Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Salem March 2009
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Gig in Valladolid
This event was attended by 200-220 persons from all over Spain, a group of French and two Germans.
We reached the city at noon just in time for a comradeship meal organized by the locals and where we ate with old friends and a group of Frenchmen who had come to Madrid for the events of 20th November and for the concert. Two where from the island of Corsica, and other two were from Nice and we met them in a festival in Budapest last summer.
After that we went to do a little sightseeing around the town before the concert, and then about 8pm we went to the place for the gig, where there were people since 5 pm.
The place was a big warehouse well conditioned, having even a flame gas heater. There were several stalls of material as well as a bar for drinks and sandwiches, this last one quickly disappeared.
Our "friends" in blue showed up and were identifying the people in the access road to the street of the place of the gig. Thanks to their risky work the concert was delayed, as they retained the van carrying members of Gesta Bellica and Legittima Offesa from 19:00 until 21:45.
About 10.15 once everybody had entered after being searched, the concert began. Firstly a comrade from Valladolid said a few words giving thanks to the organizers for all the effort made to make a concert of this level possible and also thanking to all those present for their support to these events.
The first band play was Post Mortem. They played all the songs of their demo, covers of Rebeldes, “morir o vencer” of Estirpe Imperial ... It was the second time we listened them, and thy are gradually improving. The group is very compact and has a brutal voice, although his sound was not all good, perhaps the acoustics of the warehouse did not favour the overall sound of the bands depending in what place of the hall you were located. Next turn was fro the Italians Leggitima offesa. His live performance was superb, and they got the audience in their pocket from start to finish, because Gigi the singer and the rockabilly second guitar, made a good show. We must highlight the “Elvis style” dressing of the ' second guitarist, who made some good solos. They played for almost an hour and a half, going over all their better known songs as “Pace Libertà democracia”, “Teddy Gir”, “Profesore”, “Guerra”, “Droga”, “Bianco proletariado”, “Leggitima Offesa”, “White kriminals”, “Onore e Gloria” or “uncí 89”... And a cover of Skrewdriver, "I do not like you".
After them the Romans Hate for Breakfast took the stage. Of this band we only saw part of their performance, as we do not like much their style, anyway we must recognize that the give all on stage. They went through all their discography in a brutal way, as their singer Sandro knows hot to show the full potential of the band while on stage. Something to highlight was singer's jump over the public (stage diving), who raised him in suspense while he continued singing and then returned him intact to the stage.
Next turn was for the Spanish band, Drammatic Battle. They began their night with his song "Terroristas" and followed with "Íbero y brutal". They played their most known songs like “Gays skin”, “Alcohol y Descontrol”, “Democracia”, “El fin del paraíso”, Gangrena”, or “Muerte al Islam” and at least three new songs including "Revolución Racial", demonstrating that the lyrics of the band are each time more radical and polished. With the song "Llegó el día" a big pogo started, with everyone chanting in unison, almost like a hymn. Their performance ended it with a theme of their early days the theme "En las calles". They also played a cover of Skrewdriver "Boots & braces" and other of Hate Society but not very polished. Their sound was good although the guitar sounded a little high.
After them on stage appeared Italian RAC legend Gesta Bellica. They started playing their song dedicated to Rudolf Hess, followed by a cover of Skrewdriver "Free my land", which also played at the end of his performance by popular demand. The song that certainly had more success was undoubtedly "No pasaran" dedicated to all those fascists who ran over communism in Spain, the theme was sung by all the public, waving national flags drawn on purpose. Among his classic songs played were “Veneto Fronte Skinheads”, “Legio Patria Nostra”, “Giornalista”, “Gesta bellica”… In the middle of their performance, Castorina the singer sais some words dedicated to the Spanish prisoner Josue, to whom they have dedicated a song called "Libertad per Josué". Of all groups playing that night they had the better sound, perhaps because of his seniority, because playing since the early nineties is a degree. Just as a curiosity, their old singer was also there among the public.
When he finished his performance was nearly 5 am, so we decided to head home after a long day, because the next morning and for the rest of the day we has more events in our city.
The most unwearyingly enjoyed the Spanish band Repudiados for about half and hour until 6 am, doing covers of Klan, Division 250, Estirpe Imperial ... Until they were all literally without voice.
To sum up, it was a good concert that lasted nearly for 8 hours without any incident, good atmosphere and spacious premises. The audio of the performance of the groups was recorded for a compilation CD. We Take this opportunity to greet the "sun of the teletubbies" for their patience during the journey....
Chronicle by “Juventud Patriota de Valladolid” with additions from www.RacOfSpain.tk
Photos by www.RacOfSpain.tk and Skinheads Nissa.
With BoxroomHouse Spain colaboration!!!
Saturday, 5 December 2009
P.W.A. interview
Hello! Generally the band begins in 1988 during the occupation days, under the name P.V.A.
At that time we played this kind of aggressive oi! Punk, HC music. Then there were no skinheads in Estonia. We fought the communism under punk labels. These were pretty tought days for anti communists (now we are again on the same situation ). Since that time there have been many different people going through the band. And during that time we had more active and quieter periods. In 1998 we changed the band name P.V.A. ( perverts versus angels ) into P.W.A. ( Preserve White Aryans ) and now we have released 4 records and one split with Sniper under that name.

