe it was a car accident?
I was in the “notorious” KOLBSTUBE, a pub in Stuttgart for nationalists of all persuasions, having fun and beer with members of the “Kreuzritter”, it was Friday evening, the music was loud and our hearts glee. Alexander from Skrewdriver Services came in, his face was pale. He walked straight to me and asked, if we could speak privately. He told me what had occured, he himself hardly able to manage the tragic news. After collecting myself I ordered the music turned off, the pub was now quite, I faced the guests and told them, what had happened—it took days until we finally realized that it was true and that we had lost a great icon of the nationalist music scene...and some of us lost a true friend...
Dropping out the “Skrewdriver” subject, let’s focus on the other matters. Except a political activist you are also a writer. Provide us a brief presentation of your books “Der Letze patriot” and “Der Nationale Doppelroman”? Have you been influenced by the writings of Dr. William Pearce (a.k.a. Andrew MacDonald) or heroism of Robert Jay Mathews and The Order?
„Der letzte Patriot“ is my debut novel. Strongly autobiographical, the political thriller was published in German in 2005 by publishing house Neuteutonia and has been very successful since, but also quite disputet in the leftist majority society of Germany. The title, which is translated as "The last Patriot", refers to the politically complicated and frustrating struggle of a German Patriot in the post-war Zeitgeist of the modern Federal Republic of Germany. Set in Berlin, Germany, "Der letzte Patriot" is the fictional story of political-activist and German patriot Sven Hardenberg, who leads a neo-national group which rebels against the anti-German sentiment or Germanophobia within and without the German People in modern-day Europe. His adversaries are strong: Bundesnachrichtendienst, Mossad and others seek to kill the novels hero and villain, even in jail he ist not safe, the Germanic Brotherhood and the Moslem Brotherhood are engaged in a life-and-death battle.

Next one is little bit personal question. Your family name is Voigt, do you have anything in common with NPD leader Udo Voigt? What is your opinion on NPD in general?
No, Udo and I just share the same surname. The Voigt (Landvoigt) of the middle ages was the aristocratic right hand to the kingdoms monarch. Many considered the “Voigt” to be more powerful than the sovereign himself. The NPD is a “necessary evil” (ein notwendiges Übel, as we say in Germany—of course more necessary than evil!) within the corrupt and decadent party politics of Germany. For us, there is, at the present, no other party to vote for, and although I disagree with the party system altogether AND with various tendencies within the NPD, I also know many of the members personally and I judge them as honorable and devoted men and women that I would support and back any time, although I will never be a member of a political party.
Going back to the 90’s, what are your memories from the events in Rostock in August 1992?
The happenings in Rostock and the activities afterwards have such a complex political and social structure, that a few words or sentences would not be enough to describe their influence upon German internal politics in the later 90’s.
What do you think about following people:
Ingo Hasselbach: A would-be political leader who failed upon his incompetence and narcissism, an example of pathetic people along history without special abilities who have the right feeling for the weakness of revolutionary times but do not back the goals with all their hearts and minds.
Michael Kühnen: Especially in comparison to Hasselbach a man of great abilities and intellect, but also a man, who at the end had chosen the wrong path on a long, dirty, tiring road of battle and renunciation.
Kay Diesner: He had right ideas and beliefs, but probably chose the wrong terms of execution. He was cornered and snapped, although I can understand his frustration and despair, he damaged the national movement as a whole. I am looking forward to his release in about six to eight years, I’m convinced he has matured and has gained wisdom, and I hope to speak with him personally.
Horst Mahler: I haven’t made up my mind about him yet, not even to this day. A genius and a manic, and I can hardly tell, what side will prevail. You must know his writings and philosophical thoughts, but he will never receive the sympathies of, for example, the late Jürgen Rieger. However, no matter what you think of him, it is an unjust disgrace and a dismantling of the republic that Horst Mahler is being imprisoned only for speaking his mind—probably for life, considering his age.
What do you think about following people:
Ingo Hasselbach: A would-be political leader who failed upon his incompetence and narcissism, an example of pathetic people along history without special abilities who have the right feeling for the weakness of revolutionary times but do not back the goals with all their hearts and minds.
Michael Kühnen: Especially in comparison to Hasselbach a man of great abilities and intellect, but also a man, who at the end had chosen the wrong path on a long, dirty, tiring road of battle and renunciation.
Kay Diesner: He had right ideas and beliefs, but probably chose the wrong terms of execution. He was cornered and snapped, although I can understand his frustration and despair, he damaged the national movement as a whole. I am looking forward to his release in about six to eight years, I’m convinced he has matured and has gained wisdom, and I hope to speak with him personally.
Horst Mahler: I haven’t made up my mind about him yet, not even to this day. A genius and a manic, and I can hardly tell, what side will prevail. You must know his writings and philosophical thoughts, but he will never receive the sympathies of, for example, the late Jürgen Rieger. However, no matter what you think of him, it is an unjust disgrace and a dismantling of the republic that Horst Mahler is being imprisoned only for speaking his mind—probably for life, considering his age.
Tell us about the time you were running Café “Germania” in Berlin? Why it was closed less then a year after its opening?
Oh, one of my favorite topics of agitation or excitement—depends on my frame of mind. Just kidding, also a complex topic, but if your readers can understand German or are able to translate the text, then they should read, what Metapedia has to say to to the project...it is pretty much accurate: http://de.metapedia.org/wiki/Caf%C3%A9_Germania_Berlin
What is your opinion about the problems between German and Polish nationalist? Do you think about a possible end of this conflict in nearest future?
There are problems? Yes, of course there are, and I am sure they will stay around for a while, because Poland still holds great parts of The German Empire occupied. Will we overcome? I hope so, and I now many polish comrades, who understand our German situation very well, but many still do not. One day soon, we will all have to stick together to face a mutual enemy at the borders of Europe, but until then, we will just have to make the best of it—and we will!!!
Your personal view on Islam in Europe, and especially in Germany where you have millions of Turks?
The Enemy of my enemy is my friend? Yes, that is a legitimate political theory, but one thing must be clear, and I tell this to all my Islamic acquaintances when we discus this topic: Moslem races will never rule Germany, not politically and not on the streets, even though they are trying to do so at their utmost. We Germans are a cultural race: understanding, tolerant and patient—often much too enduring, but if cornered we will fight...and will kill...and will prevail victoriously, because we Germans are the lords of war. The Romans, the Huns, Napoleon and so many others underestimated the strong will and the ruthlessness of Germans when they are fighting for chaste survival and existence...let them go back to their countries, where they belong, let us respect each other and even become friends, but they must stop raping our civilization, our women, our nobility, if they do not, it will be their doom!
Any closing comments? Your message to the readers of our blog?
Any closing comments? Your message to the readers of our blog?
Stay true to your beliefs, love your race, cherish your family, secure the future of your children, behold your honor, and no matter what happens, no matter what you are faced with, no matter who or what endangers your way of life, uphold your dignity by all means—than without dignity you are nothing!