Tuesday, 21 December 2010
Sunday, 19 December 2010
Salem March 2010
The Swedish Nationalists organized as an annual gathering launched by the station and Rönninge path crossed the suburb of Salem. 185,000 leaflets were distributed in previous days, and equal number of flyers "adorned" the streets of Stockholm to make its event in as many Swedes could. A long campaign which was the occasion of the 10 years from some crime, which came to a climax the uncontrolled action rogue elements in the country, mostly non white foreigners.

" SALEM 2010 " from Horst Wessel to Daniel Wretström
Finally the great moment arrived. The Helenic comrades will honour Daniel Wretström.European solidarity in action.the meeting point for us who would travel to Salem from Stockholm,was the Central Station.The place was full of cops in uniform and undercover trying to terrorize the comrades and prevent them from marching.Around 15.12 comrades from Stockholm and other European nationalists, we started the way to Salem by train, followed by the ZOG's puppets-the cops.A distance of 30 minutes took us more than an hour.

Saturday, 18 December 2010
Freedom for Pedro Varela

As one European free speech martyr, Ernst Zundel, was recently released from prison, another one takes his place in the EU gulag. A Spanish court sentenced Barcelona
bookshop owner Pedro Varela to two years and nine months in prison for spreading racist propaganda. The court ruled that Varela spread ideas favourable to genocide that
denigrated Jews, blacks and other groups through the books he sold at his Barcelona bookshop and by organizing lectures. Varela was also ordered to pay a fine of 2,880 euros
(3,945 dollars). Prosecutors had asked for a four-year prison sentence.
The court rejected Varela's defence that he belonged to no political party and that there were no banned books in Spain. During the trial, Varela said “I am not saying there was not
persecution of the Jews, but so far nobody has found these famous bars of soap into which they were supposedly transformed. And I doubt the numbers of the dead would reach the mythical 6 million.”
This represents Pedro Varela's third time through the Spanish justice system over free speech issues. In 2006, Varela was arrested on Holocaust denial and justification of genocide charges, convicted on the justification charge, and sentenced to seven months in prison after a 2008 trial, but avoided incarceration at the time because he lacked a prior criminal
record. Previously, on November 16th, 1998, a Barcelona criminal court found Varela guilty of inciting racial hatred and of denying or justifying genocide, and sentenced him to five
years imprisonment and a fine of 720,000 pesetas (about $5,000). The conviction was suspended by the Catalonia Regional Court on April 30th, 1999 when the three judges of the Audencia court in Barcelona unanimously declared that the law under which he had been convicted may have violated Article 20 of the Spanish Constitution, which guarantees the rights of free speech and free expression of opinion.
Ultimately, a Constitutional Tribunal sided with the provincial court, deciding in 2007 to decriminalise a presumption that was included in the reform of the Penal Code of 1996. Article 607.2 anticipates punishments of up to two years in jail for whoever, “by any means” diffuses “ideas or doctrines that deny or justify” the Holocaust. The Tribunal found that this clause limited a fundamental right, the right to freedom of expression, since it punished the diffusion of ideas “without demanding any other element, such as affronts, or inciting to attack groups.”
In 2007, Pedro Varela was instrumental in assisting Dr. David Duke in launching his Spanish-language translation of his book, "Jewish Supremacism". The two launched a joint book tour for Dr. Duke.
The magistrate in Penal Court 15 in Barcelona order that Varela should be taken into jail for one year and three months as he had a previous sentence. Normally prison sentences
under two years are automatically suspended in Spain, but in this case the judge has said no suspension should occur and the defendant should go to jail, although that decision could be appealed against. The judge said with the earlier case Varela should now serve two years and nine months in jail.
The judge said that the defendant’s behaviour clearly demonstrated a criminal trajectory and that he was dangerous from a penal point of view. He considered the books being sold
were a clear insult to the Jewish community and other minorities.
The appeal was rejected and last 09-12-10 Pedro Varela entered in the prison to serve 1 years and 3 monts.
More info (in Spanish) about his case here: http://libertadpedrovarela.over-blog.com/
Pedro Varela Geiss
You can write in Spanish, English or German.Background of Pedro Varela
Since its founding in 1965, Círculo Español de Amigos de Europa (CEDADE, Spanish Circle of Friends of Europe) was one of the oldest and most active neo-Nazi groups in Europe.
This "cultural association", based in Barcelona, was led until January 1993 by the convicted neo-Nazi Pedro Varela. After Varela's successors decided to dissolve the
group's "organizational structure" at a special general meeting in Madrid on 12 October 1993 Nevertheless, Varela has continued to control CEDADE's extensive international
publishing network as well as its Barcelona bookshop, Europa. On 11 December 1996, however, in a carefully planned and unprecedented operation, the regional Catalonian police
force raided the bookshop's premises, seizing some 12,700 books and arrested Varela
The Mossos entered Europa at 6.45 p.m. and completed the operation in the early hours of the following morning. They seized a total of 12,700 books of Nazi and neo-Nazi
propaganda and Holocaust-denial material written in English, German and Spanish. Many were already packed, ready to be sent abroad. In addition to books, the Mossos seized:
400 posters and leaflets; 15 flags bearing Spain's pre-constitutional emblem, the Nazi swastika and the Celtic Cross; 80 videotapes of xenophobic content; several Holocaust-denial catalogues; and brooches, badges and tie-pins sporting Nazi symbols. They also found proofs of books, evidence for the theory that the Europa bookshop not only distributes material printed in other countries but also produces its own.
Around midnight, detectives arrested thirty-nine-year-old Varela at his home. The following afternoon, Varela was granted provisional liberty by the court provided that he report
fortnightly to the court that is investigating his case. Varela had already had a brush with the law in 1992 in Austria, where he served a four-month sentence for having publicly
declared Hitler a "hero of heroes".
The police operation was planned over several months under the supervision of José María Mena, chief prosecutor of Catalonia's supreme court, and was the first in Spain to lead to
an arrest on charges arising from the new penal code. In fact, the police and the judiciary waited for the new penal code to come into effect in order that they could invoke the necessary legal instruments. Some of the books seized may well fall foul of article 607 of the new code, which states in part that "the diffusion, by any means, of ideas or doctrines that deny or justify the crimes specified in the previous items [crimes of genocide], or that attempt to re-establish regimes or institutions that condone practices leading to such crimes, will be punished with a prison sentence of one to two years". The court may also be able to prove that a violation of intellectual property has been committed in this case,
due to the allegedly illegal reproduction of some of the confiscated material.
The hub of the extensive CEDADE publishing network was considered to be the most important distributor of neo-Nazi propaganda in the whole of Europe. In its 1994 report, the
German Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution) called Pedro Varela-the owner of Europa and the ex-leader of CEDADE-"Spain's Nazi Führer" and named him as Barcelona's representative of the European neo-Nazi movement as well as its treasurer.
Freiheit für alle Nationalisten!
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
Skinhead Magazine (in english) # 9

The story goes further with more well known bands such as Kratky Proces, Utok, Excalibur, Buldok and Conflict 88 which play even nowadays. It’s really an interesting read, very informative, full of factology and the report will continue in next two issues of the zine. As an addition there is interview with the person behind the Crime Pride webzine. To sum it up another excellent work from Poli, a must have for every Czech/Slovak skinhead who respects the history of his native scene. As an end I must confess that this magazine is a great inspiration for me and NS Revolt web blog!
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Kolovrat Interview 2010

1) Hail and greetings from Hungary! When, why and where was the band formed?
Cheers to you mate and sure to all Hungarian comrades, actually to all like minded readers of this interview as well! Before answering to your questions I would like to thank you (both in behalf of the band and from me personally) sincerely for your interest in our activities, and for this opportunity to give an interview for your edition (and make our voice heard to really big part of Hungarian activists reading your blogspot) too, we appreciate this chance very much, especially because this interview is maybe the first one we make for right - wing Hungarian edition for last 10 years already. I guess that the last to date interview of our band has been taken by some of Hungarian fanzines back somewhen in 90s already.
I started the band together with our original vocalist Vladimir aka "Balu" (he sung for us in 1994 - 1995 and then make short comeback in 1997 for a couple months of rehearsals and just 1 gig) in our native city Moscow at Summer of 1994 and there were no WP Skinhead bands in the territory of ex - USSR before us. So we celebrated the sixteenth anniversary of our existence at 01.08.10 (an official date of birth of our band - 1th of August' 94 was the date of our very first rehearsal in whole line up in the real practise room, not just at our flats as before) already and we still really looking forward into the future, because of the reason that we still have enough interest and strength to continue our activities for many years to come if our faith will let us to follow to chosen road as we did it before.
2) What does your name mean?
"Kolovrat" word has 2 meanings in Russian: 1) "Kolovrat" is the name of the right sided solar cross in ancient Russian / slavonic pagan tradition; 2) "Kolovrat" has been the martial nickname of Russian national hero Evpaty "Kolovrat", which leaded Russian partizan troops against numerous and savage Mongolian hordes at winter 1237 / 1238 at their way to Europe and defeated them a few times, but perished in the unequal battle finally. Also I have to add that his name is one of the main symbols of national resistance for today's Russian followers of his heroic deeds, even the methods are quite similar :)
3) What is current line up of the band? Has it changed a lot through the years?
Our current line up: D. - vocals / guitar, A. - guitar / backing vocals, I. - bass / backing vocals, P. - keyboards, R. - drums.
Yes, we were forced to change our line up several times through our "carrier", but it was unavoidable, cause like in all other long running bands (especially noncommercial underground ones, which don’t pay any salaries to their musicians) some members are slowly losing motivation with time, some become involved in family / work / other "mode of life" affairs too deeply to have some necessively significant time for the band, others are leaving to start their own musical projects, etc. Actually the line up changes are quite natural and I wonder if they're just some very few bands around the world, which continue to play in the original line up for 20 years :). If speaking about "Russian Ghetto" / "Kolovrat" particularly I suppose that about 25 musicians (session musicians included) went through our band during all 16 years of its existence. What about my personal attitude - I prefere to play in the same stable line up, but it doesn't depends on me, but on those who decided to left or has been kicked out, it's not the problem of the band, cause the people are changing with the time and it's absolutely impossible to avoid what's natural.
4) Have you played many concerts? With which other bands?
We gigged circa 270 times (both "electric" and ballad appearances), sure mainly in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, but also in Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Germany, France, Italy, we performed by a couple of times in some of these countries. Many our gigs were cancelled, forbidden and even smashed by the repressive forces of the system in some cases ... We gigged together with almost all known Russian / Ukranian / Belorussian bands: "Shturm", "TNKF"/ "TNF", "Shit Town Street Bulls"/ "Ultra", "Division", "Radegasst" (Sergej "Hater" RIP), "Svarog", "Ultimatum" (Sergej "Borov" RIP), "Vityaz", "Buldog" / "Sokyra Peruna", "White's Load", "Shit I Mech", "Rusich", "Аpraxia" / "Molot", "Vandal", "Аtaka 28", "Gr.Om", "Velimor", "Nord Wolf", "Oskal", "Russky Styag", "Linija Frontа", "Pryamoi Podhod", "Garynich", "Ermolov", "Rossija", "Clownsball", "Huk Sprava", "Nachtigall", "Shiroky Lan", "White Lions" + with many good foreign bands like "Adler", "Death Warrant", "Agressiva 88", "Оdwet 88", "Brigade M", "White Law", "Brutal Attack", "Bully Boys", "Ultima Frontiera", "Bad Fate", "Brigada 1238", "Ancestors", "Brainwash", "Оdessa", "Blitzkrieg", "Honor", "October 15", "Unit 28", "Feher Torveny", "Faustrecht", "Archivum", "Vendetta", "Moshpit", "Voice of Justice", "Projekt Vandal", "Sahsonia", "Hope for the weak", "Sachsenblut", "Gesta Bellica", "Corona Ferrea", "ADL 122", also with such excellent balladeers like Frank Rennike and Jan Peter ("Project Vrill", ex - "Sleipnir"). And last but not least I would like to express our (in behalf of the band) sincere appreciation to all our past split CD partners: "Nahkampf", "Guarda De Ferro", "Hassgesang", "Imperium", "October 15" and "Attack". And sure many greetings to all our further joint project colleagues, I prefer to keep their identities in secret yet :)
5) Could you tell us some more about your CD's? How many CD's, splits and albums do you have? What are their names?
We released about 150 songs at the moment, the number of written songs is more than twice bigger I believe (our usual problem is connected with a lack of finances for necessiyely qualitative recording so the songs are forced to wait for the recording / release for several years in the majority of cases), the discography is quite wide as well so it would be more comfortable to reply to your question just in the form of the list of releases.
"Kolovrat" official discography
(* "official", because of many pirate bootlegs not authorized by the band)
Ready to destroy (demo 1994, unreleased)
Hail Russia! (demo 1995, Кolovrat SN Records 2000, MC; Strong Survive Records USA 2005, CD)
National revolution (album 1998, Кolovrat SN Records 1998 + 2000, MC)
Blood of patriots (album 1999, Kolovrat SN Records 2000, MC/ CD)
Forged boots rock (official live bootleg 1999, КТR 2000, MC; Kolovrat SN Records 2002, MC)
Nahkampf/ Kolovrat (split CD 2000, Jens Puehse 2000, CD; Kolovrat SN Records 2000, MC (under the tittle "Russian-German NS unity"))
Ninth wave of WP (tribute album 2001, Kolovrat SN Records 2001, MC/ CD)
Era of right hand (album 2002, Kolovrat SN Records 2002, MC/ CD; Pit Records 2002, CD)
Hammering the road to victory (album 2003, Kolovrat SN Records 2003, MC/ CD)
Prisoner of conscience (album 2004, Kolovrat SN Records 2004, MC/CD; Moloko+ Versand 2004, CD)
In memory of Ian Stuart (live album 2003, Kolovrat SN Records 2005, CD)
European freedom express (split CD (with “Guarda de Ferro”) 2004, White Noise Records 2007, CD)
Radical voice (in defense of freedom) (album’ 2002 / 2007, X Day Records/ Kolovrat SN Records 2007, CD; White Noise Records, CD (Englishspeaking (2008) and Germanspeaking (2009) versions))
Tоtal war (album’ 2008, X Day Records/ Kolovrat SN Records 2008, CD; White Noise Records 2009, CD (Englishspeaking and Germanspeaking versions under the tittle "Brother war" - to be released))
Unity in action (split CD with "Hassgesang", PC Records 2009, CD))
Elite brotherhood (split CD with "Imperium", "October 15" and "Attack", Kolovrat SN Records 2009, CD (for Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and for the participated bands only); Moloko + Versand 2010, CD (European / world edition) - to be released)
Guess who’s coming for seconds (GBNAR Records 2000, CD; Kolovrat SN Records 2000, MC)
Unsere Welt (Jens Puehse 2000, CD; Kolovrat SN Records 2000, MC)
Division East Europe (Ragnaroek Records 2001, CD; Kolovrat SN Records 2001, MC)
Nadsat - 1, 2 (Nadsat crew 2002 and 2003, CD; Kolovrat SN Records 2002 and 2003, MC)
WPWW- 6 (Midgaard Records 2004, CD)
Up to zero - 8 (Masks Off Records 2004, CD)
ISD Memorial (live split CD 2003, Patriot Productions 2004, CD)
Prezent (Forumul Crestin Noua Dreapta 2005, CD)
Tribute to "Skrewdriver" Vol. 2 (Moloko+ Versand 2005, CD)
Day of the rope - 2 (Strong Survive Records 2005, CD)
28 Vol. 5 (unknown label 2005, CD)
No one like us … we don’t care (Streetfight Records 2006, CD)
Tribute to "Strikeforce" (Iron Eagle Division 2006, CD)
Tribute to "Legion 88" (Streetfighting Records 2006, CD)
Lost freedom. Tribute to "Burzum" (Patriot Productions 2007, CD)
Thanks bro (tribute to Ken and "Brutal Attack") (Good Night Left Side Records 2008, CD)
For faith and folk Vol. 1 (Revenge Records 2008, CD)
Tribute to "Kontingent 88" (Genocide Europe Records 2009, CD - to be released (?))
Support POW worldwide (Homo Superior / Kolovrat SN Records / X Day Records 2010, 2 CD) - to be released.
Guest appearance:
October 15 "Gde walka ..." (1 song) (... Спросить у О.лейбл / год выпуска?)
Olaf Jasinsky "Hold on brother" (2 songs) (Homo Superior 2010)
Kriegsberichter - 5 (NS 88 video division 2001, VHS / DVD)

6) How often does the band practise?
Hehe I believe that I did not less than 150 interviews of our band, but I'm facing such question for the first time, quite untypical and interesting one, thanks! I think that "practise room development" (till the present moment) of our band is pretty typical for every long running band and could be divided for 3 different periods: 1) right in the start (1994 - 1999), when we were young enthusiasts, which just learned to play their instruments well and had much free time for rehearsals, because of being young (18 - 23 years old), so we’ve been practised quite often (2 times (by 3 - 4 hours) a week as a rule (especially in 1997 - 1999 ), sometimes even 3 rehearsals weekly)), but sure there were some pauses, when we didn't rehearsed for a month or so sometimes, everything happened .... second period (1999 - 2004 and 2005 - 2007) could be called "mature time", when we grew up as musicians and reached the best form as a band, because of numerous common rehearsals (I can recall even our 7 - 9 hours long rehearsals, when we played almost all days through, since morning till evening); it was our best period so far, definitely, we were in the optimal form and played much, much more better than we play today! :) Аnd the last to date period (since 2008 and till the present moment) could be characterized as "adult life" :) - almost no spare time, because of stable full time jobs (some of us are even forced to work 2 jobs constantly), families (we have 6 children as a band already and the kids require a lot of time and efforts you know) and other "mode of life" questions, etc, etc. So called "adult life" with all its pluses and minuses :) But we still do our best to rehearse as much as we can anyway (2 times (by 3 - 4 hours) a week usually). Sure we are more often in the practise room, when we are preparing for the studio sessions or a gig than when we don't expect anything like this, which requires more harder and regular rehearsals.
7) Do you support any political parties and / or organizations actively?
No, we were, we are and we will always be an independent band, this is our principal strategy, cause we feel that the creativity should be absolutely free and independent from any influences from outside, which is hard or nearly impossible to avoid if the band belongs to any certain fraction (organization or political party). None of us is a member of any certain political group, but we support all right - wing organizations, which are honest, descent, uncompromising and active on stable, regular level - this is the main reason for us to show the support to any certain organization.
8) Do you as a band get much attention from police, reds, media, etc?
Well I think that we were lucky enough (because of our age) to start the band at that time, when the totalitarian "communism" (sure it wasn't "communism" actually, but just some form of pretty much perverted and corrupted socialism) almost failed and so called "communist party" was dismissed as an official governmental regime a few years ago already, but despite it the commies stood standing quite strong and influential on political situation in many aspects in fact even if they had lost power officially. But we didn't experienced any troubles with powers at that time anyway. We started to face the first serious problems since 2000 only, when our concert was attacked and smashed by police force and almost about 100 comrades were detented after a massive fight with coppers, when the attendants of the gig just tried to defend one of the comrades at that show.
Our gigs were stopped, raided and even attacked brutally (the worst episode was at "ISD Memorial" in November' 2002 in Moscow area, when almost 300 comrades were detended) by police and special branch many times since above mentioned episode. One of our band members was arrested after "Kolovrat" concert in Czech Republic, he has been accussed with "the support and propaganda of "anti - human movement" (!!!) and spent almost year and a half in maximum security block of one of Czech prisons during the time of the investigation and the trials. He was acquitted completely twice during 2 trials, but both excused judgements were cancelled in full form by an appeallational court. Also we're still under constant oppression and active monitoring in Russia so it's almost impossible for us to play even a small private concert for 100 comrades in our native city last couple of years. Actually the situation in our country is pretty hard nowadays - Movement and its musical scene is under the massive repressive attack of authorities and I think that the situation will become even worse with time, don't see any positive tendencies to improve it right now. So we can expect more serious troubles in the future. So called "Russian Federation Security Council" has proclaimed Russian nationalism as "the main threat to the state's safety of RF" a couple of years ago so you can imagine the consequences ... They don't want any dialogue or any kind of discussion, any "legal nationalism" political force or anything like this, they are just aspired to annihilate Russian nationalism Movement completely and totally.
Yes, sure I know about that really tragic fact of Hungarian history and believe me I regret (I'll speak for myself at least in this case) a lot about that lined crime of communism. You Hungarians were the first enslaved nation from so called "Eastern block", which started the resistance against Soviet communist occupation and the real fight for the independency of your state. You showed an example to Poles and Czechs, which followed you in this direction sooner. Concerning the position of "Russian" government (you did the right thing while mentioning the world Russian in inverted commas in connection with "our" official powers) - perhaps it could be pretty strange for you, but I found that position of the powers of so called "Russian Federation" is reasonable, cause firstly: USSR and Russian Federation are different states, second: today's "Russian" official powers deny the communist ideology and didn't commanded to start the agression against Hungary, consequently they can't take the responsibility for that crime of communism. My position is quite surprising for me actually, cause maybe it's the very first time, when I "support" the government of RF :)
Concerning my personal (and I can speak about our band's position in general) position towards to that event in 1956 - sure I recognize it as pure crime of USSR communist totalitarism and one of the most tragic events in modern history of Hungarian nation. I believe that there couldn’t be finded any apologies for that crime and that the followers of communist ideology should be judged for this slaughter and for all other numerous crimes of Marxism one day.
10) What's your opinion on chauvinism? Many nationalists from Finland and Baltic states show anti - Russian attitude openly.
I reject the chauvinism as reactionary and obsolete prejudice, which is absolutely unacceptable and destructive for today's pan - European movement of national socialists. Actually the chauvinism is nothing else than the ultra - nationalism, an extreme and completely wrong form of nationalism, the blind and obscure form I would like to say. This is a fact that national socialism is based on nationalism, but today we all have to be racialists (White Power!) first and foremost, not just nationalists. To a great complaint many nationalists from Baltian (Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia) states and Scandinavian countries (from Finland first and foremost) showing this kind of bullshit attitude towards Russians, also similar paranoia is spreaded in certain national circles in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Sometimes it looks like that these nationalists from Finland still living in the 40s of last century and continue to wage a war for Carelian Isthmus, Balts still suffer from Soviet occupation and some of Germans just can't see the obvious difference between "Russian" and "communist". But listen these times are gone long ago, even "cold war" era is finished, what's a point to still living in the past and by the past?! We have to be the realists and live by today, not just by yesterday, we have to forget old prejudices and the pain of Brother war, we have to unite and go forward, especially in these terrible and catastrophical times, when Eastern Europe became the last hope and the outpost of real resistance of our race. If you know the cold facts, which could be impossible to contend, Russia is an absolute leader of militant struggle for the last 5 years at least, just look to the statistics on Internet. I'm pretty satisfied that more and more comrades in the West begin to realize that the chauvinism is completely wrong and all these pseudo racial "theories" about "Mongoloid subhuman" Russians (and Slavs in general) are nothing more than just pure bullshit. I don't have anything against Finns and Estonians, moreover: I really hope that we all will unite oneday and fight the common enemy, the real enemy together!
11) You have played many gigs all across Russia. Any funny anecdotes or moments that will always remain in your memories?
Correct, we gigged not less than 260 times all over Russia (sure mainly in Moscow, but in the regions as well (especially actively during 2000 - 2003 and in 2005 - 2007)). There are so many good memories and different funny stories about those endless travels, just don't know where to start. So many trains, so many air flights we changed, so many cities were visited. Let me decide what of numerous to tell ya guys. Oh probably it will a good one! :) Where we arrived to play in some southern city of Russia (almost on Caucasus :)) a couple of years ago the local police and special branch disrupted our gig and we were forced to spent a night till the morning's air flight in some village type suburban house of one of local comrades with several his friends. We were so tired and a bit drunken (after a half of night in the company of no holds barried hosters :)) that, when we went to bed almost nobody of us didn't considered anything at all :) But just after one hour of deep sleeping everyone was awaken by absolutely terrible scream, which nobody of us has heard before I think. It was some kind of most dreadful scream you can imagine, just
monstrous one ... The awakening of an entire house was quite hard and took fair long time after everybody gathered in the kitchen like a bunch of zombies :) We all were shocked after the sleep, cause the situation in Russia is really hard and we can expect easily any kind of bad consequences after the gig being disrupted by the local repressive structures, that's why we were discouraged / nervous a bit and tried to find the source of that cry, which continue to repeat in the interval of each 15 seconds or so. We realized finally that the terrible scream is heard from the small room, where our that time's keyboardist slept peacefully. We opened the door and saw our keyboardist sleeping deeply in his bed, our bass player was sleeping next to him. The cry out has been heard from our keyboardist, but he slept deadly, without any emotions, just like the dead body, nothing more :) The same about our bassist :) We realized finally that the source of scream is located within one of the pockets of our keyboardist and it was quite hard to find it after the pretty deep sleep, because of the numerous pockets on his fashionable clothes :) We founded his extra modern smartphone finally :) with the alarm clock, which has been set at a half of the night (instead of the actual time of our awakening) by him mistakenly and the sound of that alarm clock had some ultra modern and most crazy ringtone, which I ever heard in my life - it was a recording of very loud and very brutal cry of deep suffer or torture, which sounded pretty much natural for our tired just - after - the sleep ears :) It was no surprise, because our that time's keyboardist was an ultra technician and crazy Black Metal fan so I've been not surprised that the crazy guy was able to find such terrible and pretty natural ringtone for the alarm clock of his handy. We had a good laugh after we founded the source of the scream, it was pretty laughable moment really. Maybe it doesn' t sounds too funny now, when I'm telling this story to you right now, but you can believe me it was something to remember at that night really :) :) :) I can't imagine, where our ex - keyboardist took that crazy shout, but he's terrible person :) believe me so that's no surprise about it :)

12) What do you think about the free downloading of WP music in the Internet, which harms the bands and the labels who put a lot of efforts and labor in the studio and money to release the albums.
I'm totally opposed to this MP3 paranoia, which is so wide spread nowadays, especially in Russia, when people claiming theirselves being "friends of right - wing scene", but almost finished to buy original copies of releases and support the bands / labels, but just uploading MP3 from Internet. Here in Russia this disaster is really beyond all reasonable limits now, that's why I started to call it "paranoia". Sure nobody is opposed to MP3 format itself, it's useful and comfortable, no questions, I use to listen to MP3 myself from time to time like anybody else today, there's no shame to listen to MP3 :) But I don't pirate the albums of our scene, which suffer from the lack of finances for the necessively qualitative (even according the underground standarts of quality) recording / release even from its start in 80s. And if the situation degenerates in such way that the labels can't even return the budgets they put into the studio and release expencies, old, well established bands can't start to record on higher level and many young, newcomer bands simply miss the chance to release an album (I speak about Russia at least), then I have to notice that this MP3 thing really has gone too far. I guess that if the situation will continue to develop in this direction then there will be a day, when our pretty underground and financially poor scene (in comparison with mainstream rock music industry) will be almost collapsed - the labels will simply not have money to release new albums, cause their previous releases are still on stock and the budgets aren't returned. The bands will not have studio budgets (normal studio budgets for the descent recording). So this is the first, "economical" aspect of MP3 threat and damage to our scene.
Second aspect is "moral" one. The content of an album (music / lyrics) is "intellectual property" of the band, the same goes for the content of the booklet / layout (I mean designer's work first and foremost), it should be quite obvious I suppose. All these eternal, endless and pretty pointless discussions about "the copyright is capitalistic" are nothing more than of waste time. If you don't respect the sacrifice and dedication of the bands (OK, long running bands at least) why you have a right to demand any respect to you? If you don't respect the hard toil of the creators of certain release of your scene and just download it from the www without the purchase of an original copy then how you can call yourself "a friend" (supporter) of this scene?!
There's one more aspect of my anti - MP3 attitude. I don't see any "soul" in MP3. For example if you bought an original copy of the release then you can feel "the soul" of it while reading the information in the booklet, overlooking the layout, you can see and understand how much toil the band / the label / designer team has put into the release, you can notice their respect and dedication to you as to the listener, and it's extremely important in my opinion. MP3 format doesn't have anything from it and moreover: it suffers from the low bitrate oftenly and the listeners get wrong impression about the release not listening to the qualitative original, but just to poor copy.
13) There were the terrorist acts in Moscow underground few months ago, which ended with many victims and injured people. Who is responsible for these acts? What is the current situation in northern Caucazus?
You're absolutely right, there were 2 unabomer terrorist attacks (lined attacks I would like to add) in Moscow metro recently, many peaceful people were killed, many wounded. As you know these attacks weren't the first terrorist acts happened in Moscow (and in Russia in general) and I suppose that they weren't the last, cause the partizan Vahhabit underground still resist in several countries of Northern Caucazus (Chechnya and Dagestan first and foremost) and sure these violent Moslem fanatics are responsible for those attacks. Actually so called "Chechenian terrorism" appeared on the territory of Russia in the beginning of the second half of 90s of last century. Sure the situation in Northern Caucasus is much more better nowadays (in the sense that there is no open war like before), but vahhabit underground is still strong over there and there is no end of that partizan guerilla in sight. Also we shall not forget that as we know from the lessons of war history there are no effective tools to shut down the partizan resistance, especially in such areas, where exist comfortable conditions for the partizans (I mean mountains and forests in the case of Northern Caucasus particularly) and if the certain part of the population support their actions (and such situation exists in Chechnya at least). Sure official media of so called "Russian Federation" keep silence about it, but there are many other sources of information nowadays, thanks to Internet, it's not too hard to get more or less trustworthy info. So I suppose that this terrorist war of violent Moslems against Russia (they say that they're waging a war with "Russian" powers, but peaceful and quite innocent Russian people are victimized by their bombs during the attacks in Moscow metro in fact for example, cause those with power don't use the subway, they have personal cars and well trained security teams from "FSO" ("Federal Security Service")). Other pretty bad and shameful detail about Chechnya is that Russian Federation paying the contributions (in fact) to this state even despite the fact that Russia won a war in Chechnya, but to keep savage pro - Moscow Chechenian "official authorities" of Ramzan Kadyrov loyal and peacefull Russian Federation is forced to finance that region in tens of times more actively than our own native russian provinces in the middle of european part of russia for example. I can call it just "the contributions" in fact, the contributions the victors must pay to the conquered. it's a fucking shame.
14) A video called "Format 18" gained a lot of popularity in Russia and abroad few years ago with videos showing violent acts against the reds, immigrants, etc. What is your opinion about this project? What happened with "Tesak" who was the main personality behind "F18"?
You're absolutely right, "F18" gained quite big popularity in nationalist circles (especially among young comrades) and even on international level.
The story started in 2005 and finished (I mean "Format 18" as the video studio) in 2007 with the arrest of "F18" leader known as "Tesak" ("huge knife" in Russian). Actually "F18" (or "Format") wasn't just an underground studio making different kinds of WP videos, they were (and still are) the organized group of Skinheads, which was/is active not just with the recording of video. And even if there are different opinions about them (and sure about "T." as well) in Russian nationalist movement, but I think that one certain thing is for sure: "F18" made big influence on the minds of the new generation of street activists in our country. They ignited many young brave hearts all across Russia and inspired the new wave of direct action (in the regions especially). Here are just cold facts.
Concerning "Tesak" - he was arrested in 2007 and sent to jail for 3 years, because of right open hand salutes with "S.H." shouts during the political discussion with some representatives of our political opponents: so called "democrats" and "liberals". Those debates took a place in one of the mainstream Moscow clubs in the center of the city, there were hundreds of people, many different reporters so it was guite easy to expose "Tesak", because there were many witnesses and some of the people filmed "T." saluting with "S.H." chant. Also there were some videos made. So there were more than enough proofs for the court and the police just didn't wanted to miss the good chance to send "T." behind the bars, cause they were looking for such possibility for quite long time already - "T." became one of the main and most established street leaders of Russian Skinheads. He became dangerous to the system. When "T." was condemned to jail for 3 years already the police decided to add some more time to his sentence and provoked one more trial against him, because of his participation within "F18" video called "The butcher of drug dealer", where about 15 comrades dressed in "KKK" uniform filmed the imitation of Lynch's Trial over the actor, which has been filmed as black drug dealer. The video ends with that actor hanged on the gallows pole. The court staff decided to add more than 2 years to "Tesak"'s sentence for that video ... but according to the system of summary of the sentences he received just a few months more by the second trial, he didn't appealed against that judgement and has been sent to the place of imprisonment. There are not too much news about him after his condemnation, he should be released from the custody during next few months and I think that then we'll what about him and his political stand today.
15) You're the veteran in Russian WP scene. What have been changed for the last 15 years? Any "romantic" memories from the first years of the band, when you were young and without experience?
To be honest I don't like this "veteran" definition, but that's true that I'm actively involved with the scene in Russia for last 16 years. Maybe somebody will not recognize me as humble person after saying it, but I've been the first person, which started to play RAC music on the territory of ex - USSR with the serious ideological attitude towards the thing, there were 2 marginal alco - bands like "Totenkopf" (St. Petersburg, you can see this shame in "Kriegsberichter" (Pt. 2) video) and "Crack" from Moscow (these "comrades" dealt with the hard drugs as well) before us, but their "NS" was a kind of "NS" Sid Vicious of "Sex Pistols" showed in Jewish district of Paris while demonstrating swastika t - shirt, just cheap poseurism and epatage, nothing more ...
I can tell you that almost everything within Russian movement and its scene has been changed now in comparison with the beginning of nineties (I mean the beginning of SN Skinhead movement, cause Russian national - liberational SN Movement has been started much more earlier - in 60s of last century already). The Movement has developed a lot really, it became much more serious and definitely most violent, brutal and militant nationalist movement worldwide, I can't find any analogs worldwide ... Just look to Internet and you’ll find a lot of information about it.
Today's Russian movement is sober (there are even concerts, where one can be beaten, because of being drunk), very aggressive and well prepared -almost everybody trains sports like bodybuilding and martial arts (the knife fight especially) regularly, there's strong cult of sport within Russian SN Movement and it’s very positive, without any doubt.
Sure I can recall a lot of “romantic” memories from my first years being Skinhead (I’ve been Skinhead for more than 10 years, but I started to look at the things a bit wider than just within subculture limits (I still respect real SN Skinheads very much though)) and “Skinhead thing” became my past, but ideology and activism remained actual and important), there are too many to tell … I remember my first bomber jacket, first real “Getta Grip” boots I bought, our Friday’s night parties and soon – to – come adventures, first fights with the scum in underground and our very first rehearsals and “gigs” for friends, which we played renting big practice rooms. We had a squat right in the center in the city in 1994 – 1995 (it was possible back then), where we had the possibility to organize the political and private gatherings, organize rehearsals and give a place to stay for those Skinheads, which need it.
Also the memories about the first visits of foreign comrades are always nice things to remember: comrades from Estonia (Russian Skinhead from Tallinn), Finland (“International Skinhead Bulletin” editors), Germany (brother of “Nahkampf” singer) and other guys were (and are!) always welcome to the heart of Russia.
16) Could you tell us about Russian WP scene (about the bands, organizations, etc)?
Well, I've seen the story of our scene since the day one and I think that I'll be able to reply to your question in full form. Russian WP music scene developes since 1994 (as I told you before I don't want to count marginal pseudo "nazi" bands like SPb's "Totenkopf" or Moscow "Crack", which started around 1992), when "Russian Ghetto" (the first tittle of "Kolovrat") band was organized. Second Moscow RAC band called "Shturm" appeared at Spring of 1996 (then under their original name - "Oi!"). The third RAC band of our city was organized in the very beginning of 1997, their name was "Radegasst" and the members of this band were from older generation of Skinheads. The first RAC concerts in Moscow (I don't want to count our practise room "gigs" for 15 - 20 comrades in 1994 - 1995, they weren't the real shows) were started in Moscow in the 1996 by "Shturm". The mainstream alternative / metall band "TNKF" from regional Russian city called Yaroslavl, the band, which had some nationalist undertones within their creativity earlier, started to be more outspoken and "in your face" with their lyrics, that's why "Shturm" invited them to play the common gig in Moscow and that action attracted about 350 Skinheads, everyone was very impressed by such high and unexpected result, cause it was really big number (even for the capital) for those times. Russian right – wing musical scene started to grow very rapidly quite soon, a few new bands: “Ultra” (Ivanovo”), “Vandal” and “Ultimatum” (later “Banda Moskvy”) (Moscow) appeared in 1998 – 1999. There were many excellent concerts in Moscow at that time, big numbers of attenders (400 – 650 comrades), good venues and equipment, no problems with police.
Quite questionable “Romper Stomper” movie has influenced young Russian SN Skinhead movement a lot: the numbers of Skinheads grew tens of times bigger just in a year or so. The first official chapter of international Skinhead organization – “Blood and Honour” has been opened in Moscow in 1995 after the meeting with the comrades of “B & H Berlin” at RAC festival in Budapest (that famous concert with “BfG”, “Aryan”, “Providenje” and other bands).
Russian SN Movement (and Skinheads is one of the fractions of this Movement in my opinion) had developed really a lot since that time, we go through the long and hard way. We have many political nationalist organizations like “Russian National Unity” (“RNE”), “Russian All - national Union” (“RONS”), “Movement against illegal immigration” (“DPNI”), “Russian Outlook” (“Russky Obraz”), “National Socialist Initiative” (“NSI”) and others. Some of organizations like “Slavonic Union” (“Slavyansky Souz”) or “National Socialist Society” (“NSO”) were prohibited officially and outlawed. Sure there are some strong organizations and groups in “Skinhead segment” of Russian Movement, but their names couldn’t be mentioned within the public interview - there are brutal repressions during the last several years in Russia, about 1500 comrades are doing the time behind the bars, more than 10 comrades were condemned to life sentences. There are not too much SN Skinheads still in Russia nowadays, “Skinhead the way of life” thing became a bit “obsolete” over here and mainly SHARPs, RASHs and trads are still wearing Skinhead clothes and shave their heads, we prefer to use “activist” term instead of “Skinhead” and the main value of how significant is the person for the Movement is just how active and with what results he fights through his deeds for the common cause.
Obviously there are some quite strong groups of right – wing football hooligans in Russia as well, the clubs with the biggest numbers of SN supporters are “Spartak”, “CSKA”, “Dynamo” and “Torpedo” from Moscow, also some regional FC supporters crews are quite good. There are some amount of NS Black Metal activists as well, but they are not too many yet. I have to add while finishing to reply to this question: my thinking and position is that it doesn’t matter if you have long hair, short hair or shave your head completely – the main thing is that what you have in your heart and in your soul.
17) What are your lyrics are about?
It's not easy to answer to this question sometimes if you answered hundreds of times before already:), better listen to our songs (those in English) or the reply will be too much like the list of the topics of our songs and it's quite boring (in my opinion at last). Well there's not too much to say on this topic - we are political RAC band so the content of our lyrics and our message is no surprise. Don't think that our lyrics are too "original", probably they're even quite typical for the band of right - wing music scene, but for me the main thing is that these lyrics are sincere and from the heart. Also I think that our lyrics are quite well thought out and "in your face" so everybody can understand the message easilly. Actually if giving you just the boring scroll of the topics of our songs ... they're are about politics first and foremost (I mean the criticism of today's so called "democratic" and "liberal" capitalist system); great European heritage, it's glorious history and rich traditions; the tragedies of WW2, which we call "Brother War"; Slavonic unity and our pride to be Slavs; the support of our Serbian brothers in their unequal fight for their holy land Kosovo; our struggle for the survival of our kin, etc. Also we still have some "old time" subculture songs "from the 90s" about Skinheads and Hooligans (right - wing hooligans sure :)) in our repertoire, cause it's about our roots, our Skinhead past (we don't recognize "Kolovrat" as Skinhead, but political right - wing band), but the subculture topics aren't too actual and important for us anymore. We growing older and realized that our struggle is much more than just Skinhead subculture.
18) "Kolovrat" played in Hungary at "Sons of Europe side by side" fest last August. Could you please tell us about your impressions on it? As far as I know the band spent a few days in Hungary, how did you like our country? How did you like the gift from Hungarian comrades?
Yes, we gigged at this great fest and I'm very proud by this fact, cause in my opinion this festival is one of the best annual concerts of our scene in entire Europe (and constantly growing number of the attendants is a good proof of this fact), really diverse (in the sense of the styles of participating bands) and well organized (in all technical aspects). Also we all can notice just outstanding hospitality of the main organizer of this action, which has been great host (together with his wife) for our band. Hungary is one of the most beatiful European countries and Budapest is amazing city with many old buildings and places of cultural interest, just pure living history! I didn't had too much time to check it out, cause I saw Budapest just from the window of the tour bus during the travel to the gig, but my bandmates had the chance to stay in Hungary for several days (thanks a lot to the organizers once again!) and they were absolutely nicely impressed by the cultural program the orgs prepared for them in Magyar capital. And last, but not least: I have to mention wonderful gift from from the organizers - an exclusive concert banner with excellent design (cheers to "Ninja"!), which we used on the festival immediately and moreover we trying to use it during all our Western European appearances (the logotype of the band and other inscription are written in English). The only small detail on this banner, which we don't support too much (and Hungarian friends didn't knew that while preparing the banner I suppose) is the image of doubleheaded eagle, which is known as the symbol of Russian monarchy (so called “Tsarizm”) and we reject this pretty obsolete and reactionary model of the state, it has almost nothing to do with the political direction of our band's creativity. But if seeing this symbol as an important part as Russian historical and cultural heritage particularly - then it's completely acceptable for us, cause NS is based on nationalism and no nationalism can exist without knowledge of the national legacy and deepest respect to it.
To sum our impressions about "SOE" fest' 09 up - we are really looking forward to return to great Hungary one day to play some more good Russian RAC! :)

19) What do you think about European scene? Do you know anything about Hungary, our scene, our bands maybe?
Well I'm listening to European RAC music from 1993 so I'm quite familiar with this topic :) Also I can tell you many things concerning Hungarian scene particularly, because Hungary was the first European country (together with Poland) Moscow Skinheads started to visit for the gigs in the first middle of nineties and I think that the impressions being received during those trips had big influence on manly young Moscow Skinhead community of those days. I can speak for myself at least - I've been really impressed by the stories our comrades told us about the level of Hungarian movement (the level of the organization of the gigs included) and the scene. I like to listen to Hungarian bands like "ACAB" (our first personal contact with Hungarian scene back in 2000 or something like that), "Archivum" (cheers to these real veterans of Magyar WP music for the help with the instruments for us at "Sons of Europe" festival last year!), "Valhalla", "Feher Toerveny" (cheers to Maci and Zozo!) and "Huseg", "Vendetta", "Romantikus Eroszak", "Titkolt Ellenalasz" (the masters of Hungarian RAC Metal), "Verszerzodes", "Hunor", "Voice of justice" (excellent New School Hatecore / Metallcore). Also I like more extreme Magyar WP bands like "Gungnir" (NS grindcore) for example
20) Could you tell us about POW support split CD with "Kolovrat", "Imperium", "October 15" and "Attack"?
This long awaited project has been relesased by Russian label named "Kolovrat SN Records" in March of current year finally. "KSNR" release of this project is for distribution in Russia / Ukraine / Belarus and for the participated bands strictly, all rights for European / world edition belongs to "Moloko Plus Vetsand", well established label / distro from Germany. I can't tell you exact dates of their release momentally, but I hope that this split CD will be out in the very near future.
The work over this project has begun almost 3 years ago, our colleagues from "Imperium" proposed us to join them in common studio project. Another respected Czech band named "Attack" joined us soon according the initiative of "Imperium" lads and our project has crossed the limits of "ordinary" split CD between 2 bands, that's why we decided to invite the fourth band into our project - our long time friends and comrades from "October 15", excellent Polish RAC combo. Our project became 4 way split CD this way, each band donated by 4 brand new studio songs, which were previously unreleased (in this version at least) + we re -recorded our "Czech knights" song with Czech lyrics / vocals as bonus track - the special present for all our Czecz comrades, which we respect very much. So finally we have 4 bands / 17 songs split CD with big booklet, which was created by one of the best European designers from Hungary (cheers to "Ninja"!), he did just an incredible job for our project, really talented and skilful guy, hats off!
Really hope that Western European / world edition of this project will follow soon and then the comrades from abroad will have the chance to listen to it, I'm sure that all fans of good RAC / Metal wont be disappointed! :)
21) I think that we created a good relationship. Many people helped to develop it. What's your opinion: does it have the future? Maybe Russian - Hungarian friendship split CD or t - shirt? Or something else?
I'm absolutely agree with you - the relationship and cooperation is really good at the moment. And we're honored to be in contact with you! Sure this collaboration should be continued and developed in the future as well, through the methods of musical scene as well. I suppose that split CD of Russian and Hungarian band would be the an excellent sign of friendship and common work of activists of our Movements. Or some other studio project (maybe even in form of split CD with several bands) with the participation of "Kolovrat" and descent Hungarian RAC band would be great. Solidarity t - shirt would be fine as well, I like an idea a lot too! But at the same we must not forget that music is just one of our tools of propaganda, music couldn't be everything and what's most important - music and enterntainment can't replace the real political fight! The common actions of Russian and Hungarian comrades would be the best show of our brotherhood in this sense. But I'm afraid that such political actions are impossible at the moment, much more closer collaboration (and not just between the musical scenes) is needed for it. Also the distances between our countries are quite long, we're not neighbors to organize common demos and meetings, unfortunately. But I really wish to see such kind of collaboration in the future!
22) What are your future plans?
There are many different plans already, in the studio circuit mainly, cause it's nearly impossible to play a gig in today's police state named "Russian Federation". The most important thing for us studio wise is the work over the recording of our quite big ballad set, it includes more than 40 own songs + a few cover versions (like "Old Albion" and "Hail victory!" (acoustic version) by great "Skrewdriver", classical "Tomorrow belongs to me" + some "unexpected" stuff, which may surprise many people within our ranks :)) at the present moment.
These ballads, which we're recording nowadays finally, were written since we started to play ballad gigs back in June' 2000, but we haven't the possibility to record some full length ballad album before, just by one ballad at our past studio albums beginning from "Blood of patriots" (1999) - this material includes 2 of our maybe most famous and internationally known ballads: "Kosovo front" and "Blood of patriots" itself. Then we continued this tradition and recorded such ballads as "Honour and blood" ("Ninth wave of WP" album), "R.O.A. heroes" ("Era of right hand"), "Racial loyalty" ("Hammering' the road to victory"), "Sign of fate" ("Radical voice"), "Dmitry Donskoy" ("Total war").
Plus we continue to work over large double CD compilation, which will include all studio album outtakes (the versions of the songs / or the songs, which were recorded for the albums, but weren't included within them), previously unreleased songs / other mixes of released songs, tracks recorded for different compilatons, several absolutely exclusive songs (some of them were recorded for this project particularly, others were recorded just "for ourselves", not for any public release), but all the songs are qood enough to put them out within an official release of the band, cause we are assured that these songs will be interesting for the listeners.
Also we almost finished to practise with the brand new material for upcoming split CD with several veteran RAC bands from all around the world recently. It should be out closer to the end of this year at one of the best European labels, which will be very good for the wider worldwide distribution of this release. I can't tell you more details (the names bands as too, but be sure you know all these bands very well) about it at the moment - the terms aren't known. But we continue to work over it actively.
Concerning new lined studio album in "electricity" - I suppose that we'll be able to start the work over the new full length "electric" studio album not earlier than just in second half of 2011, cause we have more than enough studio work for this year already and to be honest we're pretty busy with all these things. We have to finish with these several big projects at first to begin the new one, you understand, it's the best possible way, most reasonable one I guess.
Moreover: we prepare one more live album with the recording of our ballad and "electric" sets at "Sons of Europe side by side" fest, which took a place in Budapest last August. It should be released in the form of double CD at one of descent Western European labels.
23) Thanks for the interview, any final messages to our readers?
Thanks a lot for this interview too mate! It has been great opportunity and even pleasure to speak directly to Hungarian comrades! Also I hope that our friendship and collaboration will be even much more closer in the future. I know that we have many listeners in Hungary from nineties already and we wont disappoint' em as well. I'd like to use the opportunity of this interview and send my best regards (both from me personally and in behalf of the band) to all our Hungarian "fans" (I pretty dislike this stupid "mainstream rock music business industry" definition, which is unacceptable for our scene, but just don't know how to call them briefly (?)), we'll meet in beatiful Hungary someday again hopefully! Keep up the fight!
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Joe Rowan Memorial gig in Hungary
The annual Joe Rowan memorial concert was organized again by the Hungarian Hammerskins, just like in every year’s October since 2005. The gig took place in the nord-west area of the country, in the small town Sopron. Four bands got invited to play, Worst Nightmare, Verszerzödes and Vegitelet from Hungary, and an Italian Hammerskin band Bullets.

After Bullets came Verszerzödes. More people gathered to the front of the stage and finally we could see some pogo too. The guys had one of their best show in the last months I think so. They also played the Nordic Thunder anthem ’Change Of Scenery’, but before the song Geri had few words in memory of Joe Rowan, and asked the attendances to remember with one minute silence to our fallen marthyr.

As much isn’t the best to be the first band at a gig, is just same to be the last one. But the guys from Vegitelet didn’t care about this, and made a powerful gig. This band is quiet new in the Hungarian scene, but the guitarist we could already seen before in bands like Nimrod and Hunor, and their drummer plays in Hunor too. I could describe their style as hard RAC, with a few influence of hardcore. Hopefully we don’t have to wait so long to their debut CD.
I could tell, that it was a really good event and worthy of Joe’s memory. Well organized, good atmosphere and without any problems or fights. Comrades attended from Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Slovakia and of course from Hungary. Hammer Joe you are forever in our hearts, see you in Valhalla!
by HHS
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
ISD Memorial in Southern France
B&H Midgard are the only official Division of the Brotherhood in France and they exist for more then 10 years. They don’t have a big number of members, but many followers and supporters. Alongside with the Hammerskins, 28 Midgard is the most active skinhead organization in France at the present times.

The gig started around 22.00 when first on stage appeared the Italians from Still Burnin`Youth. This is very young band, founded just 3 years ago. For this short period they have released two albums: "The Flames Of Hatred"-2008, "NSHC Is Not Music,It`s A Family"-2010 and one split cd "Italians Do It Better" together with "Blind Justice" and "Ribelli D`Indastria". Their style can be described as a brutal Hate Core. Their set began with songs like "Nightmare", "Misantropo e asociale", "Io Non Ci Sto!" – the last one is very powerful song which lyrics are against the laboratory experiments and torture of animals. They also did few covers of some legendary Italian bands like Hate for breakfast-"Bella come una prigione che brucia", Plastic Surgery - "Rivolta" and Intolleranza’s "Come il vento".
Their performance was a perfect start of the concert which warm up the crowd for the next band for the night, our old palls from Mas Que Parablas/Spain/.
I have followed the band for their last three gigs and I find out that they are getting better and more professional from their previous performances. The interesting thing is that this band has fans both from RAC/Oi! scene and by those who prefer the very popular in last few years NS Hard Core.
First song of their set was from their own repertoire, followed by cover version of Estirpe Imperial-"Iremos a un bar" and few more by Division 250 and Battalon De Castigo. Their part of the gig was finished by a speech held by the bass player dedicated to our Spanish comrade Josue, who was unjustly sentenced for 26 years imprisonment.
Last band for the night were French veterans Frakass. This band exists since 1986 (!!!) and in last few years they share some of their members with living legends from Brutal Attack. They have played some of their old songs, my favourite of which is "Bouclier contre bouclier", classical Skrewdriver’s “White Power” as well us covers of old French bands such as Legion 88 and "Gardien de l'ordre” by Nouvelle Croisade. This was the final blow of the concert.
The gig was attended by around 150 people – guests from France, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Slovenia and Bulgaria. The organization was on top level. Every detail from the service on the bar, gig venue, selection of the bands… everything was perfect. The most impressing for me was the security – it was really serious guarded concert. There was no possibility for fights between the guests inside the gig hall. I didn’t saw any heavily drunken people or beer split on the floor.
Once all the guests went over to their cars and headed to the hotel which was about 20 km from the place of the gig. We were heading towards to our car when we got a phone call from the organizers. They warned us that the police patrols are stopping comrade’s vehicles for alcohol check up and making photos of the passengers of the cars! We had the same bad experience after the last gig in Spain. So we have decided to wait and hour or two until checking get over. This time was spend with the Italian guys, we had some extra drinks, lot of laughs and fun, really nice way to finish this wonderful evening.
I would like to thank Xavier, Dimitri and guys from "Still Burnin`Youth" for the great party time spent with them, hail to B&H Midgard and Loic for the perfectly organized event and their warm hospitality.
Exclusive report for NS Revolt by S.
Saturday, 16 October 2010
Sokyra Peruna Interview
1. Hello, tell us about the history of your band in details? When it was created? Who are the members and how many albums were released? Why did you change the name of the band?

In brief: the reference point is 26th of April, 1998, that day during Rudolf Hess Memorial in Kiev it was announced that the band “Bulldog” changed its name for “Sokyra Peruna”. For the 8 years of Sokyra Peruna’s activity, about 25 people participated in recordings and concerts. More than 100 concerts were played in Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Lithuania. 4 albums were recorded, the band participated in 2 compilations and one split album. In 2001 Polish label released the Best hits of the band for past period. First of all, we are Ukrainian band and we are proud of our glorious nation’s history. When the great prince Svyatoslav destroyed Sarkel (Khazar city), he dedicated this victory to the God of Victory. When he said “I’m going to fight with you”, raising his sword, he sanctified it with the name of God of the War. Both Gods have the same name – Perun. So the history began. According to Russian epos Perun had a great arsenal or arms, in particularly he had battle-axe (sokyra). So that is how the name of our band was born. It’s not just a some group of sounds, this is an integral part of our ideology. We are the sense of our land, we will always be true to our land, we don’t believe those who speak to you of otherworldly hope. We are ready to defend our ideology.
1998 – Очи Сповнені Гніву (Eyes full of Hate)1999 – Європейська Єдність (European unity)2003 – Перунова Рать (Perun’s Army)2006 - … і мертвим, і живим, і ненародженим… (For dead, live and unborn)сборники:2001 – The Best Of Sokyra Peruna2003 – ISD Memorial – 10 Years in Valhalla 2004 – Ukrainian-Hellenic Friendship2007 – Lost Wisdom – Tribute to Varg2007 – Perun Fest `06
2. What do you think about political parties and politicians at all? Does Sokyra Peruna support any Ukrainian nationalist party?
Politics In Ukraine means absolute embezzlement and moral degradation. There are some people who I respect. But the band will be never marionette in the hands of politicians. Now we don’t support openly any political party.
3. What do you think about current political situation in Ukraine? Is it possible that Ukraine would be divided into 2 countries as some geopolitical analysts consider?
Current situation in Ukraine is carefully directed permanent chaos. A movie watched by electorate, which has forgot about everything. After the events of 1991 and 2004 people begin to understand or even feel that all that they see it’s not an independence, democracy or freedom. The old communist system was destroyed, but the renaissance of Ukrainian nation and once great Ukraine, successor of Kievan Rus’ didn’t happen. A new antiukrainian system was created full of antiukrainian politicians. The country converted into transit point for illegal immigrants, recruitment agency for European and asian brothels, out country lost 7 millions people and the nation continues to die out. We are not allowed to European Union because they consider us “defective”, but anyway we ask on bended knees to allow us. Legislative power and all the money are in hands of foreigners. Am I right? We give everything to aliens who are sly and cunning and then we cry how it’s unfair. We are the champions in crying, but we don’t try to change the situation. The reason is that we are not so as we must be – we are the race of honest warriors, race of victors, race of unselfish fighters. For example the jews are so as they must be. They are fraudsters and sly dogs. That’s why we lost, we are not proud of our great ancestors, we don’t lead their way. Now we are only observers.
What is to geopolitics, I think Ukraine wouldn’t have the same destiny as Serbia. At least in the near future. Artificial stirred up confrontation between Western and Eastern regions exists. But Ukraine is too big country with a strong patriotic idea.
4. What do you think about Russian Federation desire to return Crimea? What is your attitude to chauvinism?
First of all I should think about Tatars and Turkish in Crimea. They are geared up more seriously. They buy land and drive out native population. Turkish government secretly pays money for newborn Tatars. That’s the problem. Of cause My attitude to chauvinism is negative. In such tragic situation for White Race it’s a crime to be a chauvinist.
5. It is well-known about separation between В&Н and С18. What is your opinion about this conflict and what is the position of Ukraine?
Unfortunately, after the death of Ian Stuart (RIP), a lot of people pretended to be the leader of organization, they thought that it’s high time became “the boss”. This situation is used by all kind of “infiltrators” who undermine organization and provoke people to do thoughtless deeds. I think that only evil’s forces (we know who are they) will benefit of the separation, and it wont be useful for White Movement. We got stuck in faction and mutual disrespect. We have to solve this problem. It’s time to unite – that’s the position of Ukraine. This is an old Slavic proverb: let bygones be bygones.
6. Can you name some musical. historical, political or other person who inspires you?
There are too many, to mention everyone in this interview. They are heroes of the past and the present, our contemporaries and those who lived hundreds years ago. They are Heroes of my Great Race, who are like the fire, they are fearless and full of pride creators.
7. What are your favorite RAC and Metal bands?
Nothing special - Bound For Glory, Teardown, Blue Eyed Devils, Brutal Attack, Fortress and of cause, Skrewdriver. If I speak about non-right-wing music. I can mention classical music of different times and modern bands as Motorhead, Manowar, AC/DC, Slayer, Hatebreed etc.
8. Which way of fighting is the best, according to you?
All the means are good, because the end justifies the means. When the matter is survival of our Race we must use any means in our fight. The propaganda, the direct actions and legal resistance – are the ways to attain our common aim – our Victory.
9. Now Ukraine suffers demographic crisis. How do you think what are the reasons?
The reasons are well-known: somebody tries to convince our nation that children are “worthless stuff” for family. That you should think only about yourself, about the present day, well-stuffed wallet and a good car, and the rest is not your deal. The people deceived by jews, don’t identify themselves with their Race. They live by present day, without thinking about the future of their nation.
10. What do you think about religion?
The religion is lies, one of the most effective means to manipulate people. The laws of Nature and Nation – that is we oppose to all religions.
11. What can you tell us about Bulgaria? Do you have and connections with Bulgarian comrades?
Bulgaria is a beautiful sunny land, with a very similar language. When a Bulgarian speaks, a Ukrainian can understand. We met many times with Bulgarian comrades at different European Gigs, but unfortunately we don’t have more close connections. But I hope we will enter in cooperation.
12. We know that you organized Perun Fest. Tell us about this gig. When it was held for the first time? What is the main idea? Also we would like to know something about next gig which will take place in summer 2008?
The very first Perun Fest took place in Kiev 4 years ago, since that time it is organized every year In the end of July as a patriotic music festival, because 20th July is a great Slavic holiday – The Day of Perun ( Perun – the God of Thunder, patron of warriors). The main idea of the festival – is to honour our Gods. Sokyra Peruns, Whites Load (Ukraine), Antisystem, Kolovrat (Russia), Nemesis, Stigger, Brutal Attack, Blackout (Great Britain) are among those who participated in the gigs.
In 2008 it was a double holiday, because Sokyra Peruna celebrated tenth anniversary. We carried out one of the best gigs in the history of Ukrainian movement. About 500 people came from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Germany, Slovakia, Serbia and Poland. There were 9 Val (Ukraine), Antisystem (Russia), Ancestors, JM (Slovakia), and of cause hero of the occasion – Sokyra Peruna. The importance of this gig can scarcely be overestimated and I hope it has a good future.

13. In the beginning of 2008, Serbian territory was taken away? What do you think about the situation in Kosovo?
Kosovo is a running sore of Europe, her pain. Every European has personal responsibility for that we permitted to Muslims to get this Slavic land. Let these bastards choke with their joy, but soon we will revenge them.
14. What are your plans for the future?
We continue to work on our new album, which we expect to release in spring of next year to our eleventh anniversary. Also we are going to release this winter our joint project with Bound For Glory, Brigade M, Antisystem – which is called Germanic-Slavonic Army. We plan to record a ballad album with Ken McLellan.
16. The last words for our magazine? What you want to say to our readers?
То strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield!
Friday, 15 October 2010
Brief report from ISD Memorial - England 2010
This kind of change was made by Woden. Good odinist metal with nice show as well. After them the highlight of the night arrived: Brutal Attack. They hammered down the public as usual. The only foreign band was the german Sturmtrupp with their „street-rock” songs. The last band was White Law. At the end of the gig we could hear a nice ISD memorial speech from the singer of White Law. The gig ended at 2:30.
At the end lets make a special score about the bad and good sides:
Bad points: expensive entrance fee (20 pounds) and the drinks were also expensive. All together one toilet for girls and four for mans. Not enough for 800 people. The sound engineering was awful. Thee guitar was too low and the singer was all the time overdrived. We barely could hear the bass. We could hear mostly oi music.
Good points: More then 800 attenders, lot of sellers, we could hear the elite of the british NS music scene. Nice memorial speech for ISD. No problems with police. Nice weather.
by Dani