We have to preserve our race and white European culture. If we don't do anything, we are very soon minorities in our territory. So, we have to preserve white Aryans against all this multiculti scum, and stop Zionist occupation.
Like I said before, over the years have been many different people going through the band. But after to the " Nordic blood " when our guitar player and drummer started to play here in local pop rock bands, was time to replace them and our last line up was same something four years.
Yeah, we played many shows over Europe. Like in: Finland, Denmark, France, Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Italy, Lithuania
But bands, damn, with so many different bands, cant remember all the names, but something like that: Path of resistance, Brainwash, Brutal Attack, Mistreat, Sniper, Faustrecht, Vinland Warriors, Final War, Max Resist, Oidoxie, Kraftchlag, Kill baby kill, Section 88, Strongside, Fight tonight..
I think, something like that:
P.W.A. " Tomorrow belongs to us " Blood and honour vol.3 1999
P.W.A " Pride, strength, unity " MC 2000 ( self released )
P.W.A. " It's time to awake " CD 2000 ( self released )
P.W.A. " I.H.O.T.R. " Split with Sniper CD 2003 ( popgrom )
P.W.A. " To win our nations back, Fighting man, ZOG police " Absolute 28, Blood and honour 2002
P.W.A " Nordic blood " CD 2004 ( North X records )
P.W.A. " Out of order - game over " Digipack/CD 2007 ( Nordvind records )
P.W.A. Rock against communism - 10 years of rac'n'roll resistance Digipack/CD 2009 ( Srong survive records / Moloko plus versand )
P.W.A Rock against communism - 10 years of rac'n'roll resistance Vinyl 2009 ( Nadsat zine )

Our gig in Italy was last year, but I have to say, Italy rocks! There was one of our best gig ever! It was really memorable. Very good organizing and everything was really cool! Have to say cheers to Flo, Giordano, Alberto and to all Veneto Fronte Skinheads!
In this year we played some gigs in Estonia and some gigs in Germany, but I think, our next gig will be in next year, because our drummer and our guitar player have to be some time outside of Estonia, and in December we start to work with one new project.
To be honest, we practice very rare. Perhaps one sample before the gig, but generally when we start to make new album.
Buy our records, and listen... hah hah. But generally our songs are telling about this damn system, which is destroying our people and our culture.
I'm member of Estonian Independent party. This party is specially against EU and gay propaganda. But I support any organisation, who standing against this Zionist system.

Yeah, here have lot of problems with secret police. But it's not so bad, like in Germany.
After the accession to the EU, the government began to jealously persecuted patriots.
Every year things will be worse.
Mhm, it's difficult answer to your question. We just going to the studio, and checking, what's better for us. Personally I like sound of our last cd. I think, there is our best sound ever. Some says, that our best sound was on the album " Out of order - game over " I don't know, this goodness of sound, it's very personal. Some likes mother, some daughter, hah hah. But generally we don’t' have any examples of sound, we just working with our own style.
Estonia is a small country. Here lives only 1,5 million people. About 900 000 Estonians and 400 000 Russians, and other nations. Nowadays here are not so much skinheads, like earlier, because police hunt skinheads everywhere. If you are skinhead, then you got lot of problems on your school, your work, etc. People don't wear so much anymore skinhead clothes, but it doesn't mean, that we don't fight back. Now we are more active than ever. We organize gigs, SS veteran meetings, sessions... We attacked gay demonstrations many times, and they do not dare to organize more their marches. We have Estonian Independent party, and we have more than 1000 members. Also some organisations, like ELSK (Estonian Legion supporters )
Here aren’t so many bands, but most active after us, is Revalers. They played lot of gigs in Estonia and also in Finland. Soon they start to record their debut album. But here are also: Racially Motivated Violence, Minu kamp ( my crew ) and some NS black metal bands.
I have to say, we are fighting too much each other and our common enemy enjoying it. If we want to survive, we have to more organize and stand together for a common goal. European patriots have more to concentrate! European unity, not jewropean union!
I don't know so much about Hungary. I know that there are strong movement, and there was lot of riots against communist prime minister.
In September we played in Germany with Verzerzödes in Fest Der Volker. I have also one Egeszseges Fejebör cd.
We play some gigs, like always, and end of this year start to working with one project, but it's early to tell about this. Keep your eyes end ears open... hah hah.
Keep up the fight, because our generation is very difficult time threshold. White people will either live, or fade away. And you choose, every white man is the value, so we have to resist!
Thanks for the interview, all the best from Estonia!
Source: http://ns-revolution-hc.blogspot.com/
Saturday, 21 November 2009
Thursday, 19 November 2009
In Review: Cellule 23 "Franc - Parle"

Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Ballad dedicated to Dimitar Spisarevski
This song is dedicated to the brave Bulgarian pilot Dimitar Spisarevski, who died ramming an enemy's (USA and Great Britain) bombing attcks on Bulgarian capital Sofia during World War II.
Monday, 2 November 2009
Invictos interview
The band was formed in Summer2006 in a small party, we played in different places in Spain (Madrid, Barcelona, Tarragona, Valencia,Zaragoza, Valladolid) and also in Portugal (Porto). We are four members 3 boys and one girl vocals.
We think the quality is good, we find a very good Studio in Barcelona and they made a good work in recording process. The songs in our booklet CD are in English that´s very interesting for international comrades. We talk about our life, our Land, and our politic situation in Spain.

E-mail contact: mailto:minvictossound@hotmail.com
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Sniper interview
Sniper was founded in January of 1997 in Kuusankoski, a town situated in the southeast of Finland. Why? Because in that time in Finland haven’t any WP – bands, only Mistreat, and we wanted to get our message to be heard. We were and we are, very worried to where this country is going on. On that time back in ’90 s, Finnish government made ( bad ) decisions to take here more and more refugees mostly from Africa and they also founded refugee centres to many Finnish town. That was then main reason why Sniper founded. We wanted to say with band and music what we think about that kind action and also that we are against refugees and all kind multiculture. We also wanted to get more peoples to notice and thinking what is the best to this land., and best way to get our message thru was spearing our message with music. We wanted and still want to influence peoples mind that they not accept everything what politics and media feed them. There is always alternative to start thinking with own brains and to fight against multicoloured filth.
The band’s name was inspired by the most successful sniper during WW 2, namely Finnish Simo Häyhä. He shot over 505 enemies just in few months in Winter War against Russia 1939-1940.
Not much,line up has changed couple times in early days, but current line up formed 1998 when I ( Tappo – drums ) and Kokko ( lead guitar ) joined the band. Jamo ( rhythm guitar ) joined our mirth company 2007 and Korkki ( vocalist & bass guitar ) founded band and he is only original member.
Mostly we are played in Finland all of these years in local Blood & Honour events but we are also played in Denmark, Sweden and 2 times in England. We are played with bands like Mistreat, Unborn – SF, White Minority, Bully Boys, Whitelaw, Blackout, Brutal Attack, Bulldog Breed, Pluton Svea, Jungsturm, Odins Eye and so on….There is so many bands that I can’t even remember all of them.
The moment of truth 2002, Waiting for the good times 2002, Praise & prelude to a new world 2003, In hate of the Russian ( split with P.W.A.) 2003, Sotaa! ( first full-length Finnish language RAC – cd ) 2003, Born to war 2004, One last stand 2005, All hits…No misses! (the best of ) 2005, Hail the white race! 2006 and On the road to victory 2008.
Our songs are also released some collection cd’s like: Die Besten soldaten vol. II and Blood & Honour vol. IV.

Once a week.
Respect for the Finnish war veterans and disgust in communism are two of the main themes in our songs, another themes are refugees, battle songs generally, media, reds, police, eternal friendship, race traitors, politics, white sluts and so on…Oi, we have also few lovesongs!
We are not very active politically, but our lyrics are mostly very political. We supporting B & H organisation and also all the extreme right parties and organisations + all kind war veterans organisations are close by our hearts.
No, not yet, but we are sure that one day police and politics and also media try to stop us because we speak the truth! Soon we are too big threat to them that they will make new laws where they try to stop us spearing our music and political views. Sooner or later they take a tough line on our music and lyrics. But we still carry on, what ever it takes!
Early days our music was mostly some kind punk rock with heavy sounds, nowadays it is mixed music with different music styles like hardcore-heavy-punk rock - rock’n’roll,! Heh,heh ( what the hell that even means! :)!)..We play also few southern style songs but mostly our songs are honest outspoken rock’n’roll! We had got influence to our music from many bands like: Skrewdriver , Motörhead, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Stahlgewitter, Landser, BFG, No Remorse, Brutal Attack, Mistreat, list is endless….Fact is that everything what we listening influence to our sound.
In Finland is about 500 – 1000 skinheads, we have here Blood & Honour organisation in few towns and also few club houses. Here is lots a different skinheads groups but we are not very united, sometimes we have meetings with drinking and having fun and maybe 2 to 3 times in year B & H Finland organizing some gigs. In Finland are also lots of people who are supporting us and think like us but they don't show their point of view so straight like we do. At the moment here are these WP – bands: Mistreat, Sniper, IVA, White Minority, Vapaudenristi . We have here also few NS– movement but Skinheads / National socialists are not very united.
We think European scene coming bigger and bigger every day, it is already strong and getting stronger and stronger every day. People who are organizing all kind gigs and events are doing very good job! There are coming more and more new bands to our movement. More people joining us because they finally understand to where politics action leads. More blacks and all kind non – whites flowing in Europe and we are soon second class citizens. Non-whites get more and more rights and our freedom of speech is soon a history if we not fight back! About Hungary scene, we are really sorry but we don’t know much about it! We know that there is very strong scene and you arrangements “Sons of Europe”- concert in every year and some another gigs too. That is all what we know but we really want to know more of your scene! It would be very great to play in your country some day!
More gigs, more cd’s and more fighting for our race and for our rights. Let’s try to keep Europe for us! We don’t want just sit and watch until Europe be in ruins and is full of non – Europeans problems and whole continent subscribe be urban decay.
Thank U for questions! Racial Greeting to our Brother Nation!
Sniper contact : sniperband@suomi24.fi
Monday, 26 October 2009
Saturday, 24 October 2009
Faustrecht interview

It was really great to see that the European youth was united at this evening. And there where no fights. I hope this will happen again next year. This festival is an important thing for us all and should be continued anyway.
Did playing in a band make you feel younger? Will you ever reach the day when you will be too old for this :) ? What do your families think about your music commitments?
Well, at the moment we don’t feel too old for this at all. The music that we make is an important thing in our lives and will be continued as long as possible. Alright, after a weekend with a great gig we feel very bad at Monday morning and sometimes think, why we do all this. But at next Friday everything bad is forgotten and we go on.
Our families have no problem with our kind of living and our weekend activities. And this is good and very important to us!
One of your famous songs is “The love of my life” dedicated to the skinhead cult. What is the situation in Germany in the skinhead scene? Do you have a lot of young people or they follow the new wave of Hate core bands like Moshpit?

At the moment the Skinhead Scene in Germany is way down, and not many younger people join the scene. The new direction is Hate Core and to be an “Autonomic Nationalist”. All in all in the south of Germany where we live we have a good and strong Scene. But in the north of Germany, and especially in the East, the Skinhead Scene is as good as dead. Which we think is a bad thing.
Faustrecht does also songs in Spanish? Why you are doing this, are you a Multilanguage band?
We made these Spanish songs as a thank you for our friends and comrades in Spain. Every time we played there, it always was a weekend full of comradeship, hospitality and a great experience to us. On the other hand, I (Michi) like the Spanish language very much and I am trying to learn it.

The level of political correctness is the highest in the world in Germany, I think. Everything’s that got something to do with patriotism is criticized and not liked. Every kind of opinion which is not in common with the point of view of the state is persecuted and in most of the cases banned. So I think you can imagine what the situation here is. Not only the re-press of the “Klassenkampf”-CD was seized by the police on this day, also everything else our producer had to sell at his shop. He had a House search by the police. So the re-press was not the reason for that.
What do you think about the problems between German and Polish nationalist? Do you think about a possible end of this conflict in nearest future?
Well, the Polish people also belong to Europe. So far, so good. The problem is that most of Polish Nationalists hate Germans. The reason is Second World War, I think. At the moment I see no solution for this in the near future.
What is your opinion about Islam in Europe, and especially in Germany where you have millions of Turks?
What do you think about the future of the skinhead scene? Will it remain, or it will fade away?
I hope and I fight for a great Comeback.
As far as I know some of you are fans of TSV 1860 Munich. Do you remember the Bulgarian footballer who played for this team few years ago?
Of course I remember Daniel Borimirow. And yes, we are fans of 1860 Munich. Fuck Bayern Munich!
What are your future plans, any upcoming gigs, albums or splits?
Next year we are planning to release a new album, we will see…
Any final comments?
Thanks for the interview and for the interest in our Band. Good Luck for the future of your Web Zine! Keep up the fight!
- F A U S T R E C H T 2 0 0 9 –
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Frank Rennicke interview
Friday, 16 October 2009
Interview with Sven, Flemish drummer

I started playing drums at the age of 15 and no I didn't have a toy drum, I started "playing" on mums pots and pans.
Do you play other instruments? Would you like to play other one?
I only have time for drums, other instruments are impossible to combine with work and all my bands.But the piano is my favorit instrument next to drums.
You were involved in Stormwolf; is still this band active?
What are the bands you are currently working on?
Who and what band influenced you?

What was the last concert you played?
Thursday, 15 October 2009
B&H New Zealand magazine
Video from "Sons of Europe"
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Report from Slovenian ISD Memorial
Monday, 12 October 2009
Death's Head interview

Andrew and I originally formed Deaths Head back in ’99, and we remained the driving force between line ups until he threw in the towel a couple of years ago. Since then I’ve sort of carried the Deaths head banner by myself, chasing people around and poking them with pointy sticks until they agreed to record with me haha. Our original demo was just a rehearsal recording we did one night. We recorded it on an 8 track to cassette in the room (and drank a good few beers as well). We never really “released” it or sent it to any labels, we just copied ourselves and gave it out to our mates so they would know our stuff when we played live. All up I think we only ever did about 50 of them, so if you’ve got one hang onto it, I don’t even have a copy of it.
What was the general feedback of your demo?
I don’t think anyone actually listened to it, though now it is a bonus on the end of the “Metal Skin live” cd that came out last year haha, We got our first cd released with Panzerfaust by recording half of it and just sending it to them, they like what the heard and told us to record some more tracks for a full length. I paid for that recording out of my own pocket because I was just having so much fun with the band. It was a pleasant surprise when the cd got picked up and I got the recording money back.
What is the current line-up? Have there been many line up changes?
Sadly Deaths Head is a line up of one at the moment, I’m writing all the songs and then getting some other comrades to help me out in the studio. Its always been hard to keep members when the scene sees so many people come and go. I would love to get a full line up happening again so I could play some shows, but unless we get some new blood come in its going to be a hard ask. There are people out there who would help me for a live show but the distances involved make it near impossible, so it would have to be a very important show.
Have you been involved with any bands before Death’s Head?
I have been involved with a few since Deaths Head, but DH was my first band, and will always be my favourite, I hope to keep it going for years to come yet.
Are you working on any new Death’s Head material at the moment?
I have the next Deaths Head project written, it is another concept album this time based around the old Norse legend of the Death of Balder. The intention for this one is to have the separate parts of the story as distinct parts but have the pieces all joined together, so in essence it will be one long song. The parts of the songs are all written and I hope to record it later in the year. Two concept albums in a row might sound a bit wanky but I wanted to do these projects for a long time but other band members didn’t. Now there’s no one to tell me know so I can indulge myself. After that I’ll get back to the familiar Deaths Head format.
How long does it take to put a song together?
For me not long I will always do the lyrics and music separately. As for the lyrics a word or phrase will trigger a few lines and from then the song will just take off and usually be written in an hour or so, sometimes quicker. It is rare that I will ever go back to an unfinished song, if I don’t finish it on the spot it goes in the bin, though I might re-write some stuff when it gets put to music. As for writing music, I’ll just fool about on guitar, making up riffs until I have something resembling a song and then I’ll go to the lyric pile to find something that suits, I don’t sit down or set out to write anything or I just freeze up.
What are your musical and lyrical influences?
Depends on what I’m listening to at the time, I like a lot of different styles, metal, rock n roll, even folk and country. As for lyrics I just write down what comes out, I don’t know where I get my ideas. I mean I try to be original, but at the same time the message has been getting spread for 60 years.
Is there any difficulty finding a recording studio to record pro-White music in Australia?
Luckily there are plenty of studios here, and most producers are businessmen. Whatever they may think of our views personally they have to make a living. Personally, when I am in the studio, I don’t keep any secrets but I don’t force my views on anyone either. The producers and I might not see eye to eye on most subjects but we are both there to do a job in a professional manner, hell we can always talk about the weather and shit...
You played the Australian ISD Memorial with the Bully Boys that must have been a great show, the line up was brilliant! Not having our own memorial concert here in New Zealand yet can you give us some insight into how the gig went?
We did play that show back in 2004 and it was a great gig. On a personal note I think we played one of our best sets ever, which can be heard on the “Metal Skin Live” cd which was professionally recorded at this show. It was great to see the Bully Boys, a long time favourite of mine, and they were a good drawcard as well ,so I caught up with some faces I hadn’t seen in a long time, all around a great gig. There is a very good dvd of this show that came out recently, I haven’t seen it yet but it features Fortress and Bully Boys, Deaths Head and Blood Red Eagle didn’t make the cut as far as I know, which is a shame but it still shows what most people want to see I guess.

What are your memories from playing in New Zealand?
Very few I got pretty pissed haha. No seriously I love New Zealand and try to get over there whenever there is anything on. I have met many good people over there and made many good friends. The gig we played over there was my first visit to NZ and after a warm welcome from the customs people at the airport it was a non stop pleasure to be there. The band were treated like royalty and the gig was a great time, even though most people didn’t know who the hell Deaths Head were haha.
Will we see Death’s Head playing live shows again in the future?
At some point I hope so, but its hard to say. In the near future probably not but you never say never y’know. I would definitely love to play DH live again if the circumstances ever permit.
I have heard you plan on re-pressing your first album “Onslaught” ? Any news regarding that release?
I got contacted by some people a good while back, we’re talking a year or two now, about repressing “Onslaught” and we came to an agreement, but since then I have heard little news so it seems to be in limbo at the moment. Hopefully it will come together soon as I still get a few people asking me about that cd and I don’t know of anyone who still has any of the old Panzerfaust release kicking around. The repress will be remastered and will be the original format with the song “Higher Power” on it which Panzerfaust cut from the original album.
I enjoyed the split album “Blood on my hands” how did Kilgore come about?
I have always enjoyed rock n roll, and after doing Deaths head for so many years that was always so serious I wanted to do something a little more light hearted and fun. I had just started teaching myself guitar at the time and the rock/country/punk style came out of that, simple chord driven songs with some fancy Rock lead over it, and some take the piss lyrics, it was either going to be good or an abortion...personally I think the split is rough but the sound came into its own on the full length ‘.44 magnum opus”. The split basically was using Deaths Head to give me a chance to record Kilgore, but it has gotten to the point where I can record Kilgore on its own merits now. Most of the feedback has been very positive.
I hear talk of a new Kilgore album. When can we expect that to be out?
No idea when it will be released, there is always some down time between when we record and when the cd is released, it depends on the label, but I plan to be in the studio in the next couple of months. 10 more tracks in the style of the first full length, I am looking forward to it.
What would your advice be to any young Comrades wanting to start up a pro-White band?
Just do it, I’m not sure whether it is a good or bad thing, but ours is a very scene based movement, and people are a lot more likely to come and see a band , have a few drinks and make new comrades that way than they are to go to a rally or a meeting. WP musin is still the best way we have to raise funds and spread our message, and in my opinion even a crappy band is better than no band at all. The best advice I can give anyone wanting to start a WP band is practice as much as possible and when you start to do gigs and stuff, don’t let it go to your head, playing in a band doesn’t make you better than anyone else.
I have checked out your youtube page many times and I see you have been doing a lot of editing. Can you tell us about the “Terror Australis” DVD?
The “Terror Australis” dvd is something myself and another Aussie lad have been working on for some time. We finished it just recently and are looking for someone to handle worldwide distribution. In a nutshell it is a collection of videos, live stuff and film clips showcasing Australia’s WP bands, Its got unseen footage of Fortress, Bail Up, Ravenous, Deaths Head, Blood Red Eagle, Kilgore, Ultra Violence, Quick and the Dead, Spatter Pattern as well as some interviews and a few other bits and pieces, its pretty good if I do say so myself and should be out there soon.
You also provide the vocals for the band UltraViolence? Can you tell us about that band?
yeah, that first came about for the ISD gig in 2006, Pete from Ultra Violence in South Australia said they were short a singer and if I would help them out, I’ve always loved playing live shows and hadn’t had a chance to do it in a while so I jumped at the chance. We had a ball and it went down pretty well with the crowd as well, so we did it again at the midwinterfest in 2007. I’m always willing to help out wherever I can.
How is the Australian scene currently?
Much the same as always, still very small, Theres still a small core of dedicated people who make sure things get done. Things have picked up a littleover the last couple of years, with Final War from the States playing at the last ISD, which was a good show. We hope to get another international act this year as well, but best not to say too much about that. Things won’t change overnight obviously but so long as we don’t go backwards then we can hold our heads up.
What kind of laws do you have in Australia? I have heard of things such as pro-White websites being banned etc. Any truth to that?
What do you hope to see in 10 years time?
I’d just like to see the movement progress a little and not just die away or stagnate. Sadly except for parts of Europe the white race seems hell bent on destroying itself.
What would you like to say to the readers of this interview?
I’d just like to say cheers to all the B&H supporters out there. It is a worthwhile organization that needs all the help it can get, and also I’d like to say ehllo and thanks to everyone I have met over there for all the good times and warm welcomes.
How can fans contact you?
I can be reached at genocidal88@hotmail,com
Where can we purchase Death’s Head and Kilgore? What shops and distros do you support?
For cds I have a few, or just look around, most labels will stock something from Deaths Head or Kilgore. As for the labels I support, Rampage in the UK is good, Label 56 in the US and Final Stand records. Theres plenty of god places to by WP merch if you’re willing to look.
Thank you very much for doing this interview Jesse. It is indeed a great honour. All the best for future projects.
Thursday, 8 October 2009
George Burdi interview
Along the way, Burdi, a member of the U.S.-based, neo-Nazi Church of the Creator (COTC), edited Resistance magazine, sang for the band Rahowa (short for "racial holy war," the slogan of COTC), and became one of the world's most visible racists.
Burdi was imprisoned in 1997 in connection with the beating of a female anti-racist activist following a fiery Burdi speech in Ottawa. Burdi says he did not personally kick the woman during the assault. After Burdi's release from prison, he cut all ties with the white power movement.
Today, Burdi plays in a band with two black members and is engaged to an East Indian woman. The Intelligence Report spoke to Burdi about his past, his own experiences with racism, and the white power music industry he helped to create.

In high school, I was the vice president of the student council and organized the dances. I was a popular kid, a straight-A student. I was on the football team, and I started a bodybuilding club. Everything was great.
I was in the Chocolate Cake Club, a multicultural group of black kids and white kids. One of my best friends was Filipino. Until the end of high school, I had no racist leanings at all.
He was really focused on World War II. He thought the Allies were unfair to Germany and that the Holocaust was wartime propaganda. At first, he wasn't talking to me about race or national socialism at all. He used to quote Napoleon, who said history is bunk; it is merely a version of a story written by the victors.
But racial literature isn't too far from Holocaust revisionist history, and eventually I came across it.
I didn't start hating people right away; I was more looking for meaning in life. And here was this heroic challenge, in which my blood was calling me to rise up and save my people from destruction. That kind of epic theme really appealed to me.
When I was younger, I had liked playing Dungeons and Dragons and reading fantasy books like Lord of the Rings.
When you're young, you think you understand everything, and you want to share what you're thinking and get feedback. But I would bring up race and people would threaten me and call me a Nazi. They said that I wasn't allowed to think this, or that only bad people think this. I wanted an explanation.
People would say 6 million died in the Holocaust. I'd say, 30 million died under Stalin, but it's okay to be a communist. I had an argument for everything, but no one would listen to me or discuss it. It just galvanized my will.
It's funny, at the same moment that I was starting to read White Power, one of my black friends loaned me a tape of [black nationalist Louis] Farrakhan speaking.
I thought it was great! Here's this guy doing the same thing as Rockwell. He's looking after his people and promoting separation of the races, because higher culture [supposedly] is produced through homogenous nations.
BURDI: My parents were passionate about saying it was wrong, but they never had any reasons. I wanted reasons. Our relationship really suffered. They saw I was on a slippery slope to jail or maybe death.
Once I got involved in Church of the Creator [the predecessor organization to WCOTC], I'd see them every few weeks, tell them how they didn't know anything and then leave. We tried to keep politics out of our relationship as much as possible.
I couldn't believe that that type of stuff even existed. I was turned off by it. The White Man's Bible makes Rockwell's White Power look like an Aesop fable.
But I couldn't stop thinking about it. It said Jews and every other race look after their own interests first and foremost, and that it should be your responsibility as a young white person to promote your race first and foremost.
Klassen was arguing that white people are the creators of civilization; that's why it's called the Church of the Creator.
IR: What was your involvement in COTC?
Klassen was a reclusive guy who lived in a separate house up on the hill. He would come down every morning, put his hand on your shoulder, say a couple of inspiring things to the three of us who were there, and then leave. I produced the newspaper Racial Loyalty, wrote letters, stuffed envelopes, that kind of thing.
People have this impression that there is a large, well-organized, brooding underground. In reality all these P.O. boxes are just P.O. boxes.
It's a glass tiger.
There are a few people in each town who get together once in a while, drink some beers, use racial epithets and then go home feeling good about themselves. Maybe they subscribe to a couple of publications.
There are a very small number of them, and it's not well organized.
IR: Tell me about your band Rahowa.

Gigs were very rare. If a [white power] band plays four or five times a year that's a lot. We probably played 15 to 20 gigs in eight years.
Only two of us were with the band the whole time; everyone else came and went.
A large percentage of skinheads, especially in North America, are really hard-core alcoholics. It's too much to expect them to put fliers on cars, but they'll jump at the chance to buy beer.
There's a real irony in the fact that Hitler would have exterminated most of these guys as social deviants.
IR: What problems were there with violence at concerts?
The police shut down the venue, and the concert was canceled so we hit the pubs with maybe 2,000, skinheads from all over Europe. On one main street of pubs, we filled every pub — 300 or 400 in one pub, 150 in another, 500 in another.
There were about 500 or 600 people in the pub I was at. A skinhead was standing outside having a cigarette, and the cops told him to go back inside. They were worried about a conflict between the skinheads and the 2,000 anti-racists traveling all over London looking for us. He wouldn't go inside, and when the police tried to arrest him, he tore free and ran into the bar.
The police followed him in, pinned him down and beat him with their billy clubs. Here's five or six policemen, without guns, beating a skinhead, with billy clubs, in front of 500 or 600 drunk skinheads. Not a good decision, huh? Suddenly full pints of beer come flying from the back of the room at the police, and skinheads start attacking them.
The police got out, shut the doors and called in the riot squad to surround the place. The skinheads were going completely crazy. Suddenly the doors burst open and 70 or 80 police in full riot gear with helmets and shields and body armor came in and just started clubbing everybody in their path. They were just grabbing them and clubbing them, cracking their heads open.
I saw so much violence it was unbelievable. Guys ripped the giant chandelier out of the ceiling to throw it at the cops. The police were dragging people out like rag dolls, unconscious with their heads split open. It was unbelievable.
Apparently, some skinheads met anti-racists on the subway going home. One skinhead had his face carved with a knife, another ended up in the hospital with his jaw wired shut.

The Swedish skinheads were all raised hearing about warrior Viking mythology. The Swedes have the most going for them outside of the movement: they are the most educated, the healthiest, the best looking.
It makes a difference when skinheads don't look like social misfits. Most Americans Skinheads are totally isolated from the rest of society. They're not nearly as isolated in Sweden.
So we had the disc recorded and had nobody to release it, and fate kind of pushed me to start my own label. I printed up some mailers and let people know.
The intention was only to release Rahowa stuff, but I started getting demo tapes like crazy from other bands. I thought, hey, maybe I can release some of these as well. It cost only $2,000, to record a skinhead band, and it was easy to flip the profits from one into the next one.
Soon we had a magazine, five or six people working for us, and 12 or 15 bands signed. There have been all kinds of rumors about different people giving seed money to start Resistance, but in fact there was no one.
We established a viable model that other skinheads could follow, and the whole music scene grew from that. We explained it to anyone who would listen. Suddenly, it went from a couple of white power labels to a couple of hundred. I'm sure many were just a P.O. box and a guy living at his mom's house, but it worked.
We were working jointly with COTC people from Wisconsin and Michigan, and the idea was to have a central location. Michigan was perfect because it was an equal distance between Milwaukee and Toronto.
I think there were even Bulgarian and Hungarian labels, plus there was the neo-Nazi Afrikaner Resistance Movement in South Africa. There were Australians and others, too.
We sent a lot of CDs to Japan, of all places. It might sound strange, but it was enough for us that Hitler had a relationship with Japan. They called themselves the white men of the east.
From 1994 to early 1997 we sold more than 60,000 CDs and tapes, maybe as many as 100,000. The vast majority of sales were wholesale, and every quarter was twice the sales volume of the previous quarter. Our Web site went up in 1994, and each month we would profit a couple thousand dollars from that.
I lived on Resistance income almost exclusively. I still worked the odd part-time job, but I didn't keep them for too long. Every time a big media piece would come out about me, I would get fired.

The white power thing usually became a problem. A pressing plant would press our stuff for a while, then the volume would start going up and they would start getting concerned. They'd see something on TV about us and then quit pressing our stuff.
But there was always another plant available, always, and so that was never a problem. It works exactly as you might imagine. People think, "If I don't do it, somebody else will. So why shouldn't I make the profit?" Well, when plants rejected us, someone else always did make the profit.
IR: What was your relationship with Nordland [the Swedish white power music label and magazine]?

We were doing it for altruistic reasons, and we weren't concerned with protecting our ideas. Even with the other American white power music magazine, Blood & Honor, there was no sense of competition.
Even so, I was recognized all the time. People thought I was evil, but I was still a celebrity. People would come and shake my hand and I'd think I had a recruit here. Then they would tell me, "I totally disagree with your views." I'd wonder, "Well, why are you shaking my hand and smiling like you are so happy to meet me?" TV has a strange effect on people. But no one ever started a fight with me.
In fact, just the opposite. I remember a two-hour live interview I gave to an all-black radio station in Detroit. After about an hour, the ratings were going through the roof. Television news crews came down to broadcast our interview live on TV. The phone lines were lit up continuously. It was pretty dramatic.
I told this guy how American blacks had it better under segregation, how they could control their communities and education more. The black music and culture was better then. I was really expounding Farrakhan's ideas. I said the reason I'm promoting this is because I want the same thing for white people.
A lot of Farrakhan supporters were phoning in and a lot of black people were really supportive.
IR: How did you come to leave the movement?
That month inside just made me more bitter and served to galvanize my will. For the next two years, I worked harder than ever before.
My conviction was upheld in 1997, and I had to finish my sentence. I was reaching burnout before I even went in. I felt my direction was pretty pointless. All the media exposure was tough on my parents. Things were really rolling, sales were going wild, but it was tough.
I would lay out the magazine until 7 o'clock in the morning and wake up in front of my computer at 10. I didn't have a life.
IR: What happened when you went back into prison?
The three biggest things for my decision were the pain I gave my parents, the futility of my cause, and the judgment of the 12 jurors [in the assault case], who were all whites.
I can't tell you what I did to my parents. My father had worked for 17 years at the same company, and they fired him because of me. My parents finally moved out of Toronto because my father couldn't get a job with me as his son. Every time he would get close to getting a job somewhere, it would fall through. They wouldn't return his calls. My time in jail was just a little bit too much for them to swallow, and I don't know if they will ever fully recover from it.
As for the jury, they convicted me not on the facts of the case [Burdi says he never physically attacked the activist], but because they disagreed with my views. And here I was, supposedly fighting this fight for white people like them. I started thinking that there must be something to their perspective.
When I got out in June of 1997, I started developing new ways of looking at life.
IR: Tell me about that process.
I got into fitness and started eating healthy, organic foods. I started to practice fasting and meditation, and I went on a spiritual discovery. When we are children, we study every leaf and flower and insect and animal and every question. I reopened that process for myself. I had a total shift in paradigm.
If I go back to the movement now, and you can be my witness for this, then somebody should lobotomize me.
He said, "You're right, it is futile. But you might as well stay in the movement, it's all you've got."
But I completely separated myself from everyone I had known before. I didn't call Resistance down in Michigan, and they didn't call me. Some people tried every way to contact me, wanting to know if I was all right. I just ignored them all.
Eventually, the letters got fewer and fewer until they just stopped altogether. I have no idea where any of those people are now.
My friends today have only known me since I left the movement. I'm just George to them. As for my parents, every month our relationship is better than the month before.

The white power movement was a way for me to find purpose and meaning in my life.
Another reason that racism is wrong is that you attach yourself to the accomplishments of white Europeans, instead of developing yourself and actually contributing to the society you live in.
IR: You didn't mention anything about racism hurting other people.
Have I spoken out against racism in the politically correct terminology that people would expect me to use? Maybe not. But am I against it? Completely and wholeheartedly. You've got your reasons why it's wrong, and I've got mine.
The biggest problem with racism is that it promotes fear and lack of understanding between communities.
The lyrics are incredibly negative, incredibly destructive to everyone mentioned in the song. They do a total disservice to anybody who thinks that the white power movement has any ideals beyond guttural hate.
Frankly, I am quite ashamed that I ever participated in singing those lyrics. It would be impossible for me to make a personal apology to everyone who was ever affected by that song.
But the people who bought it, they wanted to listen to it and probably already had those ideas in their heads